Monday, June 28, 2010

9 letter word -> 1 letter word

What common English word is 9 letters long and each time you remove a letter it still remains an English word, from 9 letters down to one letter, until you reach its last letter?


others are
['cleansers', 'cleanses', 'cleanse', 'cleans', 'leans', 'leas', 'las', 'as', 'a']
['discusses', 'discuses', 'discuss', 'discus', 'discs', 'diss', 'dis', 'is', 'i']
['drownings', 'drowning', 'downing', 'owning', 'owing', 'wing', 'win', 'in', 'i']
['grandeurs', 'grandeur', 'grander', 'grader', 'grade', 'grad', 'rad', 'ad', 'a']
['groupings', 'grouping', 'groping', 'roping', 'oping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['paintings', 'painting', 'paining', 'pining', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['piercings', 'piercing', 'piecing', 'pieing', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['prattlers', 'rattlers', 'ratters', 'raters', 'rates', 'rats', 'rat', 'at', 'a']
['prickling', 'pickling', 'picking', 'piking', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['restarted', 'restated', 'restate', 'estate', 'state', 'sate', 'ate', 'at', 'a']
['scrapping', 'crapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['shoppings', 'shopping', 'hopping', 'hoping', 'oping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['sparkling', 'sparking', 'sparing', 'spring', 'sprig', 'prig', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['spinnings', 'spinning', 'pinning', 'pining', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['splatters', 'platters', 'latters', 'lattes', 'latte', 'late', 'ate', 'at', 'a']
['splitting', 'slitting', 'sitting', 'siting', 'sting', 'ting', 'tin', 'in', 'i']
['spritzers', 'spritzes', 'sprites', 'spites', 'sites', 'sits', 'its', 'is', 'i']
['stampeded', 'stampede', 'stamped', 'tamped', 'tamed', 'tame', 'tam', 'am', 'a']
['stampedes', 'stampede', 'stamped', 'tamped', 'tamed', 'tame', 'tam', 'am', 'a']
['starlings', 'starling', 'staring', 'string', 'sting', 'ting', 'tin', 'in', 'i']
['strapping', 'trapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['stringers', 'stingers', 'singers', 'singes', 'sines', 'sins', 'ins', 'is', 'i']
['stringier', 'stingier', 'stinger', 'singer', 'singe', 'sine', 'sin', 'in', 'i']
['switchers', 'switches', 'witches', 'withes', 'withe', 'wite', 'wit', 'it', 'i']
['tramplers', 'trampers', 'tampers', 'tamers', 'tames', 'tams', 'tam', 'am', 'a']
['trampling', 'tramping', 'tamping', 'taping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['trappings', 'trapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['wrappings', 'wrapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just a thought.

When go in with a relax and open mind and not have a limit, things would seem 2 be easier to be fulfilled.
You would also be happier and more relax too.
Getting along with people better, try to click with them would also be easier but dun lose ur own identity and self to the new environment.
You could also play along with them, if u learn to accept them as some1 new, and dun have so much barrier.

*wrote this while working*

Monday, June 21, 2010

Musical Tun Mahathir

It is a real musical gua... I was talking about it with my friends before this, and they said its not true la, possible make up, but i happen to come arcoss an article in NST, so its true.

Tickets will be priced RM30, RM50, RM80, RM100 and RM150. Time: 8.30pm. Sept 25 and Oct 2-3: 3pm. Call 03-4026 5558.
Place is at Istana Budaya.

Friday, June 18, 2010

3 weeks of working

So fast and its been 3 weeks since i started working in this new company.
Currently i have a desk that is in front of the meeting room, and also used for interviewing candidates.
i can help but am kepo.. so i will see who goes in la...
There is interview everyday, normally 2 each day, sometimes just 1...
So i will see how those people present themselves, because first impression really do counts, and its crucial when u have a few candidate and all are equally same, what would give the advantage then...
In this 3 weeks, i have seen people who comes with top that looks like she work in McD counter (a lady), some wear slippers, few have come with short sleeves, some long sleeves but rolled up, at least put down first before entering the office... Then there was this guy who came empty handed. Bare hand leh!!! Resume? CV? Certificate? all he brought was himself, and his face. He thinks that this is a modeling agency, where they will see your looks!!!
all of the above people, i haven't seen them in the office. They have not been hired, as far as i noe...

Monday, June 14, 2010


Sunday (13/06/2010) morning had my 1st company team-building. Previous places where i worked, there was never team building activities, because the company is already a team, no need for such things. We went for Skytrex, in Ahah Alam Taman Pertanian.
we did the BIG thrill since its the first time for many (tats wat i heard, and ask some of them).
First had the short training session, then off to the actual thing. The starting point took a long time since we had 19 people, and it takes time, coz 30 feet high leh... The rest was normal la.. but i felt it was harder this time.. donno why... They added more flying fox. The "Tarzan" and "Spiderman" is no longer available in the path, since the tree fell, and it has start to get soft around that area where the activity used to be, now in its place is flying fox.
we took around 3 hours to finish everything. 10.30am-1.45pm.
After that we went to have McD in Shah Alam since budget was limited.
After lunch, some of them suggested going for movie. so off we went to 1-Utama for movie, and dinner after that...

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Officially a registered voter

I'm officially a Malaysian registered voter.
After waiting for monthS for them to register it into their (SPR) system, i'm finally in.

Exercise your rights people... Voting is your right.. If you choose not to vote, and if something is wrong, u DON'T have the right to voice it, because your choose to give it up when you had the chance legally.
Do register early to avoid disappointment, because they will take some time before you are in the system. Its not the moment you submit, few days later you will be in... Might take up to a year (possible lo)...