Thursday, March 22, 2007


A is for age
19- 1 month

B is for booze of choice
So many kind.

C is for career
is student a career?

D is for your most dreaded

E is for essential item
Handphone + $$$

F is for favorite song at the moment
any nice song.

G is for favorite games
Currently, Reversi

H is for Hometown
Johor Bahru, Johor.

I is for indulgence

J is for favorite flavor of juice
Peach & Mango.

K is for kids
i love them… only those tat are obedient

L is for last hug from husband

M is for years of marriage

N is for name of your crush
classified under OSA =P

O is for overnight hospital
Other than the few days after I was born. I think none after that.

P is for phobias

Q is for quote
Life is short, treasure those that you love & who love you, for u don’t know what will happen next…”

R is for biggest regret
Being “blind” in love

S is for status
Single, Available, Not Taken

T is for time you wake up
I wake up when I want to… except for classes which I can’t choose the time.

U is for underwear
I have, wear , & need them.

V is for vegetable you love
broccoli and nothing much.

W is for worst habits
Not aware of it… Maybe u can tell me…

X is for x-rays you've had
none. As far as I can remember.

Y is for yummy food you make
not sure la. I don’t cook much.

Z is for zodiac sign

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