Friday, July 06, 2007

High & Low in maple

Low: after playing for quite sometime, from nothing at all til got all the 6, my party thing got loot by a Vac Hack... which suck ur stuff... then we had to start all over again collecting all 6 from the start....

High: althought out thing was loot by ppl, all my member didn't quit at ALL... until later when they went to sleep... such good people.... i'm sure they will go far in life, coz they are willing 2 stick with the group through thick and thin, good times and bad...

Thanks to Cyberstars, Evilwormy, Jolinaries3, xozipsinx, & especially to peibabydit... (it is typed in no order)... and many others whom was my member but not mention here.... Gratz to all who leveled..... Gratz 2 "EvilWormy" on reaching lv 70 and changing 3rd job...

~**Happy Mapling**~

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