Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do you konw wat is BF & GF??


青梅竹马. 他们小时候,一次, 男孩对女孩说:“我是你的BF……”
女孩问:“什么是BF?” 男孩说:“是Best Friend的意思。
后来他们长大了, 又一次, 男孩对女孩说:“我是你的BF……”
女孩问:“什么是BF?” 男孩说:“是Boy Friend的意思。”
再后来他们结婚生子, 一起生活了一辈子, 幸幸福福,美美满满。
一直到他们到了风烛残年…… 夕阳下,两位白发苍苍的老人——
男孩对女孩说:“我是你的BF……" 女孩问:“什么是BF?” 男孩微笑回答“Be Forever!”

There was a boy and girl, they grew up together...
They are childhood friends...
once, the boy told the girl:"i'm ur BF"
The girl asked,:"What is BF?" The boy said"is Best Friend"
When they grew up, the boy told the girl:"i'm ur BF" again...
The girl asked,:"What is BF?" The boy said is"Boy Friend"
after they got married and had children, living life happily.
One day, during sunset, the 2 white hair couple sat and, again
the boy told the girl:"i'm ur BF"
The girl asked,:"What is BF?" The boy said is"Be Forever"

有一个女孩和一个男孩从小一起长大, 青梅竹马。
他们小时候, 一次, 女孩对男孩说:“我是你的GF……”
男孩问:“什么是GF?” 女孩说:“是Good Friend的意思。
后来他们长大了,又一次, 女孩对男孩说:“我是你的GF……”
男孩问:“什么是GF?” 女孩说:“是Girl Friend的意思。”
再后来他们结婚生子, 一起生活了一辈子,幸幸福福, 美美满满.
一直到他们到了风烛残年…… 夕阳下,两位白发苍苍的老人——
女孩对男孩说:“我是你的 GF……" 男孩问:“什么是GF?”女孩微笑回答:“Give Forever!”

There was a girl and boy, they grew up together...
They are childhood friends...
once, the girl told the boy:"i'm ur GF"
The boy asked,:"What is GF?" The girl said is:"Good Friend"
When they grew up, the girl told the boy:"i'm ur GF" again...
The boy asked,:"What is GF?" The girl said is"Girl Friend"
after they got married and had children, living life happily.
One day, during sunset, the 2 white hair couple sat and, again
the girl told the boy:"i'm ur GF"
The boy asked,:"What is GF?" The boy said is"Give Forever"

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