Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Why people like to stay up late shopping???
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Taman Negara 16-18 Jan 2009
they specially cook another egg 4 me coz i don't eat those with onion..so touching leh...
after dinner, we went over to the "park", where we look at some photos, and also watch a show on Taman Negara... it is 4343 KM2 large... after the show, we had our night walk, the very first time we are entering the jungle...we saw small insects, small plants, glowing mushroom.
after the end of the walk, here is a joke..
"Spider play violin, scorpion play guitar..."
Spider use its web tat is ready to attract the female... and Scorpion is a band...
Day 2:
basically we walk back the same path as yesterday night,except now we are under the daylight, which we can see things clearer, and nicer.. we have amazing view of the jungle... we had to walk and walk and walk, climb and more climbing... i think we walk and climb at least 3km up the mountain... at the mountain top, you could see the highest peak in Pen Malaysia, the peak of Banjaran Titiwangsa, called Tahan peak gua... hehe... the amazing view pays off for all the effort tat we made to get there...
after tat, we went to walk on the Canopy... it is the world longest such structure in the world at 530M long... the highest point is at 45M above the ground... we was dancing, jumping, and "playing" on it... hehe... naughty naughty... MY rabbit JUMP over the FENCE the FENCE .... hehe...
After tat we walk back all the way and took a boat back to have lunch at 2 something.. after lunch and some discussion, we decided to try and catch up with time, and try to carry out the activity as planned... so we went back to our rooms to get change and go caving.. we had to walk for almost half hour before we reach the entrance to the cave... The cave was just so small.. it was very narrow, and u would have 2 crawl, climb, jump, slide.. And there r lots of small & big bats.. Lots of their shit as well.. U would have them some where if u ever enter the cave.. the cave was called Gua Telinga, which mean "Ear cave".. tat is why it is so narrow i guess... after tat, we went Rapid shooting, which was damn superly fun, and i would say is the best part of all, if u dun mind getting wet... I sat at the last & keep kena water & "waves" from in front.. In the end v flooded the boat... V almost sank the boat.. the water level was til my waist while siting.. after the boat ride, some of us went for a swim dip at the river bank where the current is weaker... "Happiness & fun is nt for long, just sweet memory 2 keep, & talk 4 a long time to come" hehe....
Flash back at any thought...
At first the shaky bridge was kinda scary... we had to walk this small crossing to get to the floating restaurant for every meal... it was scary for the first few times for me but after tat everyone could walk very smoothly and easily across it... Hehe..
I went back to rest after dinner, coz feeling dizzy, & abit tired after a long day of activity... Miss my Tahan Burger as i was sleeping, and got up at 12 something, thought every1 was sleeping, so continued sleeping..
Had breakfast, went back to pack up, put things into car, then they played games, play til high then decided to start our journey back. Drive like crazy but within limit for some parts...
some of the place tat we passby or stop at...
Jerantu- first day, after meeting the guide half way, and lunch for first and our last day on our way back...
Kuala Lipis
Kuala Tahan- the place where we stayed...
on our trip there, we stopped at this one place near to our chalet... we didn't noe it was so near already, after we continued our way there...
anyway, the toilet was just damn dirt. Everything tat was white is nw black... not only that but had dried things outside and surrounding it.. Its juz super dirty...our so called "first class infrastructure, third class standard".. as they have live band, Internet some more, First class entertainment, third class standard of hygiene...
My fren said tat "Climbing mountain is like giving birth 2 a child"
You feel the pain, then say dun wan give birth again, but after awhile after the pain is gone, then feel wan give birth again.. The joy tat comes wit it is just priceless
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Fierce bus driver
Friday, January 09, 2009
what is the craziest thing u have done?
i walked all the way from 1Utama all the way back to my house in Damansara Utama @ 2AM in the morning... =p
quite tiring especially after u had to decorate and arrange stuff...
i have walked quite abit for thurday... more than 10km maybe... up and down, up and down.. and just now all the way home, hope my legs won't pain later on... Praying hard..
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Final catch up wit her before she leaves
typing this post, my tears is starting to roll down, but its stil slow as i chat with another fren who i hope can break my loneliness...
* it started raining some more, making my emotions run even lower... how can GOD play such a good part in this... amazing isn't it.... but i have my unhappiness as well, which i would try to forget it...
Flash back:
we had lunch, then went for a movie: YES MAN. after tat went to Living cabin as she wanted to look for things to deco her room... what she wanted is out of stock so i said why not try Tesco lo.... then just walk around, but stil dun have it... anyway, we then chatted bout her new laptop, and i got a shock, coz she and me bought the same brand... i know its normal for brands like DELL, ACER, HP, SAMSUNG, SONY... but wat i'm using and now she, is not a very widely used brand in malaysia i guess.... its called Twinhead, a US based brand... she using 13J, mine is 12D which i bought 3 years ago... both of us is using white... hehe... mine is now grey =p
Monday, January 05, 2009
So... my blog have been awarded the......

What is Brilliant Weblog?
Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design. The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogsphere.
Here are the rules to follow:
When you receive the prize you must write a post showing it, together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs (or even more) that you find brilliant in their content or design. Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing they were prized with "Brilliant Weblog". Show a picture of those who awarded you and those you give the prize (optional). All the bloggers have wonderful work and content in their blog and all deserve to get this.
This award was given to me by Steven Ng, and it's my turn now to give to 11 people in no particular order:
2) Jasmine
3) Jerine
5) Martin Teo
6) Mike
8) Steven Ng
9) William Ng
10) Yen Pyng
Grats grats!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
New Year countdown & Ushering of 2009
anyway, i ate from the time sunset, til the next morning sunrise, i was eating.. from last year "party" til 2009.. LOL...
surprisingly i donno where i got the strength from, i was technically awake since "last year" til 8am on 1 Jan 2009 and didn't sleep.
first i went down to meet them at the Hotel where v booked a room after a briefing a.k.a interview with some1 @ 1U. after settling down for awhile, v went to dinner @ Sakae Sushi til bout 8.45pm then went back to the room to dress up til bout 10.30, coz wan "doll up"... after gathering with people tat v r suppose to meet up with then went walk around KLCC, and the highlight of it all was of course the mighty firework. after tat hang around awhile, the crowd was just huge, i even saw FRU on standby there... thought of going clubbing to usher the new year, coz every1 wanna dance... so decided to hit Poppy from 1am til 3.30am. after it close, v walk 2 girls back to where they park their car, and after tat v had to walk back to Poppy. WHY??? coz not enough of dancing a??? of course not la... its close la dear~~~ v went back to try search for MY camera... coz donno pass it to who, and thought might have left it there... DIE DIE DIE~~~ all the beautiful and awesome photos for the night is GONE~~~~ fine lo... can't find ma... even if its me who found it, also won't want to return it la... according to the security chief there, the same night, a few wallets, bags also missing... GONE jor... after tat walk back to the room lo... reach back to the room around 4.45am. then v took turn to shower til 6am. wondering why it took so long... not cause people love to stay in the shower long long... but coz there was 6 of us... 3 guys 3 gals... and another 3 tat had gone back earlier, and has showered and was in bed... at bout 6 something, v then went to McD for breakfast til 8am. after tat v then finally hit the bed for the day til 10.45am.
i Started this new yeaar wit CLUB and alcohol.. in the past few years, i also drink wine on the countdown la... but very little... last night was more abit, but under controlled la... then just now, at my frens farewell lunch, there also was a lot of beer.. at least 6 jugs of it...
There is no photos due to the LOST of my camera in the Club... hope its with some1 la... stil keeping my fingers cross...
I lost my camera on the first day of the year some more... Bad luck for the year??? Hope not...
seeing it from the bright side lo...
Old things dun go, new thing won't come... there is a chinese saying something like tat...
but i really miss those photos tat i took last night... :'(