青梅竹马. 他们小时候,一次, 男孩对女孩说:“我是你的BF……”
女孩问:“什么是BF?” 男孩说:“是Best Friend的意思。
后来他们长大了, 又一次, 男孩对女孩说:“我是你的BF……”
女孩问:“什么是BF?” 男孩说:“是Boy Friend的意思。”
再后来他们结婚生子, 一起生活了一辈子, 幸幸福福,美美满满。
一直到他们到了风烛残年…… 夕阳下,两位白发苍苍的老人——
男孩对女孩说:“我是你的BF……" 女孩问:“什么是BF?” 男孩微笑回答“Be Forever!”
There was a boy and girl, they grew up together...
They are childhood friends...
once, the boy told the girl:"i'm ur BF"
The girl asked,:"What is BF?" The boy said"is Best Friend"
When they grew up, the boy told the girl:"i'm ur BF" again...
The girl asked,:"What is BF?" The boy said is"Boy Friend"
after they got married and had children, living life happily.
One day, during sunset, the 2 white hair couple sat and, again
the boy told the girl:"i'm ur BF"
The girl asked,:"What is BF?" The boy said is"Be Forever"
有一个女孩和一个男孩从小一起长大, 青梅竹马。
他们小时候, 一次, 女孩对男孩说:“我是你的GF……”
男孩问:“什么是GF?” 女孩说:“是Good Friend的意思。
后来他们长大了,又一次, 女孩对男孩说:“我是你的GF……”
男孩问:“什么是GF?” 女孩说:“是Girl Friend的意思。”
再后来他们结婚生子, 一起生活了一辈子,幸幸福福, 美美满满.
一直到他们到了风烛残年…… 夕阳下,两位白发苍苍的老人——
女孩对男孩说:“我是你的 GF……" 男孩问:“什么是GF?”女孩微笑回答:“Give Forever!”
There was a girl and boy, they grew up together...
They are childhood friends...
once, the girl told the boy:"i'm ur GF"
The boy asked,:"What is GF?" The girl said is:"Good Friend"
When they grew up, the girl told the boy:"i'm ur GF" again...
The boy asked,:"What is GF?" The girl said is"Girl Friend"
after they got married and had children, living life happily.
One day, during sunset, the 2 white hair couple sat and, again
the girl told the boy:"i'm ur GF"
The boy asked,:"What is GF?" The boy said is"Give Forever"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
伴娘不可超過三次 cannot be bridesmate for
this is something i found today when i saw some1 ask this questions... sorry its in chinese...
with a translation by Google translate
Not more than three times the third time containing喔!In other words, cannot be the the Fourth!
I did it 14 times!
Getting married in June of this year!
But I have a friend who is around 10 times as fast now 40 years old or not objects (personally think that his vision is too high!)
2. Then why not take a look at the reasons for more than three times as Oh!
1. The result of traditional practices that:
When the chaperone is equivalent to their own fate (marriage) to the others (with the bride and groom)!
So whenever you will be a bridesmaid less fate, of course, on many occasions when fate more thinner噜~
2. Again the fact is this: whenever the usual justifications for a bridesmaid should be a joy to feel the atmosphere of the more right, but you can see that every time you go to when you will find a lot of bridesmaids new but strange atmosphere of; This is because people usually get married, how many there will be disputes; see the eyes of the bridesmaids have the feeling of fear is normal!
Another point is that, when the bridesmaids after the end, after a period of time when the matter with the new contact will be heard complaining about (the wedding with her husband when the running-in stage) many times more natural when listening to the more fear the more噜!
3. The last point is this: because of the bridesmaids too many people, and how many will see many off-line with the bride and groom are not considerate, they usually have to remind myself that a better pick remarry, so ~~~~~~ was not out to a satisfactory噜~ ~ ~ ~
In fact, when the bridesmaid so many times, the signs of trouble on the bridesmaids will be very attention, so the provision of a small secret (many years ago and then saw a newspaper!) Have no use I do not know you ~ but I have a follow Oh!
* Every time after the bridesmaids (no matter many times), remember that with the bride and groom them to be 12 things like Oh!
This points back to the representative of the fate (to return to the meaning of marriage ~) 12 seems like a lot of it!
舉例說明好了! Examples of good!
1.新娘給的伴娘胸花。 1. The bride to the bridesmaids brooch.
2.新娘配戴的胸花。 2. The bride to wear the brooch.
3.新郎的胸花。 3. Groom's brooch.
4.新娘捧花(其中拿一朵)。 4.捧花bride (one of them holding).
5.新娘禮服附上手套(禮服公司通常不會收回)。 5. The bride dress gloves attached (usually will not be taken back).
6.新郎的手套(同上)。 6. Bridegroom gloves (ibid.).
7.喜糖。 7. Happy sweet.
8.謝卡。 8. Xie card.
9.親友卡。 9. Friends card.
10.新娘給伴娘的紅包袋。 10. The bride to the bridesmaids of the red envelopes.
11.請新郎給個紅包袋。 11. Please give the groom a red bag.
12.請新娘或新郎寫一句祝福的話給你。 12. Please write the bride or groom, then a blessing to you.
These items must be kept for some time, as to how long it can of course, the longer the better噜~ ~ ~ (I have forgotten how long the Oh ~ I have been married, I put噜~ ~ ~ ha!)
In fact, the average is not as sudden bring diverse, so I take about 6 months the number of things like good luck on behalf of, or you can ask people to prepare in advance to help you 12 things噜~ to you wedding day or they will certainly be ~ ~ ~ stripped.
these things of course, must be them, and they have to personally show you!
Remember to ONLY ask at the end of the wedding, to avoid a breach of etiquette!
with a translation by Google translate
Not more than three times the third time containing喔!In other words, cannot be the the Fourth!
I did it 14 times!
Getting married in June of this year!
But I have a friend who is around 10 times as fast now 40 years old or not objects (personally think that his vision is too high!)
2. Then why not take a look at the reasons for more than three times as Oh!
1. The result of traditional practices that:
When the chaperone is equivalent to their own fate (marriage) to the others (with the bride and groom)!
So whenever you will be a bridesmaid less fate, of course, on many occasions when fate more thinner噜~
2. Again the fact is this: whenever the usual justifications for a bridesmaid should be a joy to feel the atmosphere of the more right, but you can see that every time you go to when you will find a lot of bridesmaids new but strange atmosphere of; This is because people usually get married, how many there will be disputes; see the eyes of the bridesmaids have the feeling of fear is normal!
Another point is that, when the bridesmaids after the end, after a period of time when the matter with the new contact will be heard complaining about (the wedding with her husband when the running-in stage) many times more natural when listening to the more fear the more噜!
3. The last point is this: because of the bridesmaids too many people, and how many will see many off-line with the bride and groom are not considerate, they usually have to remind myself that a better pick remarry, so ~~~~~~ was not out to a satisfactory噜~ ~ ~ ~
In fact, when the bridesmaid so many times, the signs of trouble on the bridesmaids will be very attention, so the provision of a small secret (many years ago and then saw a newspaper!) Have no use I do not know you ~ but I have a follow Oh!
* Every time after the bridesmaids (no matter many times), remember that with the bride and groom them to be 12 things like Oh!
This points back to the representative of the fate (to return to the meaning of marriage ~) 12 seems like a lot of it!
舉例說明好了! Examples of good!
1.新娘給的伴娘胸花。 1. The bride to the bridesmaids brooch.
2.新娘配戴的胸花。 2. The bride to wear the brooch.
3.新郎的胸花。 3. Groom's brooch.
4.新娘捧花(其中拿一朵)。 4.捧花bride (one of them holding).
5.新娘禮服附上手套(禮服公司通常不會收回)。 5. The bride dress gloves attached (usually will not be taken back).
6.新郎的手套(同上)。 6. Bridegroom gloves (ibid.).
7.喜糖。 7. Happy sweet.
8.謝卡。 8. Xie card.
9.親友卡。 9. Friends card.
10.新娘給伴娘的紅包袋。 10. The bride to the bridesmaids of the red envelopes.
11.請新郎給個紅包袋。 11. Please give the groom a red bag.
12.請新娘或新郎寫一句祝福的話給你。 12. Please write the bride or groom, then a blessing to you.
These items must be kept for some time, as to how long it can of course, the longer the better噜~ ~ ~ (I have forgotten how long the Oh ~ I have been married, I put噜~ ~ ~ ha!)
In fact, the average is not as sudden bring diverse, so I take about 6 months the number of things like good luck on behalf of, or you can ask people to prepare in advance to help you 12 things噜~ to you wedding day or they will certainly be ~ ~ ~ stripped.
these things of course, must be them, and they have to personally show you!
Remember to ONLY ask at the end of the wedding, to avoid a breach of etiquette!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Delifrance's lunch "super saver" 4 soup, 4 bottomless drinks, 4 pasta/ baked rice, 1 seafood plate...
ONLY RM64++ after tax and charges of 15%, only RM74.60... less than 75 leh... 4 person share only bout 19 each... AND got free 2 packets of biscuit leh.. the pack is not mini size o... worth it~~~ i donno how long it has been on... but i think its quite reasonable.... one of my fren ate until cannot finish eating his portion...
ONLY RM64++ after tax and charges of 15%, only RM74.60... less than 75 leh... 4 person share only bout 19 each... AND got free 2 packets of biscuit leh.. the pack is not mini size o... worth it~~~ i donno how long it has been on... but i think its quite reasonable.... one of my fren ate until cannot finish eating his portion...
Monday, April 27, 2009
27 April 09
Today ASN added more unit of ASW (wawasan 2020)... all the bank is pack with long Q of people... i myself went to 4 branch... and didn't even get to buy it... coz all so long Q... nvm then~~ anyway handed up 2 assignments... 1 individual and 1 group.. 2moro i would be having a presentation... didn't prepare it yet... only noe agak wat 2 talk about...
while Q-ing in one of the bank, in front of my was office workers..(and alot of people Q-ing to buy are office workers la... all no need work o~~) and then one of them said, salary just out ma, so all got money to put into ASW lo... the last time, ASM also not so many people buy pun... tat was like 1 week ago... ASW this time sold out 2 billion units in under 3 HOURS~~~ the last time they added ASW units was sold out in 6 hours 37 minutes according to what i saw somewhere....
then those office workers, 3 girls 1 guy tat was in front of me also said, "Typical chinese family, sure gt son or daughter is accountant"... u all think weather it is true or not... those family i talking bout is have a business... oya~~ just now i went the bank at 9.40, the first branch that i went, i got number 187, and it was only servicing number 5~~~ scary leh...
after class, went to eat at MV with my classmate... after tat walk awhile(since i there ma)... then there was this Sasa promotion at north court.. and happen there was this answer and get a gift... so i answered1 question, and then gt a free gift.. the Product tag rm49.90 o~~~ haha.. The guy said a gift 4 u, can giv ur gf.. Got gf gua.. I said no, then he said, in no time u wil have 1.. LOL~~ In another gift shop b4 tat, the aunty ask me buy the handcraft figurine 4 my gf.. I said dun have la.. Then she say, after u buy then wil have la.. Lol.. really bo~~~ my relationship always no luck de o~~~ always fail... maybe there is just none of my share in tat area...
while Q-ing in one of the bank, in front of my was office workers..(and alot of people Q-ing to buy are office workers la... all no need work o~~) and then one of them said, salary just out ma, so all got money to put into ASW lo... the last time, ASM also not so many people buy pun... tat was like 1 week ago... ASW this time sold out 2 billion units in under 3 HOURS~~~ the last time they added ASW units was sold out in 6 hours 37 minutes according to what i saw somewhere....
then those office workers, 3 girls 1 guy tat was in front of me also said, "Typical chinese family, sure gt son or daughter is accountant"... u all think weather it is true or not... those family i talking bout is have a business... oya~~ just now i went the bank at 9.40, the first branch that i went, i got number 187, and it was only servicing number 5~~~ scary leh...
after class, went to eat at MV with my classmate... after tat walk awhile(since i there ma)... then there was this Sasa promotion at north court.. and happen there was this answer and get a gift... so i answered1 question, and then gt a free gift.. the Product tag rm49.90 o~~~ haha.. The guy said a gift 4 u, can giv ur gf.. Got gf gua.. I said no, then he said, in no time u wil have 1.. LOL~~ In another gift shop b4 tat, the aunty ask me buy the handcraft figurine 4 my gf.. I said dun have la.. Then she say, after u buy then wil have la.. Lol.. really bo~~~ my relationship always no luck de o~~~ always fail... maybe there is just none of my share in tat area...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
Do you think Kuala Lumpur should change its name...
Maybe it can retain the KL initial, but then its name should be Kondo Lumpur.. coz they keep building more and more and more non-stop of residential condomenium all around the city. What used to be a commercial area of Bukit Bintang, Jalan Ampang, and surrounding area... Condo are being builded up up high high....
Maybe it can retain the KL initial, but then its name should be Kondo Lumpur.. coz they keep building more and more and more non-stop of residential condomenium all around the city. What used to be a commercial area of Bukit Bintang, Jalan Ampang, and surrounding area... Condo are being builded up up high high....
Saturday, April 18, 2009
My 21th Birthday
If people was to ask me, how was my 21th birthday? i would say it was special, memoriable, and unique...
special, unique is coz i celebrated it with some1 who share the same birthday date with me... hehe...
at midnight, when the clock struck 12AM... we started our birthday "celebration" at the First World Hotel Lobby Cafe... haha... just a small piece of cake for me and the other person... although it was small, but the meaning was still there....
this year was only with a small group of people... last year, i had 3 cakes to cut.. this year should be half, til now... Half coz i share with the other person ma... haha... something different...
Thanks for all the birthday wishers~~~
special, unique is coz i celebrated it with some1 who share the same birthday date with me... hehe...
at midnight, when the clock struck 12AM... we started our birthday "celebration" at the First World Hotel Lobby Cafe... haha... just a small piece of cake for me and the other person... although it was small, but the meaning was still there....
this year was only with a small group of people... last year, i had 3 cakes to cut.. this year should be half, til now... Half coz i share with the other person ma... haha... something different...
Thanks for all the birthday wishers~~~
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sushi King bonanza 2009
i just got back from eating the Sushi King Bonanza with frens at the other side of the city, Setiawangsa....
we had to Q for more than half hour to get a place...
6 of us, we ate 84 plates... totaling of the bill was RM202.40...
ranking only number 2...
number ONE spend RM300++

OMG~~~ so long Q o... thought new outlet will less people.. wat 2 do..

WAIT in the Q lo... wanna eat ma... worth the wait de l...

Our first few plates for the night...

This is the height of the plate at first half, when they come collect some of it.

The 3 stack of fried prawns that every1 is waiting for... It stood there for at least 45 minutes.. just watering ur mouth...

Height of the plate after awhile...

See, everyone is looking at what is coming out next...

Purple plates only...
Night view of KLCC and surrounding, from Wangsa Maju Station
we had to Q for more than half hour to get a place...
6 of us, we ate 84 plates... totaling of the bill was RM202.40...
ranking only number 2...
number ONE spend RM300++
OMG~~~ so long Q o... thought new outlet will less people.. wat 2 do..
WAIT in the Q lo... wanna eat ma... worth the wait de l...
Our first few plates for the night...
This is the height of the plate at first half, when they come collect some of it.
The 3 stack of fried prawns that every1 is waiting for... It stood there for at least 45 minutes.. just watering ur mouth...
Height of the plate after awhile...
See, everyone is looking at what is coming out next...
Purple plates only...
Night view of KLCC and surrounding, from Wangsa Maju Station
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Calculate how much your boyfriend is worth
[Just for fun] calculate how much your boyfriend is worth
Base price is 1000
Height above 180cm, every additional 1cm +100
Height below 170cm, every subtraction 1cm -100
Can play basketball, football each +100
donno ice-skating -300
can swim +200
weight above 150 pounds, every additional 10pounds -100
weight below 110 pounds, every subtraction 10pounds -100
short-sight, more than 300, every 100 degree -100
Been in a relationship, each time dump -100, each time dump people +100
never been in a relationship +100
age more than 23, every additional 1 year -100
donno how to ride motor -100
can drive car +100
can carry u and walk +100
能背你 走的+100
can sing well +200
tie shoelace for you +300
got medical history, each -100
cannot play mahjong +100
cannot drink -100
can drink, but not addictive +200
alcoholic -200
keep animal +100 (elephant, tiger, lion, snakes or big animals +200 more)
can cook +100 (chef grade +200)
会做饭+100元 (国家特、一级厨师+200)
don't like to play games +100
go shopping with u and help to carry bag +200
together will kiss u more than 10 times a day +200
few days don't contact you -200
everyday with you more than 2 hours +100
if final score less than 1300, dun want him
1300-1900, average
above 2000, good catch
above 3000, Congratz.. u have found the best, u r very fortunate....
Base price is 1000
Height above 180cm, every additional 1cm +100
Height below 170cm, every subtraction 1cm -100
Can play basketball, football each +100
donno ice-skating -300
can swim +200
weight above 150 pounds, every additional 10pounds -100
weight below 110 pounds, every subtraction 10pounds -100
short-sight, more than 300, every 100 degree -100
Been in a relationship, each time dump -100, each time dump people +100
never been in a relationship +100
age more than 23, every additional 1 year -100
donno how to ride motor -100
can drive car +100
can carry u and walk +100
能背你 走的+100
can sing well +200
tie shoelace for you +300
got medical history, each -100
cannot play mahjong +100
cannot drink -100
can drink, but not addictive +200
alcoholic -200
keep animal +100 (elephant, tiger, lion, snakes or big animals +200 more)
can cook +100 (chef grade +200)
会做饭+100元 (国家特、一级厨师+200)
don't like to play games +100
go shopping with u and help to carry bag +200
together will kiss u more than 10 times a day +200
few days don't contact you -200
everyday with you more than 2 hours +100
if final score less than 1300, dun want him
1300-1900, average
above 2000, good catch
above 3000, Congratz.. u have found the best, u r very fortunate....
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