Friday, June 29, 2012

The 12 Ties that Bind Long-Term Relationships

By Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. in Fulfillment at Any Age

1. Thinking positively about your partner.
2. Thinking about your partner when apart.
3. Difficulty concentrating on other things when thinking about your partner.
4. Enjoying novel and challenging activities.
5. Spending time together.
6. Expressing affection.
7. Being turned on by your partner (touch of affection)
8. Engaging in sexual intercourse.
9. Feeling generally happy.
10. Wanting to know where your partner is at all times.
11. Obsessively thinking about your partner.
12. Having a strong passion for life.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

[转载] 女人心疼男人的十種方式

1、當你愛上一個男子,千萬別去想自己是不是應該矜持一點。 愛他就告訴他,有時候男人也很愛虛榮,你的表白會讓他的自信達到我是傻瓜點。

2、當你已經不愛他了,那麼也用最直接的方式告訴他。 別去考慮他會不會脆弱,男人的自尊遠比傷痛重要。

3、當你們已經相愛,那麼就要對他信任,有什麼想法就告訴他,不管他支持不支持。 任何一個男子都希望他的女人依靠他。

4、在他的朋友面前,要給他十足的地位。 面子對男子來說比什麼都重要,不要介意在人前當個小女人,要知道小女人都是男人寵出來的。

5、他在打遊戲的時候,不論你有多急的事情,也不要直接去關他的電腦。 最好是摟著他,在他耳邊輕輕的細語。 因為………男人對遊戲的執迷勝過你看一部精彩的肥皂劇。

6、男人每個月也有那幾天,跟女人差不多,心情無故低落。 這個時候不要問他怎麼了,只要陪在他身邊。做好你自己。

7、他和朋友出去喝酒、打牌,你不要問他為什麼不帶你一塊前往。 男人都願意做風箏,只要線還在你手裡,那麼就放他去飛吧。

8、男人都很懶很笨,儘管他愛你,但是不想費盡心思討好你,你所能做的就是在適當的時候給他個明示。 男人有時候需要女人給他強有力的當頭一棒。

9、男人不管他外表有多強大,但是骨子裡都還是一個孩子。 他在任性的時候不要對他大吼大叫,這對他不起做用。 最有效的辦法是陪他一起瘋。 等他平靜後輕輕的告訴他你很愛他。

10、男人都是不肯認錯的,在他知道錯的時候給他一個台階下。 他會知恩圖報的。

體諒一個男人,那就是把他當成你的愛人、情人、哥哥、朋友、父親、孩子。 愛他,不要給他負擔,給他自由,給自己自由。 做女人要知道什麼時候該進什麼時候該退。 什麼時候該擋在他的前面;什麼時候該躲在他身後。 把他當成你自己一樣去愛護,成全了他的幸福,他才會成全你的幸福。

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

09 June 2012 Wedding

This is my first time being part of the wedding although previously i have been involve with some other wedding but never a front role in a wedding.

Morning woke up around 5.30/6am to prepare and get to the groom's house so that we can set off together to Mantin to pick the bride.
Fast forward to when we set off and on the road, all the 7 cars (Bridal car + 4 Brother's car + Co-coordinator's car + Camera/ Videographer's car) had their hazard light on, convoying almost all the way down. I know it is dangerous because we are still moving, but because the bridal shop only remembered to deco the bridal car and afterwards forgot to pass the same red ribbons to be tied for the other cars.

Reach the house, of course is horn all the way to the house la :)

The first game was to guess which feet, hand picture belongs to the bride. After that was guessing which perfume does the bride use. Losing any of the 'round' was rewarded a cup of green drink with alot of fiber in it, initially we thought was some grass or donno what the bridemaids mix (after that they said is Blend bitter gourd including the seeds!!). Next game was passing the long long spaghetti without using hands, just passing from mouth to mouth, and in the end would be 1 inch long (meaning u would have to eat when passing lo). The losing team was rewarded with Wasabi on Cream cracker. But it was eventually shared out among all of the brother's.

Next was someone had to eat the banana that was dangling from the basketball net. FYI, the banana is who fruit with the skin still on. The person (who happens to be the blood brother of the groom) had to eat using his mouth only, meaning eat the whole banana with the skin!

Next was passing the ice from one leg to another. And the reward to that was eating Lemon (which was super sour), luckily this didn't come with a twist.

After all the Bitter, Spicy, Sour, we was given Honey drink.

Next was finding the house key to open the door from a bracket of ice water using only the legs. There was 3 keys inside, so had to get the right key.

After that was Groom and Bride meet *Yahoo mission accomplish*

 While playing the games, the bride was watching all this via Facetime on the Ipad (one outside to provide the live-telecast).

Traditional Chinese wedding would have 4 flavors:
Lemon (Sour)
Pure Honey (Sweet)
Blend bitter gourd juice (Bitter)
Wasabi on Cream crackers (Spicy)

After retrieving the bride, we headed to the back of the house to take some artistic shots, 'Thank You' photos and videos. One of it was a video of us (Bridesmaid and Groomsmen) chasing after the camera with out alphabets.

While they was having the tea ceremony, we had our brunch and started packing the stuff that is needed back in KL.

Fast forward to church decoration. The pews was decorated and there was 6 beautifully arranged flowers on the alter.

Bridal march was to the song of 'In dreams' from Lord of the Ring. The march in order: Flower girl -> Couple 1 -> Couple 2 -> Couple 3 -> Maid of Honor -> Bride and her Father.
I tell you, it can make people so nervous when u have so many pair of eyes on you while walking down the. The couple 1, 2, 3 above comprises of one Groomsmen and one Bridesmaid forming one pair each.

Fast forward to the the wedding dinner. It was set in a Garden wedding dinner setting. It was beautifully done and the weather was superb, It was not too hot nor raining.The usual things at wedding was done. One of the special game played was bursting the balloon and playing the dare inside it. Example of dare was pinching someone and telling them that they are cute; singing a love song to few ladies; Professing their love from one end to the other, "Chocolate is my favorite, but You are also my favorite"

The more fun part was what i call the 'after party' where the Bridesmaid, Groomsmen and several other closer friends gather in their suite and gave them a surprise. First was making them eat a red apple without using their hands, just using the pair of mouth and making a visible ring of eaten mark around the apple. Next was a green apple (which is rounder and smoother), which is more challenging. Both rounds they did very well by co-coordinating who eats and who bites to hold on to the apple and avoid it from falling. Those around was well impress with their skills and how they work together. The final fruit challenge was eating banana without hands (of course still with the skin on), which they had to bite/ eat from both ends of the banana. Well Done.

We also played the shoe & heels game. Each person had one heel and one shoe each. They would use either the heel or shoe to answer the question. Some was easy, while some was harder. Some of the question reveals that they thought their partner would do (but it was all for laughter).

The final surprise for the couple was we Filled the Whole bathroom with balloons (about 100 of them to be exact). The couple liked what we did to surprise them, it was a truly memorable for them.

Happy Wedding Henry & Jacqueline.
Wishing both of you a wonderful journey as you build your new life together.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

"Do It Anyway" by Mother Teresa

1. People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway.
2. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.
3. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.  Succeed anyway.
4. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.  Be honest and sincere anyway.
5. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.  Create anyway.
6. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.
7. The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  Do good anyway.
8. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.  Give your best anyway.
9. In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway.


The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith

1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway.
2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway.
3. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.
4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.
6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway.
7. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway.
10. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.

© 1968, 2001 Kent M. Keith