just to sumaries it all up...
there was
- someweird kind of punishment like passing a piece of biscuit by using only the mouth and had to bite a bit off it when passing back;
- licking jam on the tummy;
- guys below, then the girls do push up above;
- passing a 20 sen coin/ 1 sen coin that is put on the tummy... basically is sandwishing the coin in between the 2 person... on top of each other of course, if nt wat other ways u can pass it .. =p
- stimulation activity where u meet "companies", and also recruiting "interns"...
- and lots and lots of activities relating to aiesec...
- telematch....
- swim in the sea
- roll calls like:
- OC OC OC oi oi oi ~~~~
- xiao ding dang... da da de ding dang, zhong zhong de ding dang ding dang, xiao xiao de ding dang2
- square dance
- poison box... where i had to give "birth" to triplets... ^.^lll
As people say, picture speak thousand words... so here are mine... enjoy.. LOL

L-R: Jeremy, Ariff, Me, Benny aka telan king
haiyo... y u all like to called it STIMULATION??? is S-I-M-U-L-A-T-I-O-N la!!!! plz go check the dictionary wats the difference of it!!!
LOL~~~ is this the Organizing committee? how the hell did u come to my eh~~ blog... anyway, i noe the difference and my spelling sucks tats why i keep calling it the wrong name... =p
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