There was many first time for me today... NO, not that kind of first time la~ =p
My first time to Registra of Companies Malaysia... at "The Mall" near PWTC and wisma Putra...
It was also the first time i'm working, in "office", but not the office that i'm working in, but doing work in a government office...
it might be a "nice" place, but the place is huge and messy... donno how to get to the high high up place's pun... keep losing my way...
technically, u could say working in a shopping mall, coz it is located in a shoping mall's office block, whcih is on top of it... LOL... sounds confusing?
so yeah, took a taxi all the way from office there... the taxi was called by the office...
abit confusing coz they have so many departments, and levels... manage to find level 13, but then which counter to start with?? all the way to the back, and i approach one of the counter, she said now no need form, (WOW, good good... ), just pay and start finding the info... mana tau, wrong counter.. so go the other counter, and the little slip, A.K.A "the form" Borang A1... so fill fill, then took number, and waited awhile.. then after got another slip with the PIN, go find a comp to use... at first i sat a a corner comp, but then feel so cooling, mana tau it was right under the air-con, so after awhile it became cold... first time use the system, die die also must finish what i doing ma... if not later data lost or anything, i ma die lo... so finish the first paper, (i had like 7 papers, did in few "batch") then change to the next comp, which is better... after finish, then collected the printing, and went for lunch..
First time come The Mall, donno where to eat... been to that area several times, but with friends for functions, and lunch or wat la... so saw got food to eat, abut pricy but wat to do, its like 2 something d.. so eat lo... after that? Go home? Of course not~~~
Went back to level 13, again lost my way finding the lift to go up there... =.=
went up there, since nobody, so i filled in more of the Borang A1 to change for the PIN slip... the lady ask me, "Tadi punya dah habis?"(Just now all the slip done aleady?), i said Of course not la... got so many of it, first time use, not familiar, i see nobody, so faster do few more slips first lo...(all in malay)... then she said"wa~how many hundards?" i said, not that many la... bout 30-40 companies lo.. she said, then u haven't taken lunch o... poorthing.. i just Smiled... LOL...
at first morning go, see around, all more matured people there, except those "runners" that specially do those work for people... afternoon leh, hehehe.... finally someone younger came to do some work there o... so happen i was standing beside her, and then i look few more time, coz she looked just like my friend, Sherry Tan.. yes yes, Anthony's wife... the height also bout the same... after that should be not lo... if not she will call me gua... but then i don't think she need to go such places to do search... That girl, look so innocent, see also noe is like me, first time go there... i was Q-ing up to make payment, so then she took out her phone, and called the company/ friend, ask how to do o... where get the form, and those things lo.. she seems so nervous liao lo... i wanted to give her the form, but then when i was done and going to the comp, she had left... after that, while i was doing my work at the corner of the room, she came bc, and manage to get the form, and started her work... i was done with some, and went to collect my printing again... still got need to find, so i went to the comp beside her.... do my work, then she suddenly said, "excuse me, can i ask you, how do i go back to the previous screen?" in a super prefect english, i feel la... so i stand up, and lean over the small table, and took her mouse, and teach her lo... then she said, she was done, and had some to print.. I wil ask for her number?? LOL~~ i dare not lo... so i said, take the slip with the PIN and go to the counter and pay for it... collect the print out at the next counter.... Continue with my work... i though end d, won't see her liao...
i finish with wat i had to do, and go make payment for the printing again, then SHE was in front of me in Q, with more slip of the Borang A1... i think she not enough money gua... she didn't expect it to be so much, coz she was telling her fren over the phone just now, Each company is RM10 leh... should be go ATM press money first lo.. i had known how much it would approximately cost.. so i had like RM750 with me(company's money la)...
O ya, one of the question that i asked her b4 she leave was "are you an accountant?" she said No, with a super sweet smile lo... =) i wonder what would she do, if there was no-one sitted beside her? call back the office and ask?
just something from today... i won't meet(bump into) her again... not possible la... even so, we might not even know we met b4...
so back to office, by taxi?? NOpe, i took the train back... haha... cost saving? maybe gua...
back to office, so much things to do, like sort out those search, updating files... counting expenses... etc etc etc... and it rained, that was left office late too...