From A story of becoming Worthy
Dear future wife,
As I write these words, I know that you are somewhere out there, and you have a smile, a laugh, a heartbeat and I know you are waiting for me. People tell me that I shouldn’t wait for u, that I should just go have fun, and throw my heart around, but I don’t want to do that. I want to save everything for you. I want you to have my first walk at the ocean shore; I want you to have my first dance beneath the starlight. And someday you will, someday I will take you on adventure that your heart dare not to dream.
Someday I will marvel at the masterpiece that is your heart. Someday I am going to make you feel as beautiful as you are. And when I write it, and when God calls me, I am going to sweep you off your feet, and chase you with all my heart, but I am not ready.
NO!!! I am not going to let that happen, I know you deserve better than this. And I know I am not ready. Well, not yet.
Dear future wife, in order to get to you, I need to get through many trials and tribulations, but I want to let you know that you are worth it.
Youtube link
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Inter Cultural Youth Leadership (ICYL) camp
Day 1
Arrive at the Hotel in Shah Alam at around 4.30pm. Check in time is from 2pm-6pm. Registered and was asked to wait while the rooms are being prepared. After almost 1 hour of waiting, I finally was given the card to the room. Unfortunately when I arrive at the room, it was not able to open the room doors, and after checking with the reception, they had mix up the room allocation, and that set of room is for another group. So I had to wait for approximately 30 minutes before I was designated to another room. I shared it with 2 Punjabi (age 15 and 18). The program started off with a Chinese 6 course + 1 dessert dinner. Then there was the soft launching of the event with representative from each religion calling upon the divine (prayer), welcoming address by organizing committee, and introduction to the events. Then we were divided into our own groups. Good night and lights off.
Day 2 started off with breakfast at 7.30, group bonding and discussion. At 9am, Opening ceremony was done with the presents of Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon. He went around group to group shaking participant’s hand. He made a short speech on the important of unity among the various groups, stating that it was a good initiative for the better future of Malaysia. We had our first team building activity called The Maze. We had to find our way along 8x10 boxes, something like snake and ladder, but this mat was unmark and blank, just a moderator will know the route, and will say if its correct or not, if wrong step, then go back to start again, try until you reach finish. There is forwards and backwards, because life is like that, sometimes you would need to take a step back, and the next might just be 3 steps forwards. There is difference of standing from outside and within, it is a totally different playing field, because when you are in there, you can only see one step at a time, and is afraid if you make the wrong choice. It can also be confusing when many people are telling you different things at the same time. Trust the person that you placed your trust in, or just follow your heart. If you make a wrong move, re-plan and start from beginning and be quick to “return into action”, most things can be started again and its not end of the road always. Having mid term review when things goes wrong could be a good move, especially when people are going their own path. Frustration is bound to happen and good communications is essential for the success of the team.
“Failure to plan is a plan to fail”.
“Vision without action is a dream, Action without vision passes time”
Afternoon session was a group discussion on “Globalization and the challenges for nation building”, what is the way forward for the nation in a rapidly changing world. There was questions being discussed and presented at the end of the program to the Director-General of the Department of Unity and integration, under the Prime Minister department.
It is the people who make up the organization that is responsible for the development of it. Eg: You can't go on a Monday morning to CIMB and tell the door or building that you want a loan, but would have to meet with the people who work inside the bank. The same thing applied, the bank wouldn't grow into the 2nd largest bank in Malaysia without the people who make it happen. A country too needs the support and commitment of the people to make it happen. At the beginning of the camp, someone told me "If you have no money then better migrate, if you have money then can stay on". The same time, i saw Hannah Yeoh wrote on Twitter that she hear another of her friend would be migrating soon. To make changes come true, and 1Malaysia a reality, the country would have to be need based, moving away from the current based that it deploys.
In the evening, we had a mass celebrated by Fr. Michael Chua. It was conducted with the presences of some Syria Orthodox, including Cor Episcopal.
After the mass, we quickly freshen up and went for dinner, which was in Malay style.
After dinner, we rehearse for our Talent time presentation. Just tried out 2 times, and our team manage 2 bring the house laughing from beginning til end.
Each team was given a hamper for sharing within the group as bonding sessions.
Goodnight and lights off.
Day 3
Morning woke up, there was no power supply to the room… not even lights, air-con, toilet lights or electricity is available for our room. In the end, just open the curtains (there is nothing high nearby, to be able to look into the room) and showered in the dark, testing of how well we know where the things are.
Went down for breakfast and started the session with talk and interactive discussion with Dato’ Ghazali Dato’ Yusoff and Datuk Paul Chan, where they shared about their life experience and how they placed God at the center of their life. The most successful person is not always at the top, but the one who has overcome the most obstacles. Ego and ignorance must always be avoided at all cost.
We must learn to respect all Malaysian with understanding. Tolerance should be change into understanding and acceptance, accepting that we are all different yet has the same common goal.
We also had another Team building called “House building”. We did this in a blindfolded manner, where everyone cannot see yet have to gain forces to build the house using 17 satay sticks (3D model). We had to have good communication, good planning, trust that each will play their part well, look after their own “department” well and not interfere with other people’s work except with their respective partners. Our group was named as the best and most efficient model team in terms of doing it with good planning and co-ordination. We adopted the factory model, where we worked in pairs, 1 holding the sticks together, and the other joining it together using tapes. There was much frustration when the things you want are not given to you, delaying the work.
Closing ceremony was held with the attendance of DG of the Department of Unity and integration. Our team came in 2nd place in the overall points scoring competition (most points are given for the team building and talent time).
Team names:
Suggested initiatives:
H.O.P.E- Honouring Our Parents Everyday.
Noble Son/ Daughter award.
Among some of the speakers are:
Shankar Santhiram, Lawyer, Management trainer, he has trained CIMB, Petronas, Daikin and etc.
Dato J. Jegathesan, Former Deputy D-G of MIDA, currently consultant to the Goverment of Japan (JICA) and Gov of Zambia, having advice them on economic and social matters.
Prof. Dr. Suresh Kumar Govind, Professor at University of Malaya Department of Parasitology, Management consultant, and has won many internationally recognize awards under his belt.
Arrive at the Hotel in Shah Alam at around 4.30pm. Check in time is from 2pm-6pm. Registered and was asked to wait while the rooms are being prepared. After almost 1 hour of waiting, I finally was given the card to the room. Unfortunately when I arrive at the room, it was not able to open the room doors, and after checking with the reception, they had mix up the room allocation, and that set of room is for another group. So I had to wait for approximately 30 minutes before I was designated to another room. I shared it with 2 Punjabi (age 15 and 18). The program started off with a Chinese 6 course + 1 dessert dinner. Then there was the soft launching of the event with representative from each religion calling upon the divine (prayer), welcoming address by organizing committee, and introduction to the events. Then we were divided into our own groups. Good night and lights off.
Day 2 started off with breakfast at 7.30, group bonding and discussion. At 9am, Opening ceremony was done with the presents of Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon. He went around group to group shaking participant’s hand. He made a short speech on the important of unity among the various groups, stating that it was a good initiative for the better future of Malaysia. We had our first team building activity called The Maze. We had to find our way along 8x10 boxes, something like snake and ladder, but this mat was unmark and blank, just a moderator will know the route, and will say if its correct or not, if wrong step, then go back to start again, try until you reach finish. There is forwards and backwards, because life is like that, sometimes you would need to take a step back, and the next might just be 3 steps forwards. There is difference of standing from outside and within, it is a totally different playing field, because when you are in there, you can only see one step at a time, and is afraid if you make the wrong choice. It can also be confusing when many people are telling you different things at the same time. Trust the person that you placed your trust in, or just follow your heart. If you make a wrong move, re-plan and start from beginning and be quick to “return into action”, most things can be started again and its not end of the road always. Having mid term review when things goes wrong could be a good move, especially when people are going their own path. Frustration is bound to happen and good communications is essential for the success of the team.
“Failure to plan is a plan to fail”.
“Vision without action is a dream, Action without vision passes time”
Afternoon session was a group discussion on “Globalization and the challenges for nation building”, what is the way forward for the nation in a rapidly changing world. There was questions being discussed and presented at the end of the program to the Director-General of the Department of Unity and integration, under the Prime Minister department.
It is the people who make up the organization that is responsible for the development of it. Eg: You can't go on a Monday morning to CIMB and tell the door or building that you want a loan, but would have to meet with the people who work inside the bank. The same thing applied, the bank wouldn't grow into the 2nd largest bank in Malaysia without the people who make it happen. A country too needs the support and commitment of the people to make it happen. At the beginning of the camp, someone told me "If you have no money then better migrate, if you have money then can stay on". The same time, i saw Hannah Yeoh wrote on Twitter that she hear another of her friend would be migrating soon. To make changes come true, and 1Malaysia a reality, the country would have to be need based, moving away from the current based that it deploys.
In the evening, we had a mass celebrated by Fr. Michael Chua. It was conducted with the presences of some Syria Orthodox, including Cor Episcopal.
After the mass, we quickly freshen up and went for dinner, which was in Malay style.
After dinner, we rehearse for our Talent time presentation. Just tried out 2 times, and our team manage 2 bring the house laughing from beginning til end.
Each team was given a hamper for sharing within the group as bonding sessions.
Goodnight and lights off.
Day 3
Morning woke up, there was no power supply to the room… not even lights, air-con, toilet lights or electricity is available for our room. In the end, just open the curtains (there is nothing high nearby, to be able to look into the room) and showered in the dark, testing of how well we know where the things are.
Went down for breakfast and started the session with talk and interactive discussion with Dato’ Ghazali Dato’ Yusoff and Datuk Paul Chan, where they shared about their life experience and how they placed God at the center of their life. The most successful person is not always at the top, but the one who has overcome the most obstacles. Ego and ignorance must always be avoided at all cost.
We must learn to respect all Malaysian with understanding. Tolerance should be change into understanding and acceptance, accepting that we are all different yet has the same common goal.
We also had another Team building called “House building”. We did this in a blindfolded manner, where everyone cannot see yet have to gain forces to build the house using 17 satay sticks (3D model). We had to have good communication, good planning, trust that each will play their part well, look after their own “department” well and not interfere with other people’s work except with their respective partners. Our group was named as the best and most efficient model team in terms of doing it with good planning and co-ordination. We adopted the factory model, where we worked in pairs, 1 holding the sticks together, and the other joining it together using tapes. There was much frustration when the things you want are not given to you, delaying the work.
Closing ceremony was held with the attendance of DG of the Department of Unity and integration. Our team came in 2nd place in the overall points scoring competition (most points are given for the team building and talent time).
Team names:
Suggested initiatives:
H.O.P.E- Honouring Our Parents Everyday.
Noble Son/ Daughter award.
Among some of the speakers are:
Shankar Santhiram, Lawyer, Management trainer, he has trained CIMB, Petronas, Daikin and etc.
Dato J. Jegathesan, Former Deputy D-G of MIDA, currently consultant to the Goverment of Japan (JICA) and Gov of Zambia, having advice them on economic and social matters.
Prof. Dr. Suresh Kumar Govind, Professor at University of Malaya Department of Parasitology, Management consultant, and has won many internationally recognize awards under his belt.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
15、当一个清高的女孩遇到一个高傲的男孩时,总有一个人会卑微下来,但是如果可以, 不要把自己放得太低。
Repost from GinGin
15、当一个清高的女孩遇到一个高傲的男孩时,总有一个人会卑微下来,但是如果可以, 不要把自己放得太低。
Repost from GinGin
Monday, November 15, 2010
- Aaron Goh -
Dear Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner, I pray to thee to pardon all my sins. Now, I invite you into my life, Be the Lord of my Life. Thank you, I believe I am new person now. Pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
- Aaron Goh -
Dear Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner, I pray to thee to pardon all my sins. Now, I invite you into my life, Be the Lord of my Life. Thank you, I believe I am new person now. Pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Monday, November 08, 2010
War of paintball
Yesterday was my first time playing paintball (yes, finally!)..
It was the 3rd time it was organized by the same person, but the first and second time, it clash with some of my unavoidable schedule. (1st-Bukit Jalil, 2nd-Desa)
Left my house around 8am, and reach Taman Melawati around 9am.. after almost everyone have gathered, we set out for the destination, somewhere in Gombak in 9 cars, with 34 person.
Hang around awhile as they was preparing the 'weapons', and had a short briefing on the rules and how to play, particularly the safety measures which have to be observe due to the danger involved.
Thee first game. 2 groups, each 16. We played in 2 large interconnected field, so were 8 vs 8, with 8 vs 8, have to get both flags within 15 minutes to win. . Initially had discomfort with the mask due to spectacles, another problem was when playing the game, it frost up very easily, making everything blur and cannot be seen.
My virgin paintball shot was in on the eye area.. Maybe coz they aim for the head, like in counter strike, "Headshot!!" Anther shot landed on the mouth area, with the 'orange juice' splashing into my mouth.. the liquid tasted bitter... First round was won by my team.
Then we switch sides, this time, i hid in the house.. There was always shots being fired towards us, we can feel the impact, but was hiding behind those wood. the mask began to frost, and i was hit on the knee when i tried to return fire. After that, shots came from both, the front and sides, ended was cornered in the house..
Rested for awhile before the next game, putting up the flag in the middle, and make it stand for 1 minute, during which it can be push away. I hid behind a big tree, which is near the middle, which i enjoyed firing those who came to put the flag, but was hit by a dropping shot, i wonder how did they aim leh.. and it hit me on the head, just above the mask area. I guess its like a souvenir for me lo, coz a little swollen.
After that we had our lunch which was a super small packet of super spicy fried rice, it was cooked with large cili and cili padi fry together. . But then when hungry, whatever also will just eat la..
After came 4 vs 4 (not by group, but any random 8 person who want to play, 50 shots each), in the smaller field. . . Its much exciting than the big jungle setting.
Actually i didn't wanted to play, since sure will get shot at close range, but the 1st 8 people, 2nd 8 people. . Then another round, so i just went ahead coz it seems nice. . . My side had 2 boys and 2 girls. Just awhile after the game started, i was shot in the body. =(
Change sides play, not really ready to play, then it was started, so ended with 3 in the same hiding place. . harder to play, unless can move very fast..
After that was another game of 32 people . . This time i was at the upper level of the house, but the mask became blur soon, and was shot in the head again.. so high also kena so accurately.
I thought didn't got shot many time, but after shower, i realize that i kena on head, wrist, arm, body, with some on the legs. .
It was the 3rd time it was organized by the same person, but the first and second time, it clash with some of my unavoidable schedule. (1st-Bukit Jalil, 2nd-Desa)
Left my house around 8am, and reach Taman Melawati around 9am.. after almost everyone have gathered, we set out for the destination, somewhere in Gombak in 9 cars, with 34 person.
Hang around awhile as they was preparing the 'weapons', and had a short briefing on the rules and how to play, particularly the safety measures which have to be observe due to the danger involved.
Thee first game. 2 groups, each 16. We played in 2 large interconnected field, so were 8 vs 8, with 8 vs 8, have to get both flags within 15 minutes to win. . Initially had discomfort with the mask due to spectacles, another problem was when playing the game, it frost up very easily, making everything blur and cannot be seen.
My virgin paintball shot was in on the eye area.. Maybe coz they aim for the head, like in counter strike, "Headshot!!" Anther shot landed on the mouth area, with the 'orange juice' splashing into my mouth.. the liquid tasted bitter... First round was won by my team.
Then we switch sides, this time, i hid in the house.. There was always shots being fired towards us, we can feel the impact, but was hiding behind those wood. the mask began to frost, and i was hit on the knee when i tried to return fire. After that, shots came from both, the front and sides, ended was cornered in the house..
Rested for awhile before the next game, putting up the flag in the middle, and make it stand for 1 minute, during which it can be push away. I hid behind a big tree, which is near the middle, which i enjoyed firing those who came to put the flag, but was hit by a dropping shot, i wonder how did they aim leh.. and it hit me on the head, just above the mask area. I guess its like a souvenir for me lo, coz a little swollen.
After that we had our lunch which was a super small packet of super spicy fried rice, it was cooked with large cili and cili padi fry together. . But then when hungry, whatever also will just eat la..
After came 4 vs 4 (not by group, but any random 8 person who want to play, 50 shots each), in the smaller field. . . Its much exciting than the big jungle setting.
Actually i didn't wanted to play, since sure will get shot at close range, but the 1st 8 people, 2nd 8 people. . Then another round, so i just went ahead coz it seems nice. . . My side had 2 boys and 2 girls. Just awhile after the game started, i was shot in the body. =(
Change sides play, not really ready to play, then it was started, so ended with 3 in the same hiding place. . harder to play, unless can move very fast..
After that was another game of 32 people . . This time i was at the upper level of the house, but the mask became blur soon, and was shot in the head again.. so high also kena so accurately.
I thought didn't got shot many time, but after shower, i realize that i kena on head, wrist, arm, body, with some on the legs. .
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
以前的女人 vs 现在的女人
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Emotional healing after a break-up
Looking back into what went wrong ,what did you learn from it, how to grow and make it better. By acknowledging the mistake you can avoid it in the future, moving forward hereon.
Be responsible
Be responsible for your part in the breakup. Even if you didn't end it or they cheated, you had a role to play. Don’t point the finger and blame as it manifests resentment which you will carry with you.
Move on
By not letting go, you can't move on. The only way to be able to fall in love again is to fully let go of what happened and your ex. Make sure you discharge the negative feelings before starting the new journey.
Renew you
Be the best that you can be and concentrate on the strengths you have. Create a plan to fill in what is missing or needs developing so that you can be the best datable version of yourself.
Realise that no matter what happened in the past, you deserve love, just like anybody else.
You are ready to start anew, but do not rush into it, take your time and do your own research.
Good luck, and may GOD guide you in your decisions.
Looking back into what went wrong ,what did you learn from it, how to grow and make it better. By acknowledging the mistake you can avoid it in the future, moving forward hereon.
Be responsible
Be responsible for your part in the breakup. Even if you didn't end it or they cheated, you had a role to play. Don’t point the finger and blame as it manifests resentment which you will carry with you.
Move on
By not letting go, you can't move on. The only way to be able to fall in love again is to fully let go of what happened and your ex. Make sure you discharge the negative feelings before starting the new journey.
Renew you
Be the best that you can be and concentrate on the strengths you have. Create a plan to fill in what is missing or needs developing so that you can be the best datable version of yourself.
Realise that no matter what happened in the past, you deserve love, just like anybody else.
You are ready to start anew, but do not rush into it, take your time and do your own research.
Good luck, and may GOD guide you in your decisions.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Outing with 8 Jap boys
一直走下走下就跟他们讨论。最后从TS去了central market。
在Pasar Seni的lrt,其中一个人被"卡在里面"因为他把card放了,却没有走出来,而另个也放了进去就走出来,变成一个没有卡"开门"。
过后在central market没有几下就给他们走完了,也没买什么东西,就说要换地方(又接近下班时间了,lrt肯定塞),就带他们去china street,走个圈就出来了。
过后就过去the mall,他们住附近。
一直走下走下就跟他们讨论。最后从TS去了central market。
在Pasar Seni的lrt,其中一个人被"卡在里面"因为他把card放了,却没有走出来,而另个也放了进去就走出来,变成一个没有卡"开门"。
过后在central market没有几下就给他们走完了,也没买什么东西,就说要换地方(又接近下班时间了,lrt肯定塞),就带他们去china street,走个圈就出来了。
过后就过去the mall,他们住附近。
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Randy Pausch- The last lecture
Experience is what you get, when you don't get what you want.
When you are doing a bad job, and nobody points it out to you, it means that they have given up on you.
Brick walls are there for a reason, they let us prove how badly we want things.
People vs Thing. Value is not all important compared to feelings of other people.
Decide if u are Tagger vs Eeyore. Having fun in life.
Work and play well with others. Tell the truth -> Apologize -> How can you do it better.
Show Gratitude to people around you. Appreciation of them.
Don't complain, just work better.
Live life to the fullness. The dreams will come to you.
When you are doing a bad job, and nobody points it out to you, it means that they have given up on you.
Brick walls are there for a reason, they let us prove how badly we want things.
People vs Thing. Value is not all important compared to feelings of other people.
Decide if u are Tagger vs Eeyore. Having fun in life.
Work and play well with others. Tell the truth -> Apologize -> How can you do it better.
Show Gratitude to people around you. Appreciation of them.
Don't complain, just work better.
Live life to the fullness. The dreams will come to you.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Collecting Pine
Not long back, i was away for a simple weekend retreat up in the mountains.
One of the evening, i went for a breeze walk along the path where there was pine tree in abundance. Then i had this thought running through my mind, "If Pine = Choices".
There are many pines along the path, and if each of them are decision or choices that we have to make in mind, how would we know which would be the best for our life? The nicest? the prettiest? The fattest? the thinnest? the most bright colour? the darker colour? What if we pick one of it and feel that it is the best, but find other more attractive ones later. Do we throw or abandon our choice/ decision that we have made? do we continue to keep it, but have others as well?
God gave us the freewill to pick and choose what we want most. We are given the freedom of choice in life, it was not set by fate or destiny, it is held in your hands. To know his plan for you (Jeremiah 1:5), you would have to ask for his guidance when face with difficult choices that would make us think for days or even months, which might end up in years of deciding. When we sincerely ask for his generous love and guidance, we can then be more assured of the plan that he has for us.
What would happen if we want something else (the other choices that we are offered), would it offend him and make him angry, which might result in him not guiding us anymore since we have gone against his will, that he has for us. He is a generous and kind heart, slow to anger GOD. He will accept and respect our decisions that we made, but if anything goes wrong, it would be wrong to blame him for the failure, because he didn't create failure, it was OUR own choice, he didn't threaten to take back the life that he has given us despite we not "obeying" his plan. He will still guide us and show us the way for the choice that we have made.
Taking marriage as an example, it is our choice to get married to the person that we have chosen. Therefore divorce should not be happening because it was our own choice and freewill to pick our life partner.
I choose ONE pine during the walk and decided to take that back. After bring it back, i went out for another walk on another path. This path had even more pine, it was even bigger, nicer, and brighter colour. But i have made up my mind of taking only ONE back with me to PJ. So do i take the new choices, or stick with the current pine that i have chosen.
Temptations do come into play when we have many choices, it can come in many forms. I'm sure each and everyone of us has given in to temptations at one time or another.
Chinese proverb has a saying *Flower beside the road r always prettier, but dun simply take it for it might bring harm/ dis-harmony*.
Take your time to chose the right and most suitable, ask for GOD's guidance when the need arise. Be humble and he will show his plans and the best choice for us.
One of the evening, i went for a breeze walk along the path where there was pine tree in abundance. Then i had this thought running through my mind, "If Pine = Choices".
There are many pines along the path, and if each of them are decision or choices that we have to make in mind, how would we know which would be the best for our life? The nicest? the prettiest? The fattest? the thinnest? the most bright colour? the darker colour? What if we pick one of it and feel that it is the best, but find other more attractive ones later. Do we throw or abandon our choice/ decision that we have made? do we continue to keep it, but have others as well?
God gave us the freewill to pick and choose what we want most. We are given the freedom of choice in life, it was not set by fate or destiny, it is held in your hands. To know his plan for you (Jeremiah 1:5), you would have to ask for his guidance when face with difficult choices that would make us think for days or even months, which might end up in years of deciding. When we sincerely ask for his generous love and guidance, we can then be more assured of the plan that he has for us.
What would happen if we want something else (the other choices that we are offered), would it offend him and make him angry, which might result in him not guiding us anymore since we have gone against his will, that he has for us. He is a generous and kind heart, slow to anger GOD. He will accept and respect our decisions that we made, but if anything goes wrong, it would be wrong to blame him for the failure, because he didn't create failure, it was OUR own choice, he didn't threaten to take back the life that he has given us despite we not "obeying" his plan. He will still guide us and show us the way for the choice that we have made.
Taking marriage as an example, it is our choice to get married to the person that we have chosen. Therefore divorce should not be happening because it was our own choice and freewill to pick our life partner.
I choose ONE pine during the walk and decided to take that back. After bring it back, i went out for another walk on another path. This path had even more pine, it was even bigger, nicer, and brighter colour. But i have made up my mind of taking only ONE back with me to PJ. So do i take the new choices, or stick with the current pine that i have chosen.
Temptations do come into play when we have many choices, it can come in many forms. I'm sure each and everyone of us has given in to temptations at one time or another.
Chinese proverb has a saying *Flower beside the road r always prettier, but dun simply take it for it might bring harm/ dis-harmony*.
Take your time to chose the right and most suitable, ask for GOD's guidance when the need arise. Be humble and he will show his plans and the best choice for us.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Nap now and you will dream, but study now and you will live your dream.
What i wasted today, was the prayer of yesterday's people for tomorrow.
When you thought it is already late, it is the earliest time.
Don't drag today's matter into tomorrow.
Pain during study is temporary, those not learned are life-long pain.
Studies is not lack of time, but lack of hardworking.
Happiness might not have ranking, but success must have a ranking.
Studies might not be everything in life, but if even studies is unable to be conquer, what else can be done?
Please enjoy the pain which is unavoidable.
Only by being earlier and more diligent than others, then can success be tasted.
Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thorough self-control and the will.
The time is passing.
Saliva drip now, will become the tears of tomorrow.
Learn like a dog, and play like a gentleman.
Today don't walk, tomorrow will have to run.
Invest in future people, are those that are true to the reality.
The education level represents the income.
One day pass, it won't come back.
Even now, your opponent are flipping the book pages non-stop.
Without difficulty, how does rewards come.
Nap now and you will dream, but study now and you will live your dream.
What i wasted today, was the prayer of yesterday's people for tomorrow.
When you thought it is already late, it is the earliest time.
Don't drag today's matter into tomorrow.
Pain during study is temporary, those not learned are life-long pain.
Studies is not lack of time, but lack of hardworking.
Happiness might not have ranking, but success must have a ranking.
Studies might not be everything in life, but if even studies is unable to be conquer, what else can be done?
Please enjoy the pain which is unavoidable.
Only by being earlier and more diligent than others, then can success be tasted.
Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thorough self-control and the will.
The time is passing.
Saliva drip now, will become the tears of tomorrow.
Learn like a dog, and play like a gentleman.
Today don't walk, tomorrow will have to run.
Invest in future people, are those that are true to the reality.
The education level represents the income.
One day pass, it won't come back.
Even now, your opponent are flipping the book pages non-stop.
Without difficulty, how does rewards come.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Children vs Older people
Why some people prefer to look after children rather than older people.
(Responsibility put aside, and i'm not saying that we can abandon people who have watch us grow up, and those who are our elders.)
Children are cuter and more innocent. Older people have gone through life, and have learn valuable experience.
Children just started out, and is still learning. Older people can be said as "Ate more salt, than you eat rice"
Children learn things from us. We learn things from Older people.
Children are easier to teach. Older people is harder to teach due to restriction, we might just offend them. They might tend to feel that they know everything, and we know nothing, harder to teach them new things.
Children generally bring more joy and cheers into our life than Older people do?
Children when we see them, we are happier and let go of our worries. Older people when we see them, we might think of sadness, remorseful, and might think of things that has happen in their life, fear of becoming like them?
Having children around us, make it easier to know new friends. People might start off playing with the kid, and move on to start small talk with the parents/ "guardian"
People prefer having kids around, they add to the fun (except when people want peace and quiet)
(Responsibility put aside, and i'm not saying that we can abandon people who have watch us grow up, and those who are our elders.)
Children are cuter and more innocent. Older people have gone through life, and have learn valuable experience.
Children just started out, and is still learning. Older people can be said as "Ate more salt, than you eat rice"
Children learn things from us. We learn things from Older people.
Children are easier to teach. Older people is harder to teach due to restriction, we might just offend them. They might tend to feel that they know everything, and we know nothing, harder to teach them new things.
Children generally bring more joy and cheers into our life than Older people do?
Children when we see them, we are happier and let go of our worries. Older people when we see them, we might think of sadness, remorseful, and might think of things that has happen in their life, fear of becoming like them?
Having children around us, make it easier to know new friends. People might start off playing with the kid, and move on to start small talk with the parents/ "guardian"
People prefer having kids around, they add to the fun (except when people want peace and quiet)
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Diff way to promote
When u c a pretty gul in a party, u go 2 her n say 'Im rich, marry me', tat's Direct Marketing.
If ur fren goes 2 her n says tat he is rich, marry him, while pointing at u, tat's Advertising.
If d gul comes 2 u n say 'U r rich, I 1 2 marry u', tat's Brand Recognition.
But if u go 2 her n say 'Im rich, marry me' n she gives u a slap, tat's Customer Feedback.
If ur fren goes 2 her n says tat he is rich, marry him, while pointing at u, tat's Advertising.
If d gul comes 2 u n say 'U r rich, I 1 2 marry u', tat's Brand Recognition.
But if u go 2 her n say 'Im rich, marry me' n she gives u a slap, tat's Customer Feedback.
Monday, September 06, 2010
day 6/9/2010
This morning went to see my supervisor for the project, since i reach early than the scheduled time, i waited at the waiting area as he was discussing with another student.
There was fierce and powerful "shouts" coming from within...
One that I heard there are very powerful terrible curse / training sound. .
(OMG!! looks like he today PMS leh... will he also "kill" me later on)
After that he chatted in a much nicer tone with the girl, since he felt that her idea and scope is too humongous, too wide and will need a long time to finish it, which is impossible to be completed within a short and tight time frame.
And she came out, I entered. Gave him my proposal, and told him a summary of my idea for the project, which he gave some practical advice, so I am more clear on the path that i would like to take in order to get to my destination.
"Pray as you go, and everything will be alright"
"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD"
There was fierce and powerful "shouts" coming from within...
One that I heard there are very powerful terrible curse / training sound. .
(OMG!! looks like he today PMS leh... will he also "kill" me later on)
After that he chatted in a much nicer tone with the girl, since he felt that her idea and scope is too humongous, too wide and will need a long time to finish it, which is impossible to be completed within a short and tight time frame.
And she came out, I entered. Gave him my proposal, and told him a summary of my idea for the project, which he gave some practical advice, so I am more clear on the path that i would like to take in order to get to my destination.
"Pray as you go, and everything will be alright"
"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD"
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Guy should not start dating early in life.
Guy/ Men should not start dating early. Why?
They should study more while still young, and focus on building a successful career. Even when the time they are 40, there will still be 18 year old young girls falling right into their arms, giving them "tender loving care".
I believe that all men understand what is assets and liabilities.
Assets = Enter the pocket
Liabilities = Paid out from the pocket
Example: If you rent out a house which is higher than the payment of monthly installment, then it is an asset. (House rent income > Loan payment = Asset)
Superficial women will be a blocking stone in building up the business, asking for company often if not every moment, buying her material stuff, paying for her expenditures, those obviously are liabilities.
Think about it. Hmmmm......
They should study more while still young, and focus on building a successful career. Even when the time they are 40, there will still be 18 year old young girls falling right into their arms, giving them "tender loving care".
I believe that all men understand what is assets and liabilities.
Assets = Enter the pocket
Liabilities = Paid out from the pocket
Example: If you rent out a house which is higher than the payment of monthly installment, then it is an asset. (House rent income > Loan payment = Asset)
Superficial women will be a blocking stone in building up the business, asking for company often if not every moment, buying her material stuff, paying for her expenditures, those obviously are liabilities.
Think about it. Hmmmm......
Monday, August 30, 2010
Live a worthwhile life
Jesus didn't say that life would be easy, he just promised that it would be worth it.
Friends are like balloons, once you let them go, you might not get them back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we forget what's right and wrong. Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it is too late. I don't want to let that happen so I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right.. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. Dont go for looks ; they can deceive . Dont go for wealth ; even that fades away . Go for someone who makes u smile , because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright . Find the one that makes your heart smile.
A TRUE FRIEND - A true friend understands when u say " I forgot " , waits 4 ever when u say " just a min " , stays with u when u say " leave me alone " and opens his heart even b4 u knock . Friendship isn't how you forget, but how you forgive . Not how you listen, but how you understand . Not how you see, but how you feel . Not how you let go, but how you hold on. Remember that many people walk in and out of your life , but only real friends leave footprints in your life , so live and enjoy of it. Dream what u want to dream , Go where u want to go , Be what u want to be , Because u have only one life and one chance to do all the things u want to do , so enjoy of your life but be careful that your enjoyments never hurt the others ,"especially your friends ".
Friends are like balloons, once you let them go, you might not get them back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we forget what's right and wrong. Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it is too late. I don't want to let that happen so I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right.. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. Dont go for looks ; they can deceive . Dont go for wealth ; even that fades away . Go for someone who makes u smile , because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright . Find the one that makes your heart smile.
A TRUE FRIEND - A true friend understands when u say " I forgot " , waits 4 ever when u say " just a min " , stays with u when u say " leave me alone " and opens his heart even b4 u knock . Friendship isn't how you forget, but how you forgive . Not how you listen, but how you understand . Not how you see, but how you feel . Not how you let go, but how you hold on. Remember that many people walk in and out of your life , but only real friends leave footprints in your life , so live and enjoy of it. Dream what u want to dream , Go where u want to go , Be what u want to be , Because u have only one life and one chance to do all the things u want to do , so enjoy of your life but be careful that your enjoyments never hurt the others ,"especially your friends ".
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Singapore day trip of walking n food-ing (23/8)
Left Malaysia via Bukit Indah bus service of EW3 via 2nd Link towards Jurong East (JE) MRT. The journey took about 1 hour half, i wonder how can they tahan the in and out when it takes so long, in fact JE-> Bukit Indah direct is so so much faster, when they dun detour to Gelang Patah (time consuming coz smaller roads). This is the first time i'm going in via Public Bus thru 2nd Link. The other times was either via Causeway or Chartered bus.
Clearing JB side of the custom is so fast, either thru Auto-gate or the counter, and its just a small hall as compared to Singapore side. It is relatively ok size if there are not many people passing through it at any one time.
Singapore side was abit slow, not due to their inefficiency or manning only a few counters despite having a huge hall with over 20 counters. It was due to apperantly my name was too long for the computer to read it at one go and had to re-scan a few times, might be coz their comp cacat gua. they even had to call inside to release pun. after clearing that, i had to run to the bus and reach the bus almost last few passenger and had to stand, luckily was not too long a journey.
Then from the JE MRT headed towards Vivo City (Harbour Front MRT). Hang around there for awhile, had Carls Junior Cheese set promo for lunch. Their current cheese set burger with bacon is great, coz alot of cheese unlike some place cheesy wedges with "less" cheese on it.
Waited in front of Vivo City, where all the buses are. Its the side where there is the big frontage of GV, Tangs, etc with the water features that make a good place to take photo, except under the hot hot sun. RWS8 is the bus that you would wanna look for, it will bring u to "holland" before heading for the sentosa bridge. RWS is just on the right side, facing Vivo City.
The main attraction for now is the Casino, which is even more well decorated than in Genting Highlands. The table games are in the center, which all the slot machines on the left and right. They even have people to bring the drinks, Bottled water (from Malaysia, its not "new" water), Coffee, Tea to the machines if you are too engross in playing the slot games, and donating more money towards the beloved shareholders. Their table game are mostly Min bet S10, $20, $50 , $200. The Min bet $5 only for "Big/ Small" which has 2 tables for non-smoking, and 3 tables for smoking area. Their "Big/ Small" table has become much smaller, which hope dun reduce the fun. They used to have 2 to 3 Croupier/Dealer per table, but has now reduced it to 1 with the smaller size table. Their Max bet per round for $5 table is $15000/$20000. Most of the tables accept bets up to $50000 per round. I wonder how are the bets and stake like in Maxim club, Singapore/ PR room, International room.
The main purpose of casino is to make money for its shareholders and not ensure that the customer do not lose money (MP for one of the GRC in Singapore, 2010)
After having a tour of the place, we headed back to Vivo city to pick up some bargains.
I bought the Dumb bell alarm clock. When the alarm clock rings and wake u up, it would require you to work out by dumb-belling it for 30 times. Weight of dumb bell is 660g (as claimed) without batteries.
Then we went to Plaza Singapura and had tea at MOS Burger (Jap burger stall). Small and cute burgers for very reasonable price. My next table was "small kids" with rich parents (i assume, coz either Iphone 4 or BB Bold or HTC)
Then she was saying that she was chatting on msn and A said Hi BB. She thought A got to go (BB=bye bye). Then A said (BB=Baby)... =.= 4 me BB would be Blackberry.
After finish "updating" about friends, they started to talk about teacher's of their school.
With my cute burger finish, we move on towards Orchard road, and it was raining heavily. so we took the MRT, which even at 5pm the train was not jam packed unlike LRT or Monorail's or other public transport in our Capital city.
We just walk around Ion orchard, Wisma Atria, Taka. Then went to AMK to have a look, since both exit to Johor would be pack with people going back to the city after work.
In summary: JE->Vivo City->RWS->Vivo City->Plaza Singapura->Ion Orchard->Wisma Atria->Taka->AMK Hub->JE.
Looking at the MRT lines, i have covered North, South, East, West.
I feel that Singapore girl's are prettier and smarter in dolling themselves up, more well developed. Have more character in themselves. But they are said to be more materialistic and very individualistic.
Clearing JB side of the custom is so fast, either thru Auto-gate or the counter, and its just a small hall as compared to Singapore side. It is relatively ok size if there are not many people passing through it at any one time.
Singapore side was abit slow, not due to their inefficiency or manning only a few counters despite having a huge hall with over 20 counters. It was due to apperantly my name was too long for the computer to read it at one go and had to re-scan a few times, might be coz their comp cacat gua. they even had to call inside to release pun. after clearing that, i had to run to the bus and reach the bus almost last few passenger and had to stand, luckily was not too long a journey.
Then from the JE MRT headed towards Vivo City (Harbour Front MRT). Hang around there for awhile, had Carls Junior Cheese set promo for lunch. Their current cheese set burger with bacon is great, coz alot of cheese unlike some place cheesy wedges with "less" cheese on it.
Waited in front of Vivo City, where all the buses are. Its the side where there is the big frontage of GV, Tangs, etc with the water features that make a good place to take photo, except under the hot hot sun. RWS8 is the bus that you would wanna look for, it will bring u to "holland" before heading for the sentosa bridge. RWS is just on the right side, facing Vivo City.
The main attraction for now is the Casino, which is even more well decorated than in Genting Highlands. The table games are in the center, which all the slot machines on the left and right. They even have people to bring the drinks, Bottled water (from Malaysia, its not "new" water), Coffee, Tea to the machines if you are too engross in playing the slot games, and donating more money towards the beloved shareholders. Their table game are mostly Min bet S10, $20, $50 , $200. The Min bet $5 only for "Big/ Small" which has 2 tables for non-smoking, and 3 tables for smoking area. Their "Big/ Small" table has become much smaller, which hope dun reduce the fun. They used to have 2 to 3 Croupier/Dealer per table, but has now reduced it to 1 with the smaller size table. Their Max bet per round for $5 table is $15000/$20000. Most of the tables accept bets up to $50000 per round. I wonder how are the bets and stake like in Maxim club, Singapore/ PR room, International room.
The main purpose of casino is to make money for its shareholders and not ensure that the customer do not lose money (MP for one of the GRC in Singapore, 2010)
After having a tour of the place, we headed back to Vivo city to pick up some bargains.
I bought the Dumb bell alarm clock. When the alarm clock rings and wake u up, it would require you to work out by dumb-belling it for 30 times. Weight of dumb bell is 660g (as claimed) without batteries.
Then we went to Plaza Singapura and had tea at MOS Burger (Jap burger stall). Small and cute burgers for very reasonable price. My next table was "small kids" with rich parents (i assume, coz either Iphone 4 or BB Bold or HTC)
Then she was saying that she was chatting on msn and A said Hi BB. She thought A got to go (BB=bye bye). Then A said (BB=Baby)... =.= 4 me BB would be Blackberry.
After finish "updating" about friends, they started to talk about teacher's of their school.
With my cute burger finish, we move on towards Orchard road, and it was raining heavily. so we took the MRT, which even at 5pm the train was not jam packed unlike LRT or Monorail's or other public transport in our Capital city.
We just walk around Ion orchard, Wisma Atria, Taka. Then went to AMK to have a look, since both exit to Johor would be pack with people going back to the city after work.
In summary: JE->Vivo City->RWS->Vivo City->Plaza Singapura->Ion Orchard->Wisma Atria->Taka->AMK Hub->JE.
Looking at the MRT lines, i have covered North, South, East, West.
I feel that Singapore girl's are prettier and smarter in dolling themselves up, more well developed. Have more character in themselves. But they are said to be more materialistic and very individualistic.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
轉貼: 設計師這位朋友
朋友 開服裝店,買衣服他收錢,大家覺得理所當然。
服裝打折,大家說:“這個是真夠朋 友”
飯店說: “以後來我這吃飯,全免費!”大家說:“不行!你是做生意 的”
文具說:“以後來我這買文具,隨便拿!”大家說:“不行!不 合情理 的”
服裝說:“以後來我服裝店,全部任穿!”大家說:“不行!哪 好意思啊”
設計師:“以後有什麼設計就找我 幫手!”大家說:“好的,謝謝啦!”
大家看到物質,看到飯菜,看到文具,看到服裝,認為這些都 是要錢購買的。
當大家看到一張紙,印 著一個LOGO時,便認為這只是一張有圖案的紙。
其實,設計師的那張紙,就是飯菜,就是文具,就是服裝,就是 生存的手段。
當 大家吃了飯,買的東西,穿了衣服時,便大大方方的付款。
當大家讓朋友做設計的時候,卻只是說“很簡單的,隨便弄一下 就行了,很快 的”
我不想告訴你們,設計師們已經聽了上萬個朋友說同樣的這句 話。
現實上,設計師的這“隨便弄一下”,卻是 更比那碟飯菜,那支筆,那件衣服,
來的更苦更累。出賣的不是那幾元的成本,而是是精力,是健 康,是體力,
是 腦力,是消耗生命。只是設計師都躲在深夜的房間裡付出,大 家都看不到,
設 計師很善良,不敢跟大家說“不”,因為說了“不”,就成了 吝嗇的人。
設計師很善良,幾秒鐘的“沒問題”,換來識幾個晝夜的通宵生 命 消耗。
朋友 開服裝店,買衣服他收錢,大家覺得理所當然。
服裝打折,大家說:“這個是真夠朋 友”
飯店說: “以後來我這吃飯,全免費!”大家說:“不行!你是做生意 的”
文具說:“以後來我這買文具,隨便拿!”大家說:“不行!不 合情理 的”
服裝說:“以後來我服裝店,全部任穿!”大家說:“不行!哪 好意思啊”
設計師:“以後有什麼設計就找我 幫手!”大家說:“好的,謝謝啦!”
大家看到物質,看到飯菜,看到文具,看到服裝,認為這些都 是要錢購買的。
當大家看到一張紙,印 著一個LOGO時,便認為這只是一張有圖案的紙。
其實,設計師的那張紙,就是飯菜,就是文具,就是服裝,就是 生存的手段。
當 大家吃了飯,買的東西,穿了衣服時,便大大方方的付款。
當大家讓朋友做設計的時候,卻只是說“很簡單的,隨便弄一下 就行了,很快 的”
我不想告訴你們,設計師們已經聽了上萬個朋友說同樣的這句 話。
現實上,設計師的這“隨便弄一下”,卻是 更比那碟飯菜,那支筆,那件衣服,
來的更苦更累。出賣的不是那幾元的成本,而是是精力,是健 康,是體力,
是 腦力,是消耗生命。只是設計師都躲在深夜的房間裡付出,大 家都看不到,
設 計師很善良,不敢跟大家說“不”,因為說了“不”,就成了 吝嗇的人。
設計師很善良,幾秒鐘的“沒問題”,換來識幾個晝夜的通宵生 命 消耗。
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friday, August 06, 2010
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
9、慢慢的才知道,有很多东西是不属于你的, 你使劲强求会遭天遣的
10、慢慢的才知道,未必做每件事情都有意义, 可是做的每件事情都觉得是一件回忆
13、慢慢的才知道,从现在开始应该把握每一个你能把握的人,放弃你留不住的人, 不要因为想留住个别人而失去一群人。
14、慢慢的才知道,自己一定在乎自己的自尊, 但你的自尊在别人眼里根本不算什么
15、慢慢的才知道,不要心情不好的时候对周围人发脾气,渴望他们谅解你,人家不是你的父母, 现在你可以明白父母对自己多么重要
16、慢慢的才知道,即便有人对情感看的无所谓,你一定要坚信,人之间的感情, 有可能会令所有东西都无法超越的,但记住,只是有可能
18、慢慢的才知道,会遇到许多自己看不惯的人或事,但那与你无关,别人爱咋整随他便, 别生不该生的气,不值
41 慢慢的才知道,给人留一线日后好相见 的真正意义,没有永远的敌人只有永远的朋友, 凡事不要做的太绝,事情的结局都是用嘴巴说出来的
42.慢慢的才知道,不管玩的多好的朋友都有可能失去, 但是我们还是要乐观面对,若是真的把他(她)当作自己的朋友就应该为他(她)祝福.遥望!只是做自己
9、慢慢的才知道,有很多东西是不属于你的, 你使劲强求会遭天遣的
10、慢慢的才知道,未必做每件事情都有意义, 可是做的每件事情都觉得是一件回忆
13、慢慢的才知道,从现在开始应该把握每一个你能把握的人,放弃你留不住的人, 不要因为想留住个别人而失去一群人。
14、慢慢的才知道,自己一定在乎自己的自尊, 但你的自尊在别人眼里根本不算什么
15、慢慢的才知道,不要心情不好的时候对周围人发脾气,渴望他们谅解你,人家不是你的父母, 现在你可以明白父母对自己多么重要
16、慢慢的才知道,即便有人对情感看的无所谓,你一定要坚信,人之间的感情, 有可能会令所有东西都无法超越的,但记住,只是有可能
18、慢慢的才知道,会遇到许多自己看不惯的人或事,但那与你无关,别人爱咋整随他便, 别生不该生的气,不值
41 慢慢的才知道,给人留一线日后好相见 的真正意义,没有永远的敌人只有永远的朋友, 凡事不要做的太绝,事情的结局都是用嘴巴说出来的
42.慢慢的才知道,不管玩的多好的朋友都有可能失去, 但是我们还是要乐观面对,若是真的把他(她)当作自己的朋友就应该为他(她)祝福.遥望!只是做自己
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Farewell Petrina
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
(non original composition)
Farewell Petrina Tan. May you have a brighter future and pursuit what u believe and have great interest in.... Till we meet again some day, be it in Singapore or Malaysia.
May the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
(non original composition)
Farewell Petrina Tan. May you have a brighter future and pursuit what u believe and have great interest in.... Till we meet again some day, be it in Singapore or Malaysia.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
My Elephant, section17, PJ
Just now dinner ended up at My Elephant, section17, PJ. . .
Previously had passby the shop, and with the strong recommandation by friends who have tried it. It is a must try for Thai food...
The portion of the food may seem small, but it can be quite filling...
We had a Pamelo Salad and another Duck dish..
Taste really great.
It was sweet, with spicy and sour-ish after awhile...
But the spicy-ness made me a little uncomfortable.
Seated next to my table was a couple, and they ordered 3 dishes + 1 soup.
Seems that they liked the food very much.
Another table ordered a few dishes with beer as their pairing. Life is interesting even when the place is not "too high class".
Will go back again after some time..
Previously had passby the shop, and with the strong recommandation by friends who have tried it. It is a must try for Thai food...
The portion of the food may seem small, but it can be quite filling...
We had a Pamelo Salad and another Duck dish..
Taste really great.
It was sweet, with spicy and sour-ish after awhile...
But the spicy-ness made me a little uncomfortable.
Seated next to my table was a couple, and they ordered 3 dishes + 1 soup.
Seems that they liked the food very much.
Another table ordered a few dishes with beer as their pairing. Life is interesting even when the place is not "too high class".
Will go back again after some time..
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
当一个深爱着你的人为你而改变,那是因为他爱你,当你遇到一个人, 他为你收起他的顽固脾气;也因为他爱你,他把你的兴趣也变成是他的兴趣时,还是因为他爱你.
喜欢一个人是没有理由的,无悔的 付出,都认为是值得的,只要能和相爱的人在一起。其实我们的身边都有一些这样的人,只是 (你.我.他)还没发现,最懂你的人,总是会一直的在你身边守护你,不让你有一丝的委屈;真正爱你的人,也许不会说许多爱你的话,却会做许多爱你的事。
如果你发现 身边有这样的人的话,请你好好珍惜……。
请你记住!摘不到的星星,总是最闪亮的,溜掉的小鱼,总是最美丽的。错过的电 影,总是最好看的,失去的情人, 总是最懂你的。
这世界 上, 每个 人都有个 想要寻找的人,一但错过了, 就在也不会回来。
如果爱上,就不要轻易说放 弃 。闹别扭了,可能你后悔一阵子;但是你放弃了,可能使你后悔一辈子。经历过爱 情的人生才是美好,经不起考验的爱情是不深刻的。美好的爱情使人生丰富,经的起考验的爱情才是完美的.
当一个深爱着你的人为你而改变,那是因为他爱你,当你遇到一个人, 他为你收起他的顽固脾气;也因为他爱你,他把你的兴趣也变成是他的兴趣时,还是因为他爱你.
喜欢一个人是没有理由的,无悔的 付出,都认为是值得的,只要能和相爱的人在一起。其实我们的身边都有一些这样的人,只是 (你.我.他)还没发现,最懂你的人,总是会一直的在你身边守护你,不让你有一丝的委屈;真正爱你的人,也许不会说许多爱你的话,却会做许多爱你的事。
如果你发现 身边有这样的人的话,请你好好珍惜……。
请你记住!摘不到的星星,总是最闪亮的,溜掉的小鱼,总是最美丽的。错过的电 影,总是最好看的,失去的情人, 总是最懂你的。
这世界 上, 每个 人都有个 想要寻找的人,一但错过了, 就在也不会回来。
如果爱上,就不要轻易说放 弃 。闹别扭了,可能你后悔一阵子;但是你放弃了,可能使你后悔一辈子。经历过爱 情的人生才是美好,经不起考验的爱情是不深刻的。美好的爱情使人生丰富,经的起考验的爱情才是完美的.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
使爱情拥有长久和顽强的生命力,需要双方去精心 耐心 细心经营才可以维持的。 要谈论到使之长久之计嘛,看起来这里面挺深奥的,可一旦悟透了其中的道理,其实却很简单,概括总结起来就是: 理解、体谅和信任。。。 这三个因素缺一不可,是所有爱情秘笈中的精华所在,一切能让爱情拥有长久生命力的秘密都蕴含其中,无论爱情还是婚姻,只要双方彼此拥有了这三个必要条件, 那肯定会心想事成了。 这里面还有一个小窍门: 欲使其长久,还需常常保持新鲜感,也就是要寻找一些对付彼此之间不耐烦、长期的感官麻木、审美疲劳等致命“杀手”,能将爱情中最早先的情愫以最快的速度迅 速加深加厚、磨合并转化为似亲情般那种相濡以沫、相依为命的“复合型”感情。只有拥有这种感情的爱情才是最坚固最长久的,它会随着时间的逝去而越发历久弥 坚、牢不可破。 当有一天,你突然发觉自己是那么地幸福无比,在细细琢磨后,这才体会到原来理解、体谅和信任早已不知什么时候来到了你的身边,它们一直都在默默地陪伴着 你,当你发觉了它们的存在后,这才恍然大悟:原来,它们不仅是爱情的守护神,同时也注明了生活的真谛。。。。
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Paul's Prediction
Monday, July 12, 2010
Best area to stay and find match
Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia. Jun 2010 Publication.
Population density is population per unit of land area.
Sex ration is the ratio of the number of males for every 100 females.
Population density = population/ land area
Sex ratio = (number of males/ number of females) x 100
PDF file
Friday, July 09, 2010
Allowance still not paid!!!
It's already 9 July 2010... i have been working for the past month, and yet my allowance (salary la!) is still not out yet, neither bank in, or cheque issued.
Under Employment Act 1955. (Act 265), it is stated under
Wage period
Section 18.
(1) A contract of service shall specify a wage period not exceeding one month.
(2) If in any contract of service no wage period is specified the wage period shall for the purposes of the contract be deemed to be one month.
Time of payment of wages
Section 19.
Every employer shall pay to each of his employees not later than the seventh day after the last day of any wage period the wages, less lawful deductions, earned by such employee during such wage period:
Under Employment Act 1955. (Act 265), it is stated under
Wage period
Section 18.
(1) A contract of service shall specify a wage period not exceeding one month.
(2) If in any contract of service no wage period is specified the wage period shall for the purposes of the contract be deemed to be one month.
Time of payment of wages
Section 19.
Every employer shall pay to each of his employees not later than the seventh day after the last day of any wage period the wages, less lawful deductions, earned by such employee during such wage period:
Thursday, July 08, 2010
性格较温和,行动规矩,具责任感,做事很谨慎。感情丰富,诚实谦虚,但温柔寡断,多愁善感, 认真,责任感强,个性安静悲观,追求完美,好胜心强,控制欲强。
当 A型人受不了外来环境之压迫时,就想从现实中逃避
为人正直, 个性随和, 善于交际, 思想旷达, 富有创意, 做事认真, 聚精会神, 行动与判断都很敏捷, 乐观直接, 说话常太直接会伤人.
兼具A型与B型的特质, 做事有计划, 没有耐, 容易冲动, 直觉敏锐, 不喜欢墨守成规, 性情多变, 有时表现极端的个性, 注意合情合理性,强烈的批评精神, 翻脸跟翻书一样就不理它.
乐观豪爽,性格明朗外向,理智重于感情,意志坚定,有自信心,明辨善意,好出风头、做事有决断力, 个性比较顽固, 缺乏谦让之心, 讲究个人与利己主义,非常开朗,正义感
性格较温和,行动规矩,具责任感,做事很谨慎。感情丰富,诚实谦虚,但温柔寡断,多愁善感, 认真,责任感强,个性安静悲观,追求完美,好胜心强,控制欲强。
当 A型人受不了外来环境之压迫时,就想从现实中逃避
为人正直, 个性随和, 善于交际, 思想旷达, 富有创意, 做事认真, 聚精会神, 行动与判断都很敏捷, 乐观直接, 说话常太直接会伤人.
兼具A型与B型的特质, 做事有计划, 没有耐, 容易冲动, 直觉敏锐, 不喜欢墨守成规, 性情多变, 有时表现极端的个性, 注意合情合理性,强烈的批评精神, 翻脸跟翻书一样就不理它.
乐观豪爽,性格明朗外向,理智重于感情,意志坚定,有自信心,明辨善意,好出风头、做事有决断力, 个性比较顽固, 缺乏谦让之心, 讲究个人与利己主义,非常开朗,正义感
Monday, July 05, 2010
[转] 新三字经!
Monday, June 28, 2010
9 letter word -> 1 letter word
What common English word is 9 letters long and each time you remove a letter it still remains an English word, from 9 letters down to one letter, until you reach its last letter?
others are
['cleansers', 'cleanses', 'cleanse', 'cleans', 'leans', 'leas', 'las', 'as', 'a']
['discusses', 'discuses', 'discuss', 'discus', 'discs', 'diss', 'dis', 'is', 'i']
['drownings', 'drowning', 'downing', 'owning', 'owing', 'wing', 'win', 'in', 'i']
['grandeurs', 'grandeur', 'grander', 'grader', 'grade', 'grad', 'rad', 'ad', 'a']
['groupings', 'grouping', 'groping', 'roping', 'oping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['paintings', 'painting', 'paining', 'pining', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['piercings', 'piercing', 'piecing', 'pieing', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['prattlers', 'rattlers', 'ratters', 'raters', 'rates', 'rats', 'rat', 'at', 'a']
['prickling', 'pickling', 'picking', 'piking', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['restarted', 'restated', 'restate', 'estate', 'state', 'sate', 'ate', 'at', 'a']
['scrapping', 'crapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['shoppings', 'shopping', 'hopping', 'hoping', 'oping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['sparkling', 'sparking', 'sparing', 'spring', 'sprig', 'prig', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['spinnings', 'spinning', 'pinning', 'pining', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['splatters', 'platters', 'latters', 'lattes', 'latte', 'late', 'ate', 'at', 'a']
['splitting', 'slitting', 'sitting', 'siting', 'sting', 'ting', 'tin', 'in', 'i']
['spritzers', 'spritzes', 'sprites', 'spites', 'sites', 'sits', 'its', 'is', 'i']
['stampeded', 'stampede', 'stamped', 'tamped', 'tamed', 'tame', 'tam', 'am', 'a']
['stampedes', 'stampede', 'stamped', 'tamped', 'tamed', 'tame', 'tam', 'am', 'a']
['starlings', 'starling', 'staring', 'string', 'sting', 'ting', 'tin', 'in', 'i']
['strapping', 'trapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['stringers', 'stingers', 'singers', 'singes', 'sines', 'sins', 'ins', 'is', 'i']
['stringier', 'stingier', 'stinger', 'singer', 'singe', 'sine', 'sin', 'in', 'i']
['switchers', 'switches', 'witches', 'withes', 'withe', 'wite', 'wit', 'it', 'i']
['tramplers', 'trampers', 'tampers', 'tamers', 'tames', 'tams', 'tam', 'am', 'a']
['trampling', 'tramping', 'tamping', 'taping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['trappings', 'trapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['wrappings', 'wrapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
others are
['cleansers', 'cleanses', 'cleanse', 'cleans', 'leans', 'leas', 'las', 'as', 'a']
['discusses', 'discuses', 'discuss', 'discus', 'discs', 'diss', 'dis', 'is', 'i']
['drownings', 'drowning', 'downing', 'owning', 'owing', 'wing', 'win', 'in', 'i']
['grandeurs', 'grandeur', 'grander', 'grader', 'grade', 'grad', 'rad', 'ad', 'a']
['groupings', 'grouping', 'groping', 'roping', 'oping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['paintings', 'painting', 'paining', 'pining', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['piercings', 'piercing', 'piecing', 'pieing', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['prattlers', 'rattlers', 'ratters', 'raters', 'rates', 'rats', 'rat', 'at', 'a']
['prickling', 'pickling', 'picking', 'piking', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['restarted', 'restated', 'restate', 'estate', 'state', 'sate', 'ate', 'at', 'a']
['scrapping', 'crapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['shoppings', 'shopping', 'hopping', 'hoping', 'oping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['sparkling', 'sparking', 'sparing', 'spring', 'sprig', 'prig', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['spinnings', 'spinning', 'pinning', 'pining', 'piing', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['splatters', 'platters', 'latters', 'lattes', 'latte', 'late', 'ate', 'at', 'a']
['splitting', 'slitting', 'sitting', 'siting', 'sting', 'ting', 'tin', 'in', 'i']
['spritzers', 'spritzes', 'sprites', 'spites', 'sites', 'sits', 'its', 'is', 'i']
['stampeded', 'stampede', 'stamped', 'tamped', 'tamed', 'tame', 'tam', 'am', 'a']
['stampedes', 'stampede', 'stamped', 'tamped', 'tamed', 'tame', 'tam', 'am', 'a']
['starlings', 'starling', 'staring', 'string', 'sting', 'ting', 'tin', 'in', 'i']
['strapping', 'trapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['stringers', 'stingers', 'singers', 'singes', 'sines', 'sins', 'ins', 'is', 'i']
['stringier', 'stingier', 'stinger', 'singer', 'singe', 'sine', 'sin', 'in', 'i']
['switchers', 'switches', 'witches', 'withes', 'withe', 'wite', 'wit', 'it', 'i']
['tramplers', 'trampers', 'tampers', 'tamers', 'tames', 'tams', 'tam', 'am', 'a']
['trampling', 'tramping', 'tamping', 'taping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['trappings', 'trapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
['wrappings', 'wrapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'pig', 'pi', 'i']
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Just a thought.
When go in with a relax and open mind and not have a limit, things would seem 2 be easier to be fulfilled.
You would also be happier and more relax too.
Getting along with people better, try to click with them would also be easier but dun lose ur own identity and self to the new environment.
You could also play along with them, if u learn to accept them as some1 new, and dun have so much barrier.
*wrote this while working*
You would also be happier and more relax too.
Getting along with people better, try to click with them would also be easier but dun lose ur own identity and self to the new environment.
You could also play along with them, if u learn to accept them as some1 new, and dun have so much barrier.
*wrote this while working*
Monday, June 21, 2010
Musical Tun Mahathir
It is a real musical gua... I was talking about it with my friends before this, and they said its not true la, possible make up, but i happen to come arcoss an article in NST, so its true.
Tickets will be priced RM30, RM50, RM80, RM100 and RM150. Time: 8.30pm. Sept 25 and Oct 2-3: 3pm. Call 03-4026 5558.
Place is at Istana Budaya.
Tickets will be priced RM30, RM50, RM80, RM100 and RM150. Time: 8.30pm. Sept 25 and Oct 2-3: 3pm. Call 03-4026 5558.
Place is at Istana Budaya.
Friday, June 18, 2010
3 weeks of working
So fast and its been 3 weeks since i started working in this new company.
Currently i have a desk that is in front of the meeting room, and also used for interviewing candidates.
i can help but am kepo.. so i will see who goes in la...
There is interview everyday, normally 2 each day, sometimes just 1...
So i will see how those people present themselves, because first impression really do counts, and its crucial when u have a few candidate and all are equally same, what would give the advantage then...
In this 3 weeks, i have seen people who comes with top that looks like she work in McD counter (a lady), some wear slippers, few have come with short sleeves, some long sleeves but rolled up, at least put down first before entering the office... Then there was this guy who came empty handed. Bare hand leh!!! Resume? CV? Certificate? all he brought was himself, and his face. He thinks that this is a modeling agency, where they will see your looks!!!
all of the above people, i haven't seen them in the office. They have not been hired, as far as i noe...
Currently i have a desk that is in front of the meeting room, and also used for interviewing candidates.
i can help but am kepo.. so i will see who goes in la...
There is interview everyday, normally 2 each day, sometimes just 1...
So i will see how those people present themselves, because first impression really do counts, and its crucial when u have a few candidate and all are equally same, what would give the advantage then...
In this 3 weeks, i have seen people who comes with top that looks like she work in McD counter (a lady), some wear slippers, few have come with short sleeves, some long sleeves but rolled up, at least put down first before entering the office... Then there was this guy who came empty handed. Bare hand leh!!! Resume? CV? Certificate? all he brought was himself, and his face. He thinks that this is a modeling agency, where they will see your looks!!!
all of the above people, i haven't seen them in the office. They have not been hired, as far as i noe...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday (13/06/2010) morning had my 1st company team-building. Previous places where i worked, there was never team building activities, because the company is already a team, no need for such things. We went for Skytrex, in Ahah Alam Taman Pertanian.
we did the BIG thrill since its the first time for many (tats wat i heard, and ask some of them).
First had the short training session, then off to the actual thing. The starting point took a long time since we had 19 people, and it takes time, coz 30 feet high leh... The rest was normal la.. but i felt it was harder this time.. donno why... They added more flying fox. The "Tarzan" and "Spiderman" is no longer available in the path, since the tree fell, and it has start to get soft around that area where the activity used to be, now in its place is flying fox.
we took around 3 hours to finish everything. 10.30am-1.45pm.
After that we went to have McD in Shah Alam since budget was limited.
After lunch, some of them suggested going for movie. so off we went to 1-Utama for movie, and dinner after that...
we did the BIG thrill since its the first time for many (tats wat i heard, and ask some of them).
First had the short training session, then off to the actual thing. The starting point took a long time since we had 19 people, and it takes time, coz 30 feet high leh... The rest was normal la.. but i felt it was harder this time.. donno why... They added more flying fox. The "Tarzan" and "Spiderman" is no longer available in the path, since the tree fell, and it has start to get soft around that area where the activity used to be, now in its place is flying fox.
we took around 3 hours to finish everything. 10.30am-1.45pm.
After that we went to have McD in Shah Alam since budget was limited.
After lunch, some of them suggested going for movie. so off we went to 1-Utama for movie, and dinner after that...
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Officially a registered voter
I'm officially a Malaysian registered voter.
After waiting for monthS for them to register it into their (SPR) system, i'm finally in.
Exercise your rights people... Voting is your right.. If you choose not to vote, and if something is wrong, u DON'T have the right to voice it, because your choose to give it up when you had the chance legally.
Do register early to avoid disappointment, because they will take some time before you are in the system. Its not the moment you submit, few days later you will be in... Might take up to a year (possible lo)...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Top 10 countries creating the most negative environmental impact
Top ten countries creating the most negative environmental impact in the world, according to a new study released by University of Adelaide Environmental Institute of Australia.
10. Netherlands
9. Philippines
8. Malaysia
7. Bahrain
6. Thailand
5. Japan
4. Kuwait
3. Qatar
2. Korea
1. Singapore
Surprisingly, Singapore is much a modern country, and with 10 year car life span, can actually top this list.. thought they always planting new trees, and keeping their greens, with balance in development.
Middle-east has took quite a few spots, maybe due to their rapid development of buildings.
10. Netherlands
9. Philippines
8. Malaysia
7. Bahrain
6. Thailand
5. Japan
4. Kuwait
3. Qatar
2. Korea
1. Singapore
Surprisingly, Singapore is much a modern country, and with 10 year car life span, can actually top this list.. thought they always planting new trees, and keeping their greens, with balance in development.
Middle-east has took quite a few spots, maybe due to their rapid development of buildings.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
countdown 2 days to exam
Counting down to the days when my exam would be starting... i'm starting to feel a breakdown, because i can't seems to remember what i have read, trying to understand it...
5 stages of pre-exam breakdown
stage 1. denial
(don't worry its fine - its all good, i can deal with it, it wont be to hard, no worries)
stage 2. Anger
- are you fucking kidding me!! this is shit - i dont know any of this how do they expect us to remember this?? "
stage 3. bargaining
Shit i wish i didnt have to do this - its all over, im going to fail. I would do anything to not have to do this, just one more day to study, anything to get out of this
stage 4. depression
its fucked, im fucked, its all over - HSC over, im never going to pass, just give up now and drop out
stage 5. acceptance
yes i finally acknowledge i am fucked - but nonetheless i will do this exam anyway and hopefully get through it somehow
5 stages of pre-exam breakdown
stage 1. denial
(don't worry its fine - its all good, i can deal with it, it wont be to hard, no worries)
stage 2. Anger
- are you fucking kidding me!! this is shit - i dont know any of this how do they expect us to remember this?? "
stage 3. bargaining
Shit i wish i didnt have to do this - its all over, im going to fail. I would do anything to not have to do this, just one more day to study, anything to get out of this
stage 4. depression
its fucked, im fucked, its all over - HSC over, im never going to pass, just give up now and drop out
stage 5. acceptance
yes i finally acknowledge i am fucked - but nonetheless i will do this exam anyway and hopefully get through it somehow
Thursday, May 20, 2010
US President and "peace-keeping"
ALL the President of US after Roosevelt has declared war on a country, or continue it.
True or not? we shall see.
From what i have complied, ONLY "Gerald Ford" didn't have any big war on-going during his time, the others have some sort of thing.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
March 4, 1933 April 12, 1945
World War II- Japan, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania.
Harry S Truman
April 12, 1945 January 20, 1953
Korean War (1950) North Korea and People Republic of China
Dwight D. Eisenhower
January 20, 1953 January 20, 1961
Lebanon crisis of 1958
John F. Kennedy
January 20, 1961 November 22, 1963
Vietnam War
Lyndon B. Johnson
November 22, 1963 January 20, 1969
Vietnam War
Richard Nixon
January 20, 1969 August 9, 1974
Vietnam War
Gerald Ford
August 9, 1974 January 20, 1977
Jimmy Carter
January 20, 1977 January 20, 1981
Multinational Force in Lebanon (1974)
Ronald Reagan
January 20, 1981 January 20, 1989
Multinational Force in Lebanon (withdraw 1984)
George H. W. Bush
January 20, 1989 January 20, 1993
Gulf War, also known as Operation Desert Storm (1991)
Bill Clinton
January 20, 1993 January 20, 2001
Bosnian War (1993)
George W. Bush
January 20, 2001 January 20, 2009
War in Afghanistan, also known as Operation Enduring Freedom. (2001)
Iraq War, also known as Operation Iraqi Freedom. (2002)
Second Liberian Civil War. (2003, Peacekeeping)
Haiti, also known as MINUSTAH. (2004, Peacekeeping)
Barack Obama
January 20, 2009 Incumbent
Continue both Iraq and Afghanistan, a.k.a. Peacekeeping.
With this list, i wonder who can deny it now. My fren who is pro-US, said there was no such thing.
True or not? we shall see.
From what i have complied, ONLY "Gerald Ford" didn't have any big war on-going during his time, the others have some sort of thing.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
March 4, 1933 April 12, 1945
World War II- Japan, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania.
Harry S Truman
April 12, 1945 January 20, 1953
Korean War (1950) North Korea and People Republic of China
Dwight D. Eisenhower
January 20, 1953 January 20, 1961
Lebanon crisis of 1958
John F. Kennedy
January 20, 1961 November 22, 1963
Vietnam War
Lyndon B. Johnson
November 22, 1963 January 20, 1969
Vietnam War
Richard Nixon
January 20, 1969 August 9, 1974
Vietnam War
Gerald Ford
August 9, 1974 January 20, 1977
Jimmy Carter
January 20, 1977 January 20, 1981
Multinational Force in Lebanon (1974)
Ronald Reagan
January 20, 1981 January 20, 1989
Multinational Force in Lebanon (withdraw 1984)
George H. W. Bush
January 20, 1989 January 20, 1993
Gulf War, also known as Operation Desert Storm (1991)
Bill Clinton
January 20, 1993 January 20, 2001
Bosnian War (1993)
George W. Bush
January 20, 2001 January 20, 2009
War in Afghanistan, also known as Operation Enduring Freedom. (2001)
Iraq War, also known as Operation Iraqi Freedom. (2002)
Second Liberian Civil War. (2003, Peacekeeping)
Haiti, also known as MINUSTAH. (2004, Peacekeeping)
Barack Obama
January 20, 2009 Incumbent
Continue both Iraq and Afghanistan, a.k.a. Peacekeeping.
With this list, i wonder who can deny it now. My fren who is pro-US, said there was no such thing.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Inner & physical healing
Inner healing is the healing of the internal of a person be it psychological, inner hurts, emotional pains, broken hearted.
The healing by the Grace of GOD within us.
We should ask GOD to give us the grace to forgive, and let go of it. It is hard to forget because the pain is just so real, and the scars within will always be there. When we said that we have forgotten about it, Its just not true, because when we say so, we still remember that it happen before.
After the healing for within us session, there was also a physical healing session.
There can be many healing, but they just did 2 of it. 1 for the shoulder pain, and another for the back pain.
I prayed for the healing of my back pain. Not dramatic, but sometimes the pain comes and go. Just now, i could feel the healing within my back. A feeling that it got better, but the priest lay his hands upon me, with the congregation praying over me. n i was the ONLY person that the whole congregation prayed upon??
When i saw many non-catholic going up and asking the priest to pray over them, it shows how great the LORD is, and he has bring people into his house. The many people that are seeking healing from his mercy and grace.
The healing by the Grace of GOD within us.
We should ask GOD to give us the grace to forgive, and let go of it. It is hard to forget because the pain is just so real, and the scars within will always be there. When we said that we have forgotten about it, Its just not true, because when we say so, we still remember that it happen before.
After the healing for within us session, there was also a physical healing session.
There can be many healing, but they just did 2 of it. 1 for the shoulder pain, and another for the back pain.
I prayed for the healing of my back pain. Not dramatic, but sometimes the pain comes and go. Just now, i could feel the healing within my back. A feeling that it got better, but the priest lay his hands upon me, with the congregation praying over me. n i was the ONLY person that the whole congregation prayed upon??
When i saw many non-catholic going up and asking the priest to pray over them, it shows how great the LORD is, and he has bring people into his house. The many people that are seeking healing from his mercy and grace.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
NS trainee gives birth in camp toilet
NS trainee gives birth in camp toilet
It said she has been in camp since March, which is almost 2 months now.. means she should be at least 5 month's pregnant. So many month's pregnant, and still can't be seen. I wonder how she undergo her training. The others also didn't notice it. She must be really good in hiding her baby bump, since nobody knew it. Or maybe people knew, but just kept quiet. She could have not gone since she is "medically unfit" at that moment. Why our NS keep got such stories, one after another.. Interesting leh...
Do you think NS management should have their future female NS trainee to under go pregnancy test to avoid something like this happen again in the future?
It said she has been in camp since March, which is almost 2 months now.. means she should be at least 5 month's pregnant. So many month's pregnant, and still can't be seen. I wonder how she undergo her training. The others also didn't notice it. She must be really good in hiding her baby bump, since nobody knew it. Or maybe people knew, but just kept quiet. She could have not gone since she is "medically unfit" at that moment. Why our NS keep got such stories, one after another.. Interesting leh...
Do you think NS management should have their future female NS trainee to under go pregnancy test to avoid something like this happen again in the future?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Interview at Citibank, HR department.
Spend almost this whole afternoon for the interview at Citibank.
The interview itself took about 1 hour. The other was traveling time, and waiting time... Yes, waiting time... not because there was other people at the interview, but because i arrive early, and she had some "urgent" last minute thing to be done.
I left my house around 1.30. arrive at Citibank HQ around 2.30 or so. Got myself registered at the concourse. All visitor have to get a card because there is a barrier before the lifts.
went up to the top (almost there), they have 3 kind of lifts, low level, high level (both can take from concourse), and the "high high" level which must be change at level 35 (highest for high level lift).
Went in the HR department, there was nobody at the reception. [nice sofa and furnishing] so i called the number that i was suppose to call [i tried the whole morning, nobody pick it up, obviously its a direct line, coz when get through always she pick] she said will be coming, wait at the reception area. Got a magazine, so just pick up and read it, called The PEAK, supposedly a high-society magazine, because there was so much "quality" products. One of the article was about Dato' Seri Mohammed Shazalli Ramly, Celcom CEO; Dato' Sri Tony Fernandes, AirAsia & Tune Group CEO; Jason Lo, Tune Talk CEO. There was also an article talking about art collection and gallerias.
SO, i waited for about 45 minutes before she was finally able to interview me.
Mean while, there was this lady who walk pass few time, each time passing by me, will say you still waiting for her o! She seems quite a senior staff, should be Manager grade & above.
The interview was pretty normal. Each has their own way and style. Mainly she was asking me about my past experience in studies, work, and society.
Hopefully will be shortlist, and shortlist by her boss. *keeping fingers cross* because it seems there is quite a number of applicants.
The interview itself took about 1 hour. The other was traveling time, and waiting time... Yes, waiting time... not because there was other people at the interview, but because i arrive early, and she had some "urgent" last minute thing to be done.
I left my house around 1.30. arrive at Citibank HQ around 2.30 or so. Got myself registered at the concourse. All visitor have to get a card because there is a barrier before the lifts.
went up to the top (almost there), they have 3 kind of lifts, low level, high level (both can take from concourse), and the "high high" level which must be change at level 35 (highest for high level lift).
Went in the HR department, there was nobody at the reception. [nice sofa and furnishing] so i called the number that i was suppose to call [i tried the whole morning, nobody pick it up, obviously its a direct line, coz when get through always she pick] she said will be coming, wait at the reception area. Got a magazine, so just pick up and read it, called The PEAK, supposedly a high-society magazine, because there was so much "quality" products. One of the article was about Dato' Seri Mohammed Shazalli Ramly, Celcom CEO; Dato' Sri Tony Fernandes, AirAsia & Tune Group CEO; Jason Lo, Tune Talk CEO. There was also an article talking about art collection and gallerias.
SO, i waited for about 45 minutes before she was finally able to interview me.
Mean while, there was this lady who walk pass few time, each time passing by me, will say you still waiting for her o! She seems quite a senior staff, should be Manager grade & above.
The interview was pretty normal. Each has their own way and style. Mainly she was asking me about my past experience in studies, work, and society.
Hopefully will be shortlist, and shortlist by her boss. *keeping fingers cross* because it seems there is quite a number of applicants.
Monday, May 10, 2010
what does WIFE mean
Husband: Do you know the meaning of WIFE? “Without Information Fighting Everytime”
Wife: “With Idiot For Ever!!!”
Wife: “With Idiot For Ever!!!”
Friday, May 07, 2010
I hate Private numberI
because when they call you, and you can't pick it up, or pick but can't speak (like during lecture/ meetings), and you can't call back because you donno their number. unless they always use the same number, and you already know their number. If its a big corp, even if you have their name and number, might not get them also...
Just now i called this organization since its almost the end of the day, and he haven't gotten back to me. (He said will call me back earlier in the day). He use private number, so i try find another number, hoping they from the same department. But then he is not from the same department, and she (the lady who emailed me) donno which department he is from. *cry cry* coz can't get him, and have to just wait for him to call me... *ultimate KAN CHONG-ness*
He didn't call just before i made the call, but WHEN i was speaking to the lady on the phone he had to CALL ME!!! private number
I put down the phone *jump jump jump* walao!!!! of all time, he called me THEN!! private number some more...
*pray pray pray* HE CALLED back. Line broke!!!! luckily he CALL again... fast fast ask for his number first. in case anything, can call him back...
He said 2day his last day, and he is TEMP staff, that's why cannot locate which department he from. but i got the department right... He was from HR.
The lady said he might be from other department other than HR because they (HR) will collect, and give out to other departments, they seldom will call on behalf of other departments.
anyway, luckily he called back. If not i sure cannot eat & sleep well...
because when they call you, and you can't pick it up, or pick but can't speak (like during lecture/ meetings), and you can't call back because you donno their number. unless they always use the same number, and you already know their number. If its a big corp, even if you have their name and number, might not get them also...
Just now i called this organization since its almost the end of the day, and he haven't gotten back to me. (He said will call me back earlier in the day). He use private number, so i try find another number, hoping they from the same department. But then he is not from the same department, and she (the lady who emailed me) donno which department he is from. *cry cry* coz can't get him, and have to just wait for him to call me... *ultimate KAN CHONG-ness*
He didn't call just before i made the call, but WHEN i was speaking to the lady on the phone he had to CALL ME!!! private number
I put down the phone *jump jump jump* walao!!!! of all time, he called me THEN!! private number some more...
*pray pray pray* HE CALLED back. Line broke!!!! luckily he CALL again... fast fast ask for his number first. in case anything, can call him back...
He said 2day his last day, and he is TEMP staff, that's why cannot locate which department he from. but i got the department right... He was from HR.
The lady said he might be from other department other than HR because they (HR) will collect, and give out to other departments, they seldom will call on behalf of other departments.
anyway, luckily he called back. If not i sure cannot eat & sleep well...
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Almost end of semester Feb2010
Wed is the end of my classes for each week.. Next week would be on my Final week of class for this semester, then 1 week of study week before the final exams. Then m off til Sept, before my Final *keep finger cross* semester of my degree....
Next week would be the last week, i will be having class with most of my classmates, coz its their Final semester, while i would be extending an extra semester due to matters beyond my control.
Some of them would be leaving within the next couple of months... Til Fate brings us together again. Farewell, and best of luck to all...
Its been great having so many group of classmates during degree, unfortunately m not close with many of them. Its more like Hi, Bye!
Hopefully next semester would be the best of all semester that i have had.
*i still have 2 assignments to submit* Almost ending, but still have assignment, exams to clear.
Next week would be the last week, i will be having class with most of my classmates, coz its their Final semester, while i would be extending an extra semester due to matters beyond my control.
Some of them would be leaving within the next couple of months... Til Fate brings us together again. Farewell, and best of luck to all...
Its been great having so many group of classmates during degree, unfortunately m not close with many of them. Its more like Hi, Bye!
Hopefully next semester would be the best of all semester that i have had.
*i still have 2 assignments to submit* Almost ending, but still have assignment, exams to clear.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
New Passport
Tis morning woke up early, fast fast get ready, then went to Uni...
reach Uni around 7.15, and surprisingly already got ppl sitting in the class, when they only start at 8AM~~~~ tis people have nothing better to do o... come so early, not do discussion pun...
anyway, heading up to the immigration department located just above my uni... (u would have guess where i study by now).. there was already people Q-ing up for the Kiosk. The other door is also opened, bt donno how is it upstairs, so just join the Q for the Kiosk which was not open yet... 7.30 the National Registration a.k.a Make IC department also open their door, but Kiosk still nobody was in sight to open the door... Finally 2 woman emerge, and open the door... they went in and do something, after 5 minutes, they came out, and open the door to let people in.. i was like 6/7 in Q, maybe even more.. but then when door open, i walk directly to the kiosk since i have everything prepared, including the envelop. have spare pun =p
while some of them have to fill, this and that... so i manage to be the second in line for one of the 3 available a.k.a function-able kiosk... 1 was roask, and its been like that for allah noe how long la...
The lady in front of me was like pretty slow, then came the insert-your-money part, which the machine took it so damn slow la... so i ask her slowly put it, if not it wil be even slower, coz it wil like that its own time to scan to c if your money is fake or not gua... if keep pushing it, it might jam...
Then came my part, which i think took quite fast, coz i c how she did, so i noe agak whats next... put in your RM300, and DONE... headed for class, and i was still early... by 7.45am, i was out of the Kiosk room... very FAST!!! After class, around 12noon, it was ready...
The new passport is damn ugly lo... why can't they have nicer design passports... at least the internal layout is more interesting ma..
But then its now 48 pages, up from the 32 pages previously...
got more pages to chop d...
Side track: Surprsingly this morning they use the Van (normally used to ferry Lecturer, or Uni guest) to send us to the other block... Just the few of us in the Van only... macam "Exclusive" o.... Some more i sit at the front ALONE.... i wanted to open the door to cabin, but then they said the Uncle as me sit at the front seat... hahaha... donno why... but the ride was much better, coz the cooling air-con was blowing me...
reach Uni around 7.15, and surprisingly already got ppl sitting in the class, when they only start at 8AM~~~~ tis people have nothing better to do o... come so early, not do discussion pun...
anyway, heading up to the immigration department located just above my uni... (u would have guess where i study by now).. there was already people Q-ing up for the Kiosk. The other door is also opened, bt donno how is it upstairs, so just join the Q for the Kiosk which was not open yet... 7.30 the National Registration a.k.a Make IC department also open their door, but Kiosk still nobody was in sight to open the door... Finally 2 woman emerge, and open the door... they went in and do something, after 5 minutes, they came out, and open the door to let people in.. i was like 6/7 in Q, maybe even more.. but then when door open, i walk directly to the kiosk since i have everything prepared, including the envelop. have spare pun =p
while some of them have to fill, this and that... so i manage to be the second in line for one of the 3 available a.k.a function-able kiosk... 1 was roask, and its been like that for allah noe how long la...
The lady in front of me was like pretty slow, then came the insert-your-money part, which the machine took it so damn slow la... so i ask her slowly put it, if not it wil be even slower, coz it wil like that its own time to scan to c if your money is fake or not gua... if keep pushing it, it might jam...
Then came my part, which i think took quite fast, coz i c how she did, so i noe agak whats next... put in your RM300, and DONE... headed for class, and i was still early... by 7.45am, i was out of the Kiosk room... very FAST!!! After class, around 12noon, it was ready...
The new passport is damn ugly lo... why can't they have nicer design passports... at least the internal layout is more interesting ma..
But then its now 48 pages, up from the 32 pages previously...
got more pages to chop d...
Side track: Surprsingly this morning they use the Van (normally used to ferry Lecturer, or Uni guest) to send us to the other block... Just the few of us in the Van only... macam "Exclusive" o.... Some more i sit at the front ALONE.... i wanted to open the door to cabin, but then they said the Uncle as me sit at the front seat... hahaha... donno why... but the ride was much better, coz the cooling air-con was blowing me...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Crocs Warehouse sale
Wonderfully many people on this second day of the warehouse sale at Level 2 Ikano Power Center, Mutiara Damansara...
There was so many people even on weekday afternoon... seems like those people no need to work de... going in also need to Q up...
There was clear sign stating which gender it was... Kid's, Unisex, and Men's was the worst, hard to get to the table pun... But then i c wat, size ok, take first before some1 else lay their hands on it... Took a few pairs, then went to Q-up. so damn long Q lo.... but then second thought, since so many people, why not just look around again...
This time go c the woman's... not many people lo, the most empty row... size starting from 4... therefore i bought for my mum and sister from the kid's, since its nicer and should be better gam with their feet... My dad said wanted front covered, but then either size too big (many are 12/13), if nt too small (size 5/6)... so just bought the open type, since size 7-9 also hard to get hold of, for just now.. coz they take out in batch, choice also not that many... There was this guy, who was so good.. he go behind help me find the type and colour + size leh...
Seeing people take boxes, i also took 1 to fill the few pairs... Then i went back to Q for payment... There was this chio young lady in front of me... She bought like 3/4 pair of adult sandals, and so many kids shoes... i think should be for 1 kid gua, coz she looks so young, and another on the way... anyway, i had a box, so she turn and ask if i tumpang my box, (she was holding so many)... =) i took another box for her to put all in, since the box was just nearby me, and she is pregnant (est 5/6 mths), some more need Q so long... after tat, she ask me help her c her box =) she go c some more kids de... Mother's are really great, keep think for their kids... Thats why i got my mum a pair, mayb 2 pair (if my sister dun wan it), then get back a token amount of RM1 for each pair, coz chinese believe cannot give shoes de... means want ask them go away...
There was also this aunty, she had a big box, inside at least got 10 pairs of adult size.. then got another uncle, he bought 2 pair of the same design, different colour, coz he said its so cheap la!!! "dun buy,sorry own self 不买,对不起自己"
There was this lady behind me, she ask me, "wa! you buy so many pair o..." *peep into my box* "no la *shy* is buy for few people de" [box is small, but pairs even fewer]
Then there was those UOB card salesman.. he dun even noe what type of CC i using, can ask me take Platinum already... then ask me why not try for UOB Preferred Platinum, which is black colour and much cooler (like Infinite/ WORLD)
My friend said in tweeter, Those people go warehouse sale, they buy things like its alll FREE de... EVERYTHING is FREE... NO need money, and take all you can... so Kiasu!!!
There was so many people even on weekday afternoon... seems like those people no need to work de... going in also need to Q up...
There was clear sign stating which gender it was... Kid's, Unisex, and Men's was the worst, hard to get to the table pun... But then i c wat, size ok, take first before some1 else lay their hands on it... Took a few pairs, then went to Q-up. so damn long Q lo.... but then second thought, since so many people, why not just look around again...
This time go c the woman's... not many people lo, the most empty row... size starting from 4... therefore i bought for my mum and sister from the kid's, since its nicer and should be better gam with their feet... My dad said wanted front covered, but then either size too big (many are 12/13), if nt too small (size 5/6)... so just bought the open type, since size 7-9 also hard to get hold of, for just now.. coz they take out in batch, choice also not that many... There was this guy, who was so good.. he go behind help me find the type and colour + size leh...
Seeing people take boxes, i also took 1 to fill the few pairs... Then i went back to Q for payment... There was this chio young lady in front of me... She bought like 3/4 pair of adult sandals, and so many kids shoes... i think should be for 1 kid gua, coz she looks so young, and another on the way... anyway, i had a box, so she turn and ask if i tumpang my box, (she was holding so many)... =) i took another box for her to put all in, since the box was just nearby me, and she is pregnant (est 5/6 mths), some more need Q so long... after tat, she ask me help her c her box =) she go c some more kids de... Mother's are really great, keep think for their kids... Thats why i got my mum a pair, mayb 2 pair (if my sister dun wan it), then get back a token amount of RM1 for each pair, coz chinese believe cannot give shoes de... means want ask them go away...
There was also this aunty, she had a big box, inside at least got 10 pairs of adult size.. then got another uncle, he bought 2 pair of the same design, different colour, coz he said its so cheap la!!! "dun buy,sorry own self 不买,对不起自己"
There was this lady behind me, she ask me, "wa! you buy so many pair o..." *peep into my box* "no la *shy* is buy for few people de" [box is small, but pairs even fewer]
Then there was those UOB card salesman.. he dun even noe what type of CC i using, can ask me take Platinum already... then ask me why not try for UOB Preferred Platinum, which is black colour and much cooler (like Infinite/ WORLD)
My friend said in tweeter, Those people go warehouse sale, they buy things like its alll FREE de... EVERYTHING is FREE... NO need money, and take all you can... so Kiasu!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
GOLF (just for laughter)
Lonely/ Lazy
You know why they like to play golf (Guys)? Coz they are looking for something that they lost. Their BALL.
Lonely/ Lazy
You know why they like to play golf (Guys)? Coz they are looking for something that they lost. Their BALL.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Xiao Fei Yang (Little small lamb) China steamboat
Just now 5 something friend called me go eat dinner 2gether. i told them don't want la, just enjoy themselve.. then around 6.40, they said cannot find the place o... been turning around for more than half hour d... then i fast fast rush out go lead them lo, coz i stay nearby...
Then they said go in together la... can catch up also, coz few days didn't c me d...
cut other things, move on to review the place...
The place is not that huge, is 2 shoplots link together, formerly used to be Proton showroom...
The food portion is not that huge per serving.
The meat are nice, very juicy, not hard and serve neatly... Price around RM15-20? per serving (plate)
other things are well priced, RM3 & above, which can be considered average and above la... the place is nicely done, and not too crampy, downside is that not many table, and if many people, would have to wait in Q..
when we went it was pretty empty, coz still early, but the place start to fill up pretty fast...
The utensils like bowl,cups, etc are all package in a bundle (wrap in plastic) its like per pack per person....
Then most things are stainless steel... and they give 2 scoop to take the soup and things, per person leh!!!! other place is like share share de...
Overall price is high... 5 person RM217. which works out to about RM40+ each.. expected coz my fren said its around RM40 per pax for quite ok amount of food...
Then they said go in together la... can catch up also, coz few days didn't c me d...
cut other things, move on to review the place...
The place is not that huge, is 2 shoplots link together, formerly used to be Proton showroom...
The food portion is not that huge per serving.
The meat are nice, very juicy, not hard and serve neatly... Price around RM15-20? per serving (plate)
other things are well priced, RM3 & above, which can be considered average and above la... the place is nicely done, and not too crampy, downside is that not many table, and if many people, would have to wait in Q..
when we went it was pretty empty, coz still early, but the place start to fill up pretty fast...
The utensils like bowl,cups, etc are all package in a bundle (wrap in plastic) its like per pack per person....
Then most things are stainless steel... and they give 2 scoop to take the soup and things, per person leh!!!! other place is like share share de...
Overall price is high... 5 person RM217. which works out to about RM40+ each.. expected coz my fren said its around RM40 per pax for quite ok amount of food...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Name: Yohannes
Gender: Boy
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: God is gracious
YOHANNES is the most popular name in USA. One in every 78,023 Americans are named as YOHANNES and popularity of name YOHANNES is 12.82 people per million.
The sum of alphabetical order of letters in YOHANNES is 101 and this makes YOHANNES arithmetic buddies with words like Indifferent, Authentic, Magnificent, Quirky, Talkative, Ultimate, Doubtful.
My current:
MICHAEL is the most popular 3.rd name in USA (... 1.john , 2.david , 3.michael , 4.robert , 5.james ...). One in every 29 Americans are named as MICHAEL and popularity of name MICHAEL is 34.95 people per thousand.
Usage of michael as a first name is 65.18% and its usage as a middle name is 34.82%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in MICHAEL is 51 and this makes MICHAEL arithmetic buddies with words like Gifted, Decent, Angelic, Great, Kidder, Zip, Thin.
Courtesy of
*Yohannes is NOT my new name, nor considering using it. just wanna share, coz it sounds like "Your-Highness" wonder if kementerian will allow it to be use as First Name.
Gender: Boy
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: God is gracious
YOHANNES is the most popular name in USA. One in every 78,023 Americans are named as YOHANNES and popularity of name YOHANNES is 12.82 people per million.
The sum of alphabetical order of letters in YOHANNES is 101 and this makes YOHANNES arithmetic buddies with words like Indifferent, Authentic, Magnificent, Quirky, Talkative, Ultimate, Doubtful.
My current:
MICHAEL is the most popular 3.rd name in USA (... 1.john , 2.david , 3.michael , 4.robert , 5.james ...). One in every 29 Americans are named as MICHAEL and popularity of name MICHAEL is 34.95 people per thousand.
Usage of michael as a first name is 65.18% and its usage as a middle name is 34.82%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in MICHAEL is 51 and this makes MICHAEL arithmetic buddies with words like Gifted, Decent, Angelic, Great, Kidder, Zip, Thin.
Courtesy of
*Yohannes is NOT my new name, nor considering using it. just wanna share, coz it sounds like "Your-Highness" wonder if kementerian will allow it to be use as First Name.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
so scary.... even if u lock your bag, they can still open it without any sign/ mark that it has been open without permission...
saw it from BeatriceLooi then found the youtube video of it.
saw it from BeatriceLooi then found the youtube video of it.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Bloody motorcyclist, close to becoming 1
Just now leaving Bangsar South after lunch with a friend. So was at the traffic light waiting it to turn green, while thinking about how to continue my assignment and presentation. Then my fren horn me (she was behind my car), I donno for how long has the light been green. So I start to move, push the pedal down faster, scared later turn red d… THEN a bloody (he almost did) motorcyclist BEAT the traffic light!!!! @#%#*I had to emergency break!!!!!! He avoided my car. If I had gone faster or break cacat abit, he would be in HELL by now…Luckily Proton still not so bad when it comes to my model. So break quite powerful for short distance breaking. He might not survive coz I think he didn’t wear any helmet. Dun follow the rules, not even wearing helmet and want to beat the light… Is tat all his life is worth? I hope he learn his lesson, and dun cause trouble to others… if he dead never mind pun, but if still alive, and be a burden to others, might even need to use rakyat’s money to survive… If today he just barely pass by the gates of hell, still not scared, I donno what would happen next... people got better things to do then settle those paper works with the authorities. My fren pun shock, I break so quickily, luckily I was alert and saw his coming so fast, might not stop at the traffic light pun. Also luckily my fren didn’t start moving so fast, if not might kiss me from behind d…
Sunday, April 18, 2010
on my 22th Birthday
Morning met up wit the other member of my cell group, then we went for breakfast, before heading to IJ sister's Center for mentally disable woman... i think its called something like tat...
we was there for about 2 hours, washing the void deck of the center. It is where they put their clothes out to sun, the floor is pretty dirty with all the moss on the floor and wall... we was pretty efficient thanks to the engineers who came up with a effective system to clean the floor in a fast and effective way....
After that, we went for lunch at Wong Kok ss2. There was this super size free ice tea... They didn't even check my IC =p
also had a Tiramisu cake from Kings bakery, which is doing a storewide 40% off from 1 April til 31 May 2010...
Came home and got a shock when i saw there was 55 messages on my FB wall... so touching la!!! people from my secondary school, current classmates, ex-classmates, and friends... i will TRY to list down the names, but i might miss out some of the names... sorry if i had miss out anyone... i didn't do it on purpose... i must really try to list it down, and let it be kept as a sweet memory of my life... Thanks!!! it really make my 22th birthday a memorable one...
as of 12.57am on 18 April 2010
On Facebook
Hui Yee Cheng
Kah Peng Yap
Yenlin 燕铃
Felix Soon
Wenyi Chan
Jasper Tan
AiXy NanNan
Winson Loong
Fang Rou
Sonia Tan
Saarah Mariee
Vicky Yew
Steven Ng
Ray Tey
Edwin Lai
William Mark Benjamin Ng
Calvin Lim Teck Lee
Hou Fong
Ah Pou
Anne Yong
Other method
Chooi Han
Jamie Tan
My cell group members: Jenn, Grace, George, Shirley, etc etc
and the many many many more people whom wish me....
My parents
Jou Ling
Anthony Chan
Adele Melissa Vincent happy birthday :)
Adeline Chuifan Leong happy b'day! wish u all the dream come true...
Agnes Yulianty happy bday..wish u all the best :)
Aileen Donis HAAAAPPYYYY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!!! ♥ ♥God bless. xoxoxo.
Alex Wong happy birthday!!
Alvic Yeo happy brithday!!!
Ashwin Rajah hey happy birthday..have a gud one
Astrid Low happy birthday Michael :)
Charlene Kok Happy Birthday Michael!! Hope you're a blast of a day today!
Charmaine Yeow Suo Leng Happy Birthday! =D
Deborah Lee hapi birthday..!!
Edwin Lai wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Enrique Roberto Fernandez Rodriguez Happy Birthday Michael. May the upcoming years be blessed. Tc
Esther Wong Yen Yen hey you.happy birthday! :)
Fatin Sara Zulkifli happy birthday.. :)
Franco Tan happy birthday.. :)
Jan Hjdonut HappY 22nd birthDay, little tortoise fish ?? haha..
Jeffrey Tyl happy birthday ^^
Jeffrey Tyl happy birthday ^^
Why Wong wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Lee Chonghan wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Shireen Tan wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Katiane Durayski Hermel wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Barbara Oh wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Shen Yi Happy birthday! :)
Taira Khoo happy birthday! nice nice days ahead of u .. ^^
Reinette PeiRong Ho Happy Birthday :D :D
Jasmine Lai hahahah mike! happy 22nd birthday yea! ;D
Gisele Pivi happy birthday!
Janice Chong Happy Birthday together 418....
Yannise Yenn Happy Birthday, enjoy to the fullest ya! may all yr dreams come true..
Carol Chew happy birthday!
Deanna Lee Happy Blessed Birthday!!!
Elise Yap happy birthday.....
Shubathra Puvunathan happy birthday!
Chun Yu 生日快樂 -.-
Lee Wen Jin happy birthday~~
Alex Ninjaz Kwok happy bday :D
肯肯 生日快乐:RF:
Daphnee Ngo happy birthday :)
Wyndi Wen Hey,bro! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU :)
Ng Zhu Yen Happy birthday.............
Kon EeWei happy birthday~~=p
Joyce Loke happy birthday~^^
Jamie Wong happy birthday~
Michelle Wong hapi birthday~~~
Jason Jee happy happy and happy ++ for your B'day~~
Galz Cdl Happy Birthday to u... :)
Jolene Sew Happy birthday Michael =) Hope you're doing gr8!
Vin Chee Yung Chien Happy Birthday!!! =)
李福開 生日快乐~事事顺利~~
Pei Ling Happy Brithday~~
Rui Hua Ju happy burfdayyy (;
Chee San happy birthday to u....:p hav a blast one....grab fun ya!
David Ngo 生日快乐,身体健康
Emy Chai happy birthday to u and all d best!!!
Thomas Tan hey hey hey! Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true! All the best!
Hui Xian Heyyy~ Happy Birthday!!! have a good one and a good year ahead!
Shaun (ション) hey bro Michael, Happy Birthday!!! may all ur wishes come true n take care...
Maggie Wong Micheal,happy birthday 2 u^^
Lim Jun Hua Happy Birthday
Samuel S Gotama mike. Happy bday, man. All the best wishes for u. God bless. :)
Onlygillian Ng happy b day~^^
Melvin Shawn D'Silva Hey Mic, Happy Birthday!!
Celestine Tan Happy Birthday Homie!! :)
Ng Poh Sim happy birthday michael! :))
Terence Tan Happy birthday...
Luffy King Happpyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaay maaaaaaaaaan =D
Gene Lim Shoun-Jo happy bday
Yvonne Loh hapy birthday to uuu!! God bless u man!!
Isaac Alfred Simbun Happy birthday Michael. :D
Jess Chew Shuw Chean Happy Birthday To You...................
Celine de Ang Blessed Birthday!!! =P
Christine Leong Happy Birthday! =)
Jerrica Pui Ling mike mike mike.. Happy mikey bday! It's ur Day may ü shine like d sun n glow among d stars at nite..
Jillian Ooi Khim Yen wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Julia Ow ~Happy Birthday!!!~
Julie Kan Happie birthday Michael !! Have an awsome one !! :D
Karthini Para Kumaran Hey! Happy Birthday! May you have a blessed 22nd year =)
LianTeng Khaw Happy Birthday ^^
Lydia Chong happy birthday! how old are you?! HAHA XD
Maria Thuy Diem Pham happy birthday ! wishing you all the dreams come true! :x
Michael Eugene wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Michelle 'Autumn' Chin happy birthday :)
Michelle Tiffany Ng Happy Birthday... haha XD old brother...
Ramadhan Shafi'i happy birthday....
Raymond Hooi happy birthaday and may GOD bless you always
Shao Wei hey. happy birthday!!! :)
Terence Toh Happy birthday!!!!
Wendy Chin Happy Birthday!
it's really touching to get messages through FB, from people who are overseas, like Australia, US, Europe, China, Taiwan.
Cheryl Plankton appie bday~
Petrina Tan Happy Birthday Kiddo - you share the same bday as my grandma ... good sign! :D
*tears of joy*
we was there for about 2 hours, washing the void deck of the center. It is where they put their clothes out to sun, the floor is pretty dirty with all the moss on the floor and wall... we was pretty efficient thanks to the engineers who came up with a effective system to clean the floor in a fast and effective way....
After that, we went for lunch at Wong Kok ss2. There was this super size free ice tea... They didn't even check my IC =p
also had a Tiramisu cake from Kings bakery, which is doing a storewide 40% off from 1 April til 31 May 2010...
Came home and got a shock when i saw there was 55 messages on my FB wall... so touching la!!! people from my secondary school, current classmates, ex-classmates, and friends... i will TRY to list down the names, but i might miss out some of the names... sorry if i had miss out anyone... i didn't do it on purpose... i must really try to list it down, and let it be kept as a sweet memory of my life... Thanks!!! it really make my 22th birthday a memorable one...
as of 12.57am on 18 April 2010
On Facebook
Hui Yee Cheng
Kah Peng Yap
Yenlin 燕铃
Felix Soon
Wenyi Chan
Jasper Tan
AiXy NanNan
Winson Loong
Fang Rou
Sonia Tan
Saarah Mariee
Vicky Yew
Steven Ng
Ray Tey
Edwin Lai
William Mark Benjamin Ng
Calvin Lim Teck Lee
Hou Fong
Ah Pou
Anne Yong
Other method
Chooi Han
Jamie Tan
My cell group members: Jenn, Grace, George, Shirley, etc etc
and the many many many more people whom wish me....
My parents
Jou Ling
Anthony Chan
Adele Melissa Vincent happy birthday :)
Adeline Chuifan Leong happy b'day! wish u all the dream come true...
Agnes Yulianty happy bday..wish u all the best :)
Aileen Donis HAAAAPPYYYY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!!! ♥ ♥God bless. xoxoxo.
Alex Wong happy birthday!!
Alvic Yeo happy brithday!!!
Ashwin Rajah hey happy birthday..have a gud one
Astrid Low happy birthday Michael :)
Charlene Kok Happy Birthday Michael!! Hope you're a blast of a day today!
Charmaine Yeow Suo Leng Happy Birthday! =D
Deborah Lee hapi birthday..!!
Edwin Lai wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Enrique Roberto Fernandez Rodriguez Happy Birthday Michael. May the upcoming years be blessed. Tc
Esther Wong Yen Yen hey you.happy birthday! :)
Fatin Sara Zulkifli happy birthday.. :)
Franco Tan happy birthday.. :)
Jan Hjdonut HappY 22nd birthDay, little tortoise fish ?? haha..
Jeffrey Tyl happy birthday ^^
Jeffrey Tyl happy birthday ^^
Why Wong wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Lee Chonghan wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Shireen Tan wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Katiane Durayski Hermel wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Barbara Oh wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Shen Yi Happy birthday! :)
Taira Khoo happy birthday! nice nice days ahead of u .. ^^
Reinette PeiRong Ho Happy Birthday :D :D
Jasmine Lai hahahah mike! happy 22nd birthday yea! ;D
Gisele Pivi happy birthday!
Janice Chong Happy Birthday together 418....
Yannise Yenn Happy Birthday, enjoy to the fullest ya! may all yr dreams come true..
Carol Chew happy birthday!
Deanna Lee Happy Blessed Birthday!!!
Elise Yap happy birthday.....
Shubathra Puvunathan happy birthday!
Chun Yu 生日快樂 -.-
Lee Wen Jin happy birthday~~
Alex Ninjaz Kwok happy bday :D
肯肯 生日快乐:RF:
Daphnee Ngo happy birthday :)
Wyndi Wen Hey,bro! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU :)
Ng Zhu Yen Happy birthday.............
Kon EeWei happy birthday~~=p
Joyce Loke happy birthday~^^
Jamie Wong happy birthday~
Michelle Wong hapi birthday~~~
Jason Jee happy happy and happy ++ for your B'day~~
Galz Cdl Happy Birthday to u... :)
Jolene Sew Happy birthday Michael =) Hope you're doing gr8!
Vin Chee Yung Chien Happy Birthday!!! =)
李福開 生日快乐~事事顺利~~
Pei Ling Happy Brithday~~
Rui Hua Ju happy burfdayyy (;
Chee San happy birthday to u....:p hav a blast one....grab fun ya!
David Ngo 生日快乐,身体健康
Emy Chai happy birthday to u and all d best!!!
Thomas Tan hey hey hey! Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true! All the best!
Hui Xian Heyyy~ Happy Birthday!!! have a good one and a good year ahead!
Shaun (ション) hey bro Michael, Happy Birthday!!! may all ur wishes come true n take care...
Maggie Wong Micheal,happy birthday 2 u^^
Lim Jun Hua Happy Birthday
Samuel S Gotama mike. Happy bday, man. All the best wishes for u. God bless. :)
Onlygillian Ng happy b day~^^
Melvin Shawn D'Silva Hey Mic, Happy Birthday!!
Celestine Tan Happy Birthday Homie!! :)
Ng Poh Sim happy birthday michael! :))
Terence Tan Happy birthday...
Luffy King Happpyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaay maaaaaaaaaan =D
Gene Lim Shoun-Jo happy bday
Yvonne Loh hapy birthday to uuu!! God bless u man!!
Isaac Alfred Simbun Happy birthday Michael. :D
Jess Chew Shuw Chean Happy Birthday To You...................
Celine de Ang Blessed Birthday!!! =P
Christine Leong Happy Birthday! =)
Jerrica Pui Ling mike mike mike.. Happy mikey bday! It's ur Day may ü shine like d sun n glow among d stars at nite..
Jillian Ooi Khim Yen wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Julia Ow ~Happy Birthday!!!~
Julie Kan Happie birthday Michael !! Have an awsome one !! :D
Karthini Para Kumaran Hey! Happy Birthday! May you have a blessed 22nd year =)
LianTeng Khaw Happy Birthday ^^
Lydia Chong happy birthday! how old are you?! HAHA XD
Maria Thuy Diem Pham happy birthday ! wishing you all the dreams come true! :x
Michael Eugene wished a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Michelle 'Autumn' Chin happy birthday :)
Michelle Tiffany Ng Happy Birthday... haha XD old brother...
Ramadhan Shafi'i happy birthday....
Raymond Hooi happy birthaday and may GOD bless you always
Shao Wei hey. happy birthday!!! :)
Terence Toh Happy birthday!!!!
Wendy Chin Happy Birthday!
it's really touching to get messages through FB, from people who are overseas, like Australia, US, Europe, China, Taiwan.
Cheryl Plankton appie bday~
Petrina Tan Happy Birthday Kiddo - you share the same bday as my grandma ... good sign! :D
*tears of joy*
Happy 22th Birthday
I would like to thank GOD for this wonderful 22 years of my life. Hopefully with age, i too become more matured and wiser. Thank Q for all the well wishers, and also the celebrations.
Thanks for the wishes that have been coming in since Tuesday.
The Tuesday night celebration of 2 person at Craft Brew @ Mutiara Damansara.
Then on Friday afternoon at Neway 1-Utama.
Friday night the birthday song... May the good LORD bless me, and those around me whom care for my well-being, and those whom i love dearly...
Source: googled-
Thanks to ALL my friends that wish me, weather i receive it or just a direct prayer to GOD for me. Thank You.
Thanks for the wishes that have been coming in since Tuesday.
The Tuesday night celebration of 2 person at Craft Brew @ Mutiara Damansara.
Then on Friday afternoon at Neway 1-Utama.
Friday night the birthday song... May the good LORD bless me, and those around me whom care for my well-being, and those whom i love dearly...
Thanks to ALL my friends that wish me, weather i receive it or just a direct prayer to GOD for me. Thank You.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
初恋红豆冰 Puppy Love Ice Kacang
Motor: u wan die is it? come out never c
Botak sister: u blind is it. Me so BIG also cannot c...
bus station离别那段,我差点又哭了出来。太有feeling了,跟我生活很接近。
红豆冰甜甜的,又冰又凉,吃起来很爽,冷到嘴都痛了,可是就好像我的初恋一样...我不知道这算不算我的初恋,但是我永远忘不了,那红豆冰的味道~ "Ice Kacang,冰冷凉,又甜甜的,但是要再尝,就已经融化了"
当天空还是蓝的 当世界还是简单的时候 我们的回忆 我们的歌 我们的故事
Motor: u wan die is it? come out never c
Botak sister: u blind is it. Me so BIG also cannot c...
bus station离别那段,我差点又哭了出来。太有feeling了,跟我生活很接近。
红豆冰甜甜的,又冰又凉,吃起来很爽,冷到嘴都痛了,可是就好像我的初恋一样...我不知道这算不算我的初恋,但是我永远忘不了,那红豆冰的味道~ "Ice Kacang,冰冷凉,又甜甜的,但是要再尝,就已经融化了"
当天空还是蓝的 当世界还是简单的时候 我们的回忆 我们的歌 我们的故事
Keeping surrounding clean.
Pulau Redang aims to lure the rich with room rates no less than RM1,600. news LINK
"Pulau Redang — rated as one of the world’s most beautiful islands — is set to be turned into a getaway exclusively for the rich and famous.
Terengganu Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said said the state government would no longer approve the construction of chalet-type accommodation on the renowned island, which is much visited by the diving community.
“Only hotels rated five-star and above will be allowed to be built,” he said when met after the state assembly sitting here yesterday."
Building how many Stars hotel don't really matter, coz it dun mean that building a hotel that has more stars will mean environment will be less affected. Building
More attention and emphesis should be paid to the maintenance and up-keeping of the surrounding, and not by disapproving lesser stars hotel or chalet. The current 5-star hotel would of course be the Berjaya Resort, which can be reach by Berjaya Air. That resort is at a corner in the island.
Our hill resorts need cleaning up. news LINK
It don't mean that you are rich then u can throw money around, and the place would be clean. it takes education and mentality to preserve and maintain the place. Money do play a factor in it, but being responsible for the cleanliness around you is important. If people are educated, and have a better mentality, I'm sure the place would be much enjoyable by all.
"Pulau Redang — rated as one of the world’s most beautiful islands — is set to be turned into a getaway exclusively for the rich and famous.
Terengganu Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said said the state government would no longer approve the construction of chalet-type accommodation on the renowned island, which is much visited by the diving community.
“Only hotels rated five-star and above will be allowed to be built,” he said when met after the state assembly sitting here yesterday."
Building how many Stars hotel don't really matter, coz it dun mean that building a hotel that has more stars will mean environment will be less affected. Building
More attention and emphesis should be paid to the maintenance and up-keeping of the surrounding, and not by disapproving lesser stars hotel or chalet. The current 5-star hotel would of course be the Berjaya Resort, which can be reach by Berjaya Air. That resort is at a corner in the island.
Our hill resorts need cleaning up. news LINK
It don't mean that you are rich then u can throw money around, and the place would be clean. it takes education and mentality to preserve and maintain the place. Money do play a factor in it, but being responsible for the cleanliness around you is important. If people are educated, and have a better mentality, I'm sure the place would be much enjoyable by all.
Monday, April 12, 2010
how to treat this kind of driver.
Just now after class, i took the school bus back to main block of my campus. Then there was this BMW lady driver (WEF1123), she dare to do like this, sure not scared ppl noe lo. What she did was, she block the school bus, by not allowing enough turning space for the bus to move. so she and the school bus was BLOCKING the WHOLE Jalan Dungun, coz its a ONE way street, and its the beginning of it.
The bus horn her to move forward, she just stare at him~~~ she continue reading the book, not moving an inch, while the bus driver just rest, and wait... both wait, wait wait... i think when he can't go, mean is really can't go, coz i have seen him go til very very close, but stil haven't touch, quite experience guy... the lady stil die die dun want to move, blocking the road... i think tis went on for around 5 minutes, before some1 talked to the lady, but she still dun want to move, not even a CM, like she didn't do anything wrong.. Btw, technically its the middle of the road, coz she is occupying ONE lane.
Finally her son came... hand holding Core Math's, should be A Levels gua.... i think if i'm the son, i wil be damn embarress leh... my parent did this, and the whole world is looking... lagi can c the face... how to face people leh... the whole bus, passer-by, drivers all saw this... lagi got no emblem or anything... not new BMW pun, should be more than 10 years old...
in fact, all she have to do is very simply, even those who are not well educated also will noe... she seriously had an attitude problem... should go back to driving school and learn all over again...
she could have just move forward few inch. JUST few INCH, so the bus have enough turning space ma... then let the son walk a little bit more, just few more Meters maybe... he won't melt, not even snow will melt so fast, coz its tat few meters more... Nice car, but ugly mentality.
got people say, the bus should just go forward, just knock her car, since she so stuck-up, too proud, and dun even admit fault.
After that, on my way home beside Sprint highway. There was this old man driving a X-Trail (BHH3311), he was on the right lane, signal to left lane. since i on the left lane, just let him in, since he got signal.... KNN!!! he come left lane, then he terus stop o... WTF~~!!! i faster emergency break, almost cannnot stop in time, if i had gone slightly faster, so avoid to right lane, luckily right lane people slow down let me in, coz got a lot of space before the car on the right lane... KNS!!! old man driving.. suddenly stop at the road side... if wan stop, PUT DOUBLE SIGNAL, then people noe u got problem wan stop or very slow...
luckily didn't hit the car, if not ask him compensate me, coz tat is road with no shoulders, and he stop immediately after changing lane, nobody would noe he want to stop. of course he in the wrong gua... He can only compensate me, if he didn't die of heart attack la... if not i wil get it from his next of kin...
After that, he makan half my road lagi when he caught up with me... (he eventually didn't stop, just for tat few seconds, coz people was horning d...)
whom ever who knows this people, do let them noe la, tat it is not right...!!! The old man should not be driving this way, if not sure cause trouble to others...
The bus horn her to move forward, she just stare at him~~~ she continue reading the book, not moving an inch, while the bus driver just rest, and wait... both wait, wait wait... i think when he can't go, mean is really can't go, coz i have seen him go til very very close, but stil haven't touch, quite experience guy... the lady stil die die dun want to move, blocking the road... i think tis went on for around 5 minutes, before some1 talked to the lady, but she still dun want to move, not even a CM, like she didn't do anything wrong.. Btw, technically its the middle of the road, coz she is occupying ONE lane.
Finally her son came... hand holding Core Math's, should be A Levels gua.... i think if i'm the son, i wil be damn embarress leh... my parent did this, and the whole world is looking... lagi can c the face... how to face people leh... the whole bus, passer-by, drivers all saw this... lagi got no emblem or anything... not new BMW pun, should be more than 10 years old...
in fact, all she have to do is very simply, even those who are not well educated also will noe... she seriously had an attitude problem... should go back to driving school and learn all over again...
she could have just move forward few inch. JUST few INCH, so the bus have enough turning space ma... then let the son walk a little bit more, just few more Meters maybe... he won't melt, not even snow will melt so fast, coz its tat few meters more... Nice car, but ugly mentality.
got people say, the bus should just go forward, just knock her car, since she so stuck-up, too proud, and dun even admit fault.
After that, on my way home beside Sprint highway. There was this old man driving a X-Trail (BHH3311), he was on the right lane, signal to left lane. since i on the left lane, just let him in, since he got signal.... KNN!!! he come left lane, then he terus stop o... WTF~~!!! i faster emergency break, almost cannnot stop in time, if i had gone slightly faster, so avoid to right lane, luckily right lane people slow down let me in, coz got a lot of space before the car on the right lane... KNS!!! old man driving.. suddenly stop at the road side... if wan stop, PUT DOUBLE SIGNAL, then people noe u got problem wan stop or very slow...
luckily didn't hit the car, if not ask him compensate me, coz tat is road with no shoulders, and he stop immediately after changing lane, nobody would noe he want to stop. of course he in the wrong gua... He can only compensate me, if he didn't die of heart attack la... if not i wil get it from his next of kin...
After that, he makan half my road lagi when he caught up with me... (he eventually didn't stop, just for tat few seconds, coz people was horning d...)
whom ever who knows this people, do let them noe la, tat it is not right...!!! The old man should not be driving this way, if not sure cause trouble to others...
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Kiamsiap people
Have u met some1 so kiamsiap before?
just now had a good dinner, til when the bill came, then my feeling turn upside down... coz i can't believe he is so kiamsiap...
earning 5 figures, having a Platinum card, but so damn kiamsiap...
not say simply spend, or not being thrifty or too generous, but do give me feedback if he is too stingy or not...
If i had lost control just now, i might just have shoot him: no wonder til now stil no girlfriend la...
10 of us had dinner together, ordering dishes. Then we had a pot of chinese tea, with some other "normal" drinks like herbal tea(few cups).
When the bill came, thats when my "drama" in my mind started...
coz the bill included everything including the drinks.
he went like:"can separate the drinks out (like count for individual)"
OMG~~~ please la!! how much more can it cost o... lagi is pot la... how u want count o... so kiamsiap ke!!!
of course in the end didn't do that way la.. (that person much be thinking, what is he up to la~~~)
Total bill was RM115, (RM11.50 per pax)
he went like, just give me RM12 will do...
wow~~~ RM5 profit for nothing...
even if 2 person give me RM23 is better la... if not RM11 per pax will do... what is RM5 extra when u r earning like $#!%^
i wanted to give him RM23 per 2 pax, for my side on the table, but just gave him RM12 each la...
why m i so like angry over this~~~
going back to 1 Jan 2009, at the door of Poppy Club.
after countdown, me leading a pack of like more than 10 pax(including him & his ppl).
we decided to go Poppy, then he went like want, dun wan, want, dun wan, want, dun wan~~~ for like 10 minutes discussing there, when i have already gotten a fair deal. Then he said expensive la, other club cheaper... cheapo la~~~ in the end, i had my way, and ask him go elsewhere la, dun waste our time since it 1AM d!!! in the end, they went home pula... cheh!!!
New Year day party, all also around the same price for bottles la (depend open what! i already got the norm price, stil wan what o!!)
then my fren, he & few sure support me, coz he ask me be head ma~~~ i love what he said:"cheapo la... hold Platinum card, but super damn kiapsiap kedekut!!" (i added the rest)
we also willing to pay to party d, he stil wan cheap cheap cheap, he thought normal day meh....
anyway, i damn angry coz the girl ask "U all Singaporean is it??" i was like : of course not!!!!i got malaysian IC o, only he gua~~!!!
kiamsiap-ness to the MAX~~~
i mean ya, v should try to not be too generous, but dun till so kiamsiap la~~~ eat together, sure got give and take ma!
just now had a good dinner, til when the bill came, then my feeling turn upside down... coz i can't believe he is so kiamsiap...
earning 5 figures, having a Platinum card, but so damn kiamsiap...
not say simply spend, or not being thrifty or too generous, but do give me feedback if he is too stingy or not...
If i had lost control just now, i might just have shoot him: no wonder til now stil no girlfriend la...
10 of us had dinner together, ordering dishes. Then we had a pot of chinese tea, with some other "normal" drinks like herbal tea(few cups).
When the bill came, thats when my "drama" in my mind started...
coz the bill included everything including the drinks.
he went like:"can separate the drinks out (like count for individual)"
OMG~~~ please la!! how much more can it cost o... lagi is pot la... how u want count o... so kiamsiap ke!!!
of course in the end didn't do that way la.. (that person much be thinking, what is he up to la~~~)
Total bill was RM115, (RM11.50 per pax)
he went like, just give me RM12 will do...
wow~~~ RM5 profit for nothing...
even if 2 person give me RM23 is better la... if not RM11 per pax will do... what is RM5 extra when u r earning like $#!%^
i wanted to give him RM23 per 2 pax, for my side on the table, but just gave him RM12 each la...
why m i so like angry over this~~~
going back to 1 Jan 2009, at the door of Poppy Club.
after countdown, me leading a pack of like more than 10 pax(including him & his ppl).
we decided to go Poppy, then he went like want, dun wan, want, dun wan, want, dun wan~~~ for like 10 minutes discussing there, when i have already gotten a fair deal. Then he said expensive la, other club cheaper... cheapo la~~~ in the end, i had my way, and ask him go elsewhere la, dun waste our time since it 1AM d!!! in the end, they went home pula... cheh!!!
New Year day party, all also around the same price for bottles la (depend open what! i already got the norm price, stil wan what o!!)
then my fren, he & few sure support me, coz he ask me be head ma~~~ i love what he said:"cheapo la... hold Platinum card, but super damn kiapsiap kedekut!!" (i added the rest)
we also willing to pay to party d, he stil wan cheap cheap cheap, he thought normal day meh....
anyway, i damn angry coz the girl ask "U all Singaporean is it??" i was like : of course not!!!!i got malaysian IC o, only he gua~~!!!
kiamsiap-ness to the MAX~~~
i mean ya, v should try to not be too generous, but dun till so kiamsiap la~~~ eat together, sure got give and take ma!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Confirmation camp 2010 @ Penang College General
Left PJ on Thursday morning. From the title it shows that i didn't go for a trip/holiday, but to a camp. There was 2 buses, and more than 80 people.
On the way to Penang, we stopped at Tapah rest area for some food. Those "kids" really know how to enjoy life, and c also know that they have the $$$, quite a few of them went to buy Baskin Robins, and its not single scoop, its AT LEAST double or more.... And i heard some1 said, not that expensive la, Haagen Daz cost more leh, and it taste better, i think Nestle or even other ice-creams they might just feed it to the dogs....
Its been a long time since i last went to Penang... this time, i can enjoy the views much more...
By the time we reach there, it was 2 something already, faster assign into the rooms, and had a quick lunch.
The first session was mainly breaking the ice, (surprising coz those people has been together for at least 2 years now), i guess its usual for camps.
The "routine" for this camp was Session, Eat, Play, Mix around... There was 6 "meals" aday including 2 breaks and supper.
I notice that this bunch of people do not mix much with the opposite sex, it was like PAS ruled that place for awhile, coz boys & girls each sat on one side.
God did work in his own wonders, coz for example, there was this girl whom i had wanted to get to know, and she WENT for the camp leh... on that morning, i was shock, coz didn't think she would still be in secondary school... Thought she in college already... anyway, i didn't manage to mingle with her much, coz i was with the others most of the time, (another reason is tat they r always around my fren, so prefer both of us split.)
On the second night, we had the inner healing session on top of the mountain in The chapel.
The Chapel was bulit in 1885, which makes it more than a Century old. so far 7 canonized Saints has prayed there. and more than 40 martyr have studied in Penang College General Major Seminary. 2 of them was Professor and French missionaries, While the other 5 saints are from Vietnam.
The inner healing session was to heal the hurts that has been accumulated inside us for years. It might not work immediately, but the pains might be lesser as time goes by.
After that healing session, was the Mass(started 10+PM) celebrated by Rev. Fr. Gerard Theraviam, who is the Dean of Studies.
On the third night/ final night of the camp, there was this session called "Let's have fun" night, where participents have a choice of joining either: Dance, Drama, Stomp, or Choir. Everybody who participated did their best, and all the performance was damn good...
This morning after breakfast, we had our final session, and quickily packed up and left the place. We headed to New World Park, which i think is near Gurney. We also pass the fame Gurney Drive, Northam Hotal, Penang White House, and of course BHL(now CIMB) Penang HQ.
The place that we stayed was Penang College General Major Seminary which is at Tanjung Bunga. It was such a nice and huge place. The scenery from atop the mountain, beside the Chapel is fabulous. One of the morning, i saw sunrise there. It was so near the sea, yet i didn't get to the beach, "So near yet so far"..
On our way back to KL, there was some accident, and i also saw a convoy of wedding car, all white in colour comprising Toyota Estima(main car) followed by Vios, Camry(s), BMW 3 series.
On the way to Penang, we stopped at Tapah rest area for some food. Those "kids" really know how to enjoy life, and c also know that they have the $$$, quite a few of them went to buy Baskin Robins, and its not single scoop, its AT LEAST double or more.... And i heard some1 said, not that expensive la, Haagen Daz cost more leh, and it taste better, i think Nestle or even other ice-creams they might just feed it to the dogs....
Its been a long time since i last went to Penang... this time, i can enjoy the views much more...
By the time we reach there, it was 2 something already, faster assign into the rooms, and had a quick lunch.
The first session was mainly breaking the ice, (surprising coz those people has been together for at least 2 years now), i guess its usual for camps.
The "routine" for this camp was Session, Eat, Play, Mix around... There was 6 "meals" aday including 2 breaks and supper.
I notice that this bunch of people do not mix much with the opposite sex, it was like PAS ruled that place for awhile, coz boys & girls each sat on one side.
God did work in his own wonders, coz for example, there was this girl whom i had wanted to get to know, and she WENT for the camp leh... on that morning, i was shock, coz didn't think she would still be in secondary school... Thought she in college already... anyway, i didn't manage to mingle with her much, coz i was with the others most of the time, (another reason is tat they r always around my fren, so prefer both of us split.)
On the second night, we had the inner healing session on top of the mountain in The chapel.
The Chapel was bulit in 1885, which makes it more than a Century old. so far 7 canonized Saints has prayed there. and more than 40 martyr have studied in Penang College General Major Seminary. 2 of them was Professor and French missionaries, While the other 5 saints are from Vietnam.
The inner healing session was to heal the hurts that has been accumulated inside us for years. It might not work immediately, but the pains might be lesser as time goes by.
After that healing session, was the Mass(started 10+PM) celebrated by Rev. Fr. Gerard Theraviam, who is the Dean of Studies.
On the third night/ final night of the camp, there was this session called "Let's have fun" night, where participents have a choice of joining either: Dance, Drama, Stomp, or Choir. Everybody who participated did their best, and all the performance was damn good...
This morning after breakfast, we had our final session, and quickily packed up and left the place. We headed to New World Park, which i think is near Gurney. We also pass the fame Gurney Drive, Northam Hotal, Penang White House, and of course BHL(now CIMB) Penang HQ.
The place that we stayed was Penang College General Major Seminary which is at Tanjung Bunga. It was such a nice and huge place. The scenery from atop the mountain, beside the Chapel is fabulous. One of the morning, i saw sunrise there. It was so near the sea, yet i didn't get to the beach, "So near yet so far"..
On our way back to KL, there was some accident, and i also saw a convoy of wedding car, all white in colour comprising Toyota Estima(main car) followed by Vios, Camry(s), BMW 3 series.
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