Monday, January 19, 2009

Why people like to stay up late shopping???

It has pass the closing time for weekdays at 10PM, but customer keep coming in 2 see the things.. is it coz they have nothing better 2 do is it.. they can see that people r already preparing to close for the day... if they are in there like for the past 5 minutes or more is stil acceptable to wait for they to slowly pick there thing for like another 5 minutes or so... dun they noe that ppl wan 2 go home & rest, some even have bus 2 catch.. what if ppl miss their bus, r they going 2 pay for their taxi fare, or send them home? They dun even pay ot for keeping us up so late, but they stil wan more discount.. Why nt they pay lets say 10, 15% more, since its considered special shopping time 4 them..more like exclusively for them..

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