Friday, December 01, 2006


some people hope that the "special" day that they are waiting for will come soon.. as for me.. i don't think i have much "special" days... maybe my birthday is one of it... just like that i have been in kl for 8 & 1/2 Month... time has pass very fast... this sat is my finals... and i will be leaving kl in 1 week time...

this afternoon when i open my calender, i only realise that today is 1 December which is the last month of the year 2006... whatever days that i have pass will never come back...

silently thinking back what i have done this year... what are the most happy moments of 2006 till now...? what more can i do before 2006 ends...? how have my heart been feeling...? the ups & downs in life.... the heart breaks & joys... i think i have change compared to the me in 2005... the place has also changed.... my long term goal is to be a completely different person in 4 years or less for the better.... in fact a few of us have this common goal in life... have i become more matured? i hope so... not everybody can do crazy things that i have done for the pass months in 2006... when i come to think back of it... it can really be funny... 有些时候,我说的纯属笑话,这里的朋友会认为我每次都往歪的想!当然,毕竟江山易改,本性难移!我还是会做回自己,和一些朋友做些快乐的事情!也许,要让一个人了解我,真的不容易吧!但我在想,有这么难吗?我,就是别人所能看到的自己!不喜欢复杂多变的事情!就这么简单而已!也许,只有我这么认为吧!

maybe being a psy student, we are more sensitif to the things around us... suspecting and guessing everything, wondering if it is fated to happen or is there a reason behind it that it happen that way... 每当说一些话,或是有时候比较安静,就会被猜测,一定曾经有着什么样的背景或是某些因素造成的,等等!我不否认,我也会!sometimes, my friends, they are more observent than me... Haha... i have discovered something... sometimes, things are just so simple, its not as complecated as i think... its simple from the surface itself....

thats all for now... thinking of so many things that happen this year(not many is written down here... LOL~) the time before my exam starts are becoming shorter and shorter.... if i continue writting this entry... i think i won't need to sit for the exam this satuarday....

Wish me luck... ^^

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