2007 is coming to an end, and 2008 is just few more days away... and its time to recap what had gone on for this past 1 year(or almost there)...it seems like i just wrote this not too long ago... anyway, here is some recap on events that had happen in my life in 2007...
Late Jan, the place tat i stayed previously, the whole upstair had no power for almost a week
i had to make a decision to weather i staying on in kl or going bc jb for further education
then came
Feb- we had the Amazing Fearless Race, where we ran around pj and kl, from place to place... had great fun...
then one day, my housemate + opposite house frens, we went out for dinner and later lepak at the playground, had great fun tooo
another journey of my life was, when Julie left for Aus just before CNY... wondering when will i ever see her again..
love was in the air in my college... it was on valentines day...
March- My life vow... LOL
April-i was suppost to grad from my Pre U, and so here is my HMC leaving note
moving of hse from kasah to DU, and moving of family house stayed there since 3yo
of course my 19th birthday
May- retook extra sem, coz failed 1 subject
June- the fun day out at Summer Cafe
July- the count down under, which is the count down of 1 year to WYD08...
my finally graduated from Pre U
Aug- nothing much happen, except national day
Sept- lifeline camp
starting of my next stage of education- My Degree
visited the European Higher Education Fair
attended first Uni Convo
Opening of Pavilion KL
Aiesec LLDS
Early Oct-starting of a new relatiosnhip
Aiesec AMAN night
Late Oct, beginning of my first "real" relationship
Early Nov- first "real" relationship ended
Free Hugs @ Bkt Bintang @ KL
1st National HIV/AIDS conference
Dec- Christmas...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
女人=洋葱; girl= onion
Girl = Onion
the more u want to know her= u slowly peel the onion layer by layer, hoping to find something in it... but when u peel and peel, in the end, only to find that it has no heart or core... by this time, tears are all over your face.....
Girl = Onion
the more u want to know her= u slowly peel the onion layer by layer, hoping to find something in it... but when u peel and peel, in the end, only to find that it has no heart or core... by this time, tears are all over your face.....
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas Tree
People... i have put up my "Christmas Tree"
Do go to the link to leave ur christmas message... thx...
Do go to the link to leave ur christmas message... thx...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我 以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔 我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后
我们都忘了 这条路走了多久 心中是清楚的 有一天有一天都会停的
让时间说真话 虽然我也害怕 在天黑了以后 我们都不知道会不会有遗憾
谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我 以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔 我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后
我们都累了 却没办法往回走 两颗心都迷惑 怎么说怎么说都没有救
亲爱的为什么 也许你也不懂 两个相爱的人 等对方先说找分开的理由
谁还记得爱情开始变化的时候 我和你的眼中 看见了不同的天空
走的太远 终于走到分岔路的路口 是不是你和我 要有两个相反的梦
谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我 以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔 我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后
Monday, December 03, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
1st National HIV/AIDS conference

Malaysia 1st National HIV/AIDS Conference & World AIDS Day
"Stop AIDS! Keep your Promise"
Legand Hotel, KL
30 Nov - 2 Dec
UNICEF Youth Forum, 30 Nov
"Celebrating Youth Leadership in Action"
UNICEF Youth Forum in conjunction with Malaysia 1st National HIV/AIDS Conference & World AIDS Day(1 DEC)
"Stop AIDS! Keep your Promise"
Legand Hotel, KL
30 Nov - 2 Dec
UNICEF Youth Forum, 30 Nov
"Celebrating Youth Leadership in Action"
UNICEF Youth Forum in conjunction with Malaysia 1st National HIV/AIDS Conference & World AIDS Day(1 DEC)
I was fortunate to be given the chance to attend the Youth Forum under Aiesec Malaysia...
It was fun, insightful, meaningful, and alot of things to share, learn and discuss...
Society/Club/NGO that made their presents: AIESEC, MRC, Young Achievers Club, BRATs, WorldVision, Federation of Family Planning Malaysia, Pink Triangle Foundation, and other students and people "working" in the field of HIV/AIDS.
without wasting more time, i shall share somethings(as far as i could remember, coz 2 many things was said, and discuss)
The ball started rolling with a Welcoming Remark by
Ms. Wing-Sie Cheng, UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Advisor for HIV and AIDS. Following it was a Keynote Speech & officiating the ceremony by
YBHg Dato’ Dr. Hj Ramlee bin Hj Rahmat, Deputy Director General of Ministry Of Health Malaysia.
Launch of PROSTAR Best Practice Booklet by YBHg Dato’ Dr. Hj Ramlee bin Hj Rahmat, Ms. Wing-Sie Cheng and PROSTAR Youth Leaders was done after the keynote speech.
We then went for a tea break, and when we came back, an Interactive Talk Show – “Living in the age of HIV/AIDS: Are young people in Malaysia responding?” "Hosted" by Xandria Ooi and Rina Omar was. questions and sharing of experience was done from the guest speakers and also those participants and delegates from the floor. the guest speakers was Mohd Shaifulakmal bin Rosli (Along)- PROSTAR Pendang, Kedah; Ms Geraldine Sandra- President, AIESEC.
after lunch and fridays prayer, the session resume at 2.30pm with the delegates breaking into 5 groups to produce the “Young People’s HIV/AIDS Agenda for Action” each group were each given a topic to be discuss on, The 5 topics were:
a) Sex,drugs and young people
b) Young people: Mobilizing & responding
c) Involving teachers and parents
d) Young people living with HIV
e) Adults and young people working together
after each group had come up with 3 agenda each, the whole thing (5x3) were presented and signature to pledge that we would carry it out were sign, and would be submitted/ presented during the opening plenary on 1 Dec at the Conference itself.
Red- Participants of the HIV/AIDS Conference
Pink- Youth Forum
Black- Secretarial
Orange- Presenters of the HIV/AIDS Conference
Somethings to think about,
Condoms are easily available in shops around us? that is correct, look at 7-E, Watson, Guardian, and place that u can think of. but why people are not buying it to protect them self?
have u bought a condom before? if u have, and provided u are not married yet, have u notice how those people are looking at you? what weird look they are giving u. thinking and saying in their mind that u r a naughty and bad child. but think again, what is wrong with wanting to protect myself? is it wrong to protect myself? is condom drugs? will it be harming myself if i buy and use it?
a true story about buying condom that was shared by someone,
she was in 7-E near her place and those condom was place behind the counter. so she ask the guy at the counter to take it for her, and she was also on the phone talking to her fren(i guess thats the true buyer), and the guy told a pack for her, then she saw the price and told the person,: "do we really need it? its so expensive" and of course all along since the beginning, the guy had been giving her a weird look, like she is a "prostitute" a bad bad girl, who is hiao.
and now the guy still remember her, and she always still goes back there... having attention from the guy always. (luckily the guy didn't tell her: "we have new kind, do u want to try it?" LOL)
another story: told by another girl, one day she and another fren went into a shop and she saw those condom and she started pointing to where the condom was, telling her fren, and straight away the person at the counter gave her a one-kind look... she was not even taking it yet, just merely pointing to the location... Tips: w*t*on or g*a*d**n is a good place to buy condom, as those thing are not place at the casher counter... so the way to buy it is to buy another item which has a larger size than the condom box, and place the condom under so other shoppers won't notice it so easily.... buying it for the first time is abit hard, scary and challenging, but after few times, its nothing more than buying stuff... another person also said that in certain clubs, there are condom dispenser in the female toilet, so girls can get it there...
(i was in the SEX, Drug and young people group, thats why i mention it more =p)
Drugs are illegal in the country, but free needle are being provided for those hardcore drug addicts so that they won't share and pass on the HIV virus to others around them...
Condom are also being given out, but how many actually use them(if they got do that la, if no do then no need lo, unless was use as safety "balloon" during emergency)?
No point saying no no no, coz people are still doing it, so why not say "if u want to do it, make sure u and ur partner are protected"
No doubt that many religion says that u can't have sex till after u are married, but why it is written as that? why not reason it out, and fit into the modern concept. u can have sex, provided that u are protected and be faithful.
**Pink Triangle foundation ( PT foundation or PTF) is a non profit organization working with vulnerable communities to bring a better quality of life for them. PTF works closely with drug users, sex workers, transsexuals, same sex sex, people living with HIV.
confidential counseling @ 03-4044 5455 or 4044 5466, anonymous HIV testing, and support groups...
what do i get from the conference
- UNICEF t shirt
- pamphlets or booklets
- collar pins
- bag
- and the best TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE (first time i seeing this) normally when u work assignment outstation or when on business trip, there allowance is normal, but is not paid by the organizers, this is the first time i see that the organizers are paying for it as well. those from outstation, their bus fair can be claim as well, some claim as high as 100++
- And the priceless(money can't buy and also i didn't need to pay anything) experience...
It was fun, insightful, meaningful, and alot of things to share, learn and discuss...
Society/Club/NGO that made their presents: AIESEC, MRC, Young Achievers Club, BRATs, WorldVision, Federation of Family Planning Malaysia, Pink Triangle Foundation, and other students and people "working" in the field of HIV/AIDS.
without wasting more time, i shall share somethings(as far as i could remember, coz 2 many things was said, and discuss)
The ball started rolling with a Welcoming Remark by

We then went for a tea break, and when we came back, an Interactive Talk Show – “Living in the age of HIV/AIDS: Are young people in Malaysia responding?” "Hosted" by Xandria Ooi and Rina Omar was. questions and sharing of experience was done from the guest speakers and also those participants and delegates from the floor. the guest speakers was Mohd Shaifulakmal bin Rosli (Along)- PROSTAR Pendang, Kedah; Ms Geraldine Sandra- President, AIESEC.
after lunch and fridays prayer, the session resume at 2.30pm with the delegates breaking into 5 groups to produce the “Young People’s HIV/AIDS Agenda for Action” each group were each given a topic to be discuss on, The 5 topics were:
a) Sex,drugs and young people
b) Young people: Mobilizing & responding
c) Involving teachers and parents
d) Young people living with HIV
e) Adults and young people working together
after each group had come up with 3 agenda each, the whole thing (5x3) were presented and signature to pledge that we would carry it out were sign, and would be submitted/ presented during the opening plenary on 1 Dec at the Conference itself.
There was 4 colour of name tag string:
Pink- Youth Forum
Black- Secretarial
Orange- Presenters of the HIV/AIDS Conference
Somethings to think about,
Condoms are easily available in shops around us? that is correct, look at 7-E, Watson, Guardian, and place that u can think of. but why people are not buying it to protect them self?
have u bought a condom before? if u have, and provided u are not married yet, have u notice how those people are looking at you? what weird look they are giving u. thinking and saying in their mind that u r a naughty and bad child. but think again, what is wrong with wanting to protect myself? is it wrong to protect myself? is condom drugs? will it be harming myself if i buy and use it?
a true story about buying condom that was shared by someone,
she was in 7-E near her place and those condom was place behind the counter. so she ask the guy at the counter to take it for her, and she was also on the phone talking to her fren(i guess thats the true buyer), and the guy told a pack for her, then she saw the price and told the person,: "do we really need it? its so expensive" and of course all along since the beginning, the guy had been giving her a weird look, like she is a "prostitute" a bad bad girl, who is hiao.
and now the guy still remember her, and she always still goes back there... having attention from the guy always. (luckily the guy didn't tell her: "we have new kind, do u want to try it?" LOL)
another story: told by another girl, one day she and another fren went into a shop and she saw those condom and she started pointing to where the condom was, telling her fren, and straight away the person at the counter gave her a one-kind look... she was not even taking it yet, just merely pointing to the location... Tips: w*t*on or g*a*d**n is a good place to buy condom, as those thing are not place at the casher counter... so the way to buy it is to buy another item which has a larger size than the condom box, and place the condom under so other shoppers won't notice it so easily.... buying it for the first time is abit hard, scary and challenging, but after few times, its nothing more than buying stuff... another person also said that in certain clubs, there are condom dispenser in the female toilet, so girls can get it there...
(i was in the SEX, Drug and young people group, thats why i mention it more =p)
Drugs are illegal in the country, but free needle are being provided for those hardcore drug addicts so that they won't share and pass on the HIV virus to others around them...
Condom are also being given out, but how many actually use them(if they got do that la, if no do then no need lo, unless was use as safety "balloon" during emergency)?
No point saying no no no, coz people are still doing it, so why not say "if u want to do it, make sure u and ur partner are protected"
No doubt that many religion says that u can't have sex till after u are married, but why it is written as that? why not reason it out, and fit into the modern concept. u can have sex, provided that u are protected and be faithful.
**Pink Triangle foundation ( PT foundation or PTF) is a non profit organization working with vulnerable communities to bring a better quality of life for them. PTF works closely with drug users, sex workers, transsexuals, same sex sex, people living with HIV.
confidential counseling @ 03-4044 5455 or 4044 5466, anonymous HIV testing, and support groups...
what do i get from the conference
- UNICEF t shirt
- pamphlets or booklets
- collar pins
- bag
- and the best TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE (first time i seeing this) normally when u work assignment outstation or when on business trip, there allowance is normal, but is not paid by the organizers, this is the first time i see that the organizers are paying for it as well. those from outstation, their bus fair can be claim as well, some claim as high as 100++
- And the priceless(money can't buy and also i didn't need to pay anything) experience...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Free Hugs
when i reach there at about 4.45, i saw people holding "free Hug" poster... then i saw people taking photo, so i just join in... who noes i was just standing beside the organizing person... then slowly i got to know the rest of the people... first we started walking down towards sg wang, and was there for awhile before the guard ask us to move around, don't stand in front of the entrance... then we move on to opposite TS, the bridge there.... and was there for awhile... while there, some m**ay was shouting and "scolding" us... saying all kind of things... i feel that they have nothing better to do than lepak around there... at least being in the shopping center would be much better...
after that, we headed back to around near McD bkt bintang, and walk toward Pavillion KL...
at Pavillion KL, we stand near the entrance, and there was quite a big crowd... after awhile, rain drops started coming down, so we went into Pavillion to seek shelter... while there: (side entry)
"side entry: clown,
there was a clown in the middle of Pavillion promoting a new shop.... then i snap a few shots of him, and he turn to me and said: "if u wan take photo with me, come over la..." then i went over, and stood beside him, while people help me to take then he suddenly "bend" down, and hug me... see photos attach...

then later 1 of them wanted a balloon... she walk over, the clown turn and walk to another side... then he held out a BR coupon, and ask me go take... but i "ignored" him... LOL..."
but after 15 minutes or so, the rain stop and we continued being there hugging people... til we decided to end it at bout 6.35.... and about 9 of us headed to McD for dinner... while the rest continued with their own stuff... some of the things that passerby ask was what is this about? why are u having this free hug thing? are you all making a new movie? is this a college project/ coursework?
where are u all from? are you all from a society or club?
about 20++ of us turn up... hugged more than 30 people...
It was a meaningful event... and i feel that it is very successful, and we might be the first group that has made the success, as i have heard in the past that groups were ask to leave or the activity being stopped...
after that, we headed back to around near McD bkt bintang, and walk toward Pavillion KL...
at Pavillion KL, we stand near the entrance, and there was quite a big crowd... after awhile, rain drops started coming down, so we went into Pavillion to seek shelter... while there: (side entry)
"side entry: clown,
there was a clown in the middle of Pavillion promoting a new shop.... then i snap a few shots of him, and he turn to me and said: "if u wan take photo with me, come over la..." then i went over, and stood beside him, while people help me to take then he suddenly "bend" down, and hug me... see photos attach...

but after 15 minutes or so, the rain stop and we continued being there hugging people... til we decided to end it at bout 6.35.... and about 9 of us headed to McD for dinner... while the rest continued with their own stuff... some of the things that passerby ask was what is this about? why are u having this free hug thing? are you all making a new movie? is this a college project/ coursework?
where are u all from? are you all from a society or club?
about 20++ of us turn up... hugged more than 30 people...
It was a meaningful event... and i feel that it is very successful, and we might be the first group that has made the success, as i have heard in the past that groups were ask to leave or the activity being stopped...
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