Thursday, December 10, 2009
Full day out with Jap students 10 Dec
First stop was Masjid Jamek which i ask them 2 view from the STAR lrt station, which can c more things in a bird eye view. After that was Sultan Abdul Samad building which is undergoing some renovation. Bt we juz took picture from across the road, where we can c the whole building as the background. After under the hot sun for awhile, we took the lrt 2 central market, coz they have been walking quite abit… after reach there, they took their time to look around, which ended in them buying many things. u could always hear them saying Kawaii.. coz there was so many cute and nice things… They bought many keychain, tat can write their name, each bought 2, which one is their name, 1 is bf de name gua. After bring there for close to 2 hours, we headed 4 Sg Wang, which they spend lot me time & bought even more thing.. Even wanted 2 buy wigs, those kinds that is selling 1 for rm30, 4 for rm100. bt in the end, didn't buy any. Many events happen in Sg Wang.
First, 3 got lost from the group after spending some time in a shop, while the rest got bored and started to wonder into other shops, so I followed them, and after awhile, they (the 3) also left tat shop, and I donno where they went, so after the rest had bought their things, (they can really shop, OK), then we started to look for the missing 3. up and down, up and down, in the end, we met them in one of the floor… WOW~~~ not bad, coz one of them suggest go back to one of the floor, just went up, then saw them already… this girls can really spend alot of time in a shop de. Slowly look around 4 things.
Since have found them, so we went to the ground and lower ground to look for our lunch, since it was already close to 2pm. They saw their fren in one of the shop, so they went in. The other group is lead by another person. I just reach the table saja, those girls ask me where I bought my t-shirt from, how much is it? Its like so attracted to it. I felt that since morning when the first time I walk into the place, I felt that there was a lot of eyes on me, like “walk of fame” u wan say me bluff, say me lie, say me think too much also can… coz morning when walk to the pool side, I was the only guy guide ma… some more I wearing “Cheer You UP” t-shirt.. lagi catch attention lo…
So we went for lunch at one of the fast food restaurant, and almost when I was done with my lunch, one of them was laying on the table, I thought maybe she was tired, just resting, she suddenly stood up and was in pain… so she walk towards the toilet which was close by, and near the toilet door, her tummy was very pain that she sat on the floor… I shocked d… faster ask the girls go over to have a look at her… she later said that she had a “blackout”… I faster called the tour guide, he said he will come over with the vice principle of the school to have a look. So we just stayed put till they came. Then she said wanted to go back to rest. So they send her back to the hotel by taxi.
Then came the next part, where there is only left 6 of us. So we just all sit around a table, then suddenly one of the girl hit the table, and juz went off, I was blur already~~ the rest said nothing, nothing, dun worry, then another girl chase after her, juz like in drama. After that the girl that chase out came back to said that they will go back to the hotel on their own. (No going back individually, but in a group). Have to inform the tour guide again lo… then the tour guide ask me to pass the phone to any of the Jap girls, then he told me, no need worry, just continue shopping around… when reach back hotel, i only know what went on… just my guess only, coz the I think the guide ask the Jap girl (whom I pass the phone to), to say what went on… really like mini argument lo.. They spoke in Jap, in normal voice, but I dun understand ma… The tour guide said, mayb she (the girl that ran off) was nt happy tat i always talk wit the other girl, then she got jealous gua. He said Jap girl like tat de, u must talk wit all of them the same amount, if nt they will get jealous. Means if I speak to you 2 minutes, I must talk 2 minutes to all of them… something like that gua… I was HUH!!! In my mind, coz the that girl was like so classy ma, so I just let her be lo.. maybe she just dun feel like talking to me.. Mana Tau~~~ anyway, I went to ask her for her email, but she said dun have, then I only ask the rest 4 their email so can contact them, but most dun have or forgotten.
Yuan lai i also not that bad de.. Jap girls can get jealous because of this o… maybe I the only guy among them gua… Haha.. I knew that they got something wan ask me in the morning, but no one dare to take the lead and ask.
Anyway after the 1+2 left, there was a balance of just 4 of us. So I see where they want to walk, and ended up in Giant which they bought some stuff like chill sauce???, BOH tea, rocky biscuit, and etc… then we started to head back to the hotel, while stopping at some of the shops along the way back to the hotel, which they bought some kawaii stuff + a pair of heels each.
After back at the lobby, we snap photo’s and so on… then I notice few Giordano bags.. yuan lai, they really went to buy the same design that I was wearing.. =.= 3 for RM100. and is not only 3 t-shirt, but at least 6/9… =.= Giordana should give me commission for that la…
Something on the vice principle, he always try to tell me things de… early in the morning, he said so much and so fast, some more I dun understand anything… but I noe he trying to say that I’m guy, so should take good care of the girls.. Then after the incident in the afternoon, when walking out towards the taxi, he said something again, but I totally didn’t understand…
After we left them, we went off to Time Square. Then since traffic jam, so the 3 of us just walk around, since we dun wan to get stuck in the madness jam… bought some items, then went for dinner… We really feel that something was missing, coz we was with them the whole day, there is like a bond, and we would keep looking out for them. Can really feel that their presents is miss… :’(
After speaking with few of the group leader, many feel that this group was better than last time (in comparision). they are more aware of things, they noe where to get on and off, the estimated fare, and communicate much more with us given the language barrier. Many few there is a touch and a bond with them even if it was just a few hours...
All the best to all of you, especially those that was in my group, “Ms Ikuko, Ms Yumika, Ms Yui, Ms Yumi, Ms Ayana, Ms Hazuki.” And the other girls~~~
no wonder they ask me is it from the phone de... yuan lai, they often email, and do everything from the phone.
see Wiki.
Monday, November 30, 2009
when did toleration become quantifiable? Toleration can count in amount de o... geng leh~~~
its like i tolerate you til 5? 5 what o? kg?cm?m?inch?gram?
toleration level then make sense gua.. =)
Today some driver, drive like they own de road, and the whole world has the whole day like them... i noe they very free, then why drive at the most right lane leh... drive slow slow, then let people pass, dun block the road la... some more wan change lane, so damn slow, wan everyone to wait... and most of them drive BMW de... i noe mine only BLM la2... but then i too pay roadtax, and have to let people pass if i go too slow ma... even if speed limit is 80, not say u drive 80 then can drive at the most right ma... right lane is for OVERtaking la~~~ so back to driving school learn, since u all so free...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
4.. 学会用理解的,欣赏的眼光去看对方,而不是以自以为是的关心去管对方。
8. 不要因为自己长相不如对方而放弃追求的打算,长相只是一时的印象,真正决定能否结合主要取决于双方的性格。丑女配帅哥的很多。
9. 恋爱的时间能长尽量长。这最少有两点好处:一,充分,尽可能长的享受恋爱的愉悦,婚姻和恋爱的感觉是很不同的。二,两人相处时间越长,越能检验彼此是否真心,越能看出两人性格是否合得来。这样婚后的感情就会牢固得多。
Saturday, November 14, 2009
What 1Malaysia seems to me
Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan.
Citizen first, Preferred achievement.
Bia Rakyat susah dulu, UMNO senang. Pencapaian dompet Kroni Diutamakan.
Citizen difficult first, UMNO enjoy. Achievement of Kroni wallet Preferred.
Rakyat UMNO Didahulukan, Pencapaian Kroni Diutamakan.
UMNO member first, Achievement Kroni Preferred.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Why China never give Panda to Malaysia as gift
Scared people cook and eat.
Later become hairless Panda
Malaysian night night sing k, mamak store open 24 hours, chat til dawn, "Panda" is everywhere, why take the trouble.
熊猫是non halal
Panda is non halal
Panda has the threat of being blown into ashes by C4
Scared Panda eat and live too comfortable here, later don't want go back China.
Malaysia Project all cost billions and billions,
maybe build a Panda park also need few billions.
还是怕熊猫被chop malaysia logo
然后说made in malaysia
Scared Panda being chop with Malaysia logo, later say "Made in Malaysia"
Scared donno how to take care, later panda become skinny cat.
Panda scared Potong, after that help P1 advertise.
Scared malaysia gov take video of Panda making love, and sell DVD for profit.
等下他们拿他们喜爱的猫 跟可爱的熊猫配种。。。
Later take their cat and mate with the adorable panda.
Scared panda become racism, and release brainless statement become brainless panda.
教貓熊馬來文 Kucing Beruang
teach panda malay as compulsory subject, Kucing Beruang.
国家级的什么园都半生不死的, 担心熊猫也半生不死
Zoo negara animal also like half dead, worried panda also will be the same.
Because Panda is Communism animal, cannot give to racism country.
scared panda need to convert to islam, everyday morning wake up early early and listen to prayers.
scared panda need to wear tudung, and convert to islam.
don't feed it pork.
因爲 他去了馬來西亞的動物園, 結果以爲馬來西亞只有“花園”
because after he go to malaysia zoo, thought malaysia only got gardens.
scared kena throw down + scared panda go 14th floor commit suicide = panda playful and fall from the building by its own.
because panda is not bumi here.
send it here, need to work hard to survive.
and after all the hard work, need to give some to the bumi.
panda has no freedom of expression, scared detain under ISA.
10亿马币 = 解决病毒。
8亿马币 = 从建动物园(特别给熊猫)
Malaysia will suddenly said: pandas have transmission of virus. . . . . .
Will suddenly take C4 to blow giant pandas, and then sentence several Daoyou the death penalty
If sent to Malaysia, shortly afterwards, N will be satisfied to call Hu Jintao said: Your pandas dying because there is no suitable environment, but now ill, and after our Research Institute has done research for a month, they found that Panda got X-type influenza, must quickly resolve this problem, otherwise the whole world will blame it on your country.
RM 1 billion to resolve the virus.
RM 800 million ringgit to re-construction of the zoo (in particular for the Panda)
If you take back the panda to your country for research, then, the price is different. It cost RM 2.5 billion ringgit, because it is dangerous and need to be very confidential, may be detrimental to China's reputation.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Cameron Highland trip
so all was gathered, and we then proceed to breakfast... SKIP...
then we started our journey from the toll up north.... Fast Forward....
Turn off at Tapah, Mr. Garmin say can go by Tapah Or Simpang Pulai... the difference is Tapah is shorter route, but very sharp corners, and steep... Simpang Pulai is longer & wider road, but further...
Anyway the journey up, approximately 69 KM+++ through this journey, we was "blocked" by Lorry, buses, Trucks... one part, everyone had to follow behind this big lorry for a good few KM, until he slow down on a straight road, and everyone rush to overtake him... anyway, all was windy and good weather up... Stop at Tanah Rata to walk and look see at a Tea Plantation called Cameron Bharat.... after that we went for lunch at the town of Tanah Rata... After a good lunch, we went looking for Strawberry to pluck. And ended up at Big Red Strawberry Farm, it is a road away from the weekend night market.... there we had afternoon-tea of Strawberry's stuff, including cakes, pies, Sundae, etc~~~
After eating those sweet stuff, it was time to check in to the Park... hidden in a road to a Istana. The place is called, Strawberry Park Resort... WOW~~~~
we had a 3+1 room unit... LOL~~~ coz there was 8 of us...
after doing some "house-keeping", we took a rest.... In the late evening, those who wanted to play sports, eg: Squash, went to play some match... while the rest who wanted to explore, went for a walk up the Hill...
At just past 7pm, we went for our dinner of Steamboat at Brinchang town.... by the time we finish dinner, it was raining... so night market exploration had to be canceled... so back to the Park we went.... LOL~~~
We woke up early on sunday morning, and went for a morning walk, up the hills again but not as far as yesterday.... After the great wallop of breakfast, we pack our stuff and check out... our destination? BOH tea plantation @ Sungei Palas... it is near Equatorial Cameron. The road to the plantation is fantestic that it was such a challange for the driver, testing how well he can drive, how well he knows the car size to the inch... coz it test how driver communicate... we was stuck for a few times, and there was great adventure...
The BOH tea plantation lookout offer a splendor view of the valley and hills of tea...
after spending sometime there, it was another adventure coming out from the center...
We came down Cameron using Simpang Pulai... The road was wider, and people tend to drive faster... i was fast asleep....
From there, we came back directly to KL with 1 (ONE) rest area stop only...
Cameron trip is great~~~ nice, cooling place... i wonder tonight can sleep or not~~ Its so hot la~~~
Friday, November 06, 2009
The day i brought Jap students out
Around 2pm they arrive, then v was gathered wit those who r my group. 1 didn't turn up, left 9, 6guy3girl. Took a group photo, unfortunately only that person's cam got... hope wil send to us... It was so funny, coz i ask them sit, then they fill both row, including the front, then all laugh coz should leave the middle place for me... LOL~~~ so the picture turn out all laugh and very happy gua... after some talk talk, i lead them out of TS... then they confirm with me where, and not like i bring them go Holland.. anyway, we headed 2 klcc.. Along the way it was kinda far.. Ned take mono then change train, wit tat ned walk a distance. It was humid.. since need walk, so they check with me weather correct place and direction or not, coz scared i bring them so somewhere else... anyway, we finally reach klcc, then go the garden and then after walking abit, juz out of the door, they wan take pic there & dun wan go further, BUT then that spot can't even see the tower, only the word suria klcc. like tat they also happy o... i wan them take with the tower ma... anyway, i was their photographer & guide & guardian... so took using their many camera... and also a PHONE o... those very Kawaii type... LOL~~~ After tat wan bring them the other side can see tower, they say wan shopping.. So, fine... shopping also good gua.... Then after awhile say wan break up, guy see guy's thing, girl see girl's thing.. i guess they saw something, and wanna go get it first gua... Bt then only 1 side & always nearby.. so fine la... but then they very chun come bc meet me.. wat i notice is that all was attracted 2 Famous Amos shop. They say the bears so kawaii. Anyway, the girsl bought chocolates~~~
After tat say wan go Lot 10, dun wan KLCC shopping... but then we was at klcc only NOT even 30 minutes gua.. So fine go bc near TS. Then reach ned change train station (Dang Wangi).. It was so pack, so i make sure all was out... mana tau all was out, BUT the 3 girl was a little stuck, but mange to come out AND then the door juz CLOSE, leaving 1 girl inside, & start to move.. WALAO~~~ i panic lo... Scared she donno next stop change and come bc.. Luckily its Masjid Jamik, and got opposite each other... heng liao... BUT she got on the other train and came bc.. The moment she came out, all was excited.. all start 2 clap hands... So happy o.. I more worried bout the girls.. coz u noe la~~~ its JAP girls~~
Today those 3 girls, so smart, wore highheels walk o.. Geng.. Gt 1 wear mini skirt lagi.. & their high knee length stockings..
Since found her.. V gathered then start 2 walk 2 mono again. The journey was very short & they rush out when train juz stop & door juz start 2 open.. We had to cross the road... nice thing to see, coz here, everywhere is crossing zone... for them, got designated area de, and only cross when green... for us, its our road la... So we just cross, and towards the last part, all run across the road... walao o~~~ Not bad ma~~~ Walk in Lot10, they say wan separate, then they gathered again.. i say OK, all siam d~~~ very fast~~ but then they always very chun.. 5 minutes means sharp or lesser. Walk around, gt nothing much then left.. I said wan bring go Sg. Wang, they dun wan.. Juz said TS TS.. Bc TS, then separate go few times.. Always also meet me bc on time... not bad la, this people... listen to me de... i heard other group, got some don't want listen and discuss..
But then the last gather, 2 guys went missing, but they help me go find.. After 10 minutes, all gathered then walk 2gether, since got a fair, so gave them 5 minutes look.. They bought things again.. They really noe hw 2 shop lo.. Buy & buy.. Got design love mugs la.. Then gt ppl buy Voir shoes some more.. Then t-shirt la.. Those rm10 Watch also they see then buy liao.. Wow.. Nice shopping 4 them..
Also time, then hand them back to their Guide... stayed around and wish them safe journey...
If i'm not wrong, they are from Yokosuka, Japan.
Walk til my legs pain lo.. Walk quite alot.. & the shortest time i ever spend in klcc... I wonder how those in High heels feel..
Money wise, is i give them the total amount, then they give me, & collect among themselves...
This time, the Train ticket is all covered by them... so its free ride for me.. Haha...
Just share some photo with my readers.
Taken inside Monorail.
Taken at Bukit Bintang Station
One of the girl
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Monday, November 02, 2009
Speeding driver and Priest
Because of an accident, the driver and the priest, both died and went to see GOD.
God ask the driver: What do you do?
Driver: I drive the night shift bus.
God looked up some of the files said: Well, then you go to heaven.
God asked him: What do you do?
Father: I am a priest.
God then looked up some files, and then said: You have to do down.
Father complained loudly: WHAT!!! My life has been dedicated to the church. Every Sunday i preach the word of god. And this crazy bus driver everyday also speeding on the road, and i just got killed in a bus accident driven by him. Why am i going down, and he gets to go to heaven? Give me a valid and acceptable reason.
God: The reason is ...
Every time you preach, the audience is asleep, no one pray. Every time he drove, no one dared to fall asleep, and they all pray to me. You say, who contribute more to the Church!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
AFAIK =» As Far As I Know
AFK =» Away From Keyboard
ASAP =» As Soon As Possible
BAS =» Big A$$ Smile
BBL =» Be Back Later
BBN =» Bye Bye Now
BBS =» Be Back Soon
BEG =» Big Evil Grin
BF =» Boyfriend
BIBO =» Beer In, Beer Out
BRB =» Be Right Back
BTW =» By The Way
BWL =» Bursting With Laughter
C&G =» Chuckle and Grin
CICO =» Coffee In, Coffee Out
CID =» Crying In Disgrace
CNP =» Continued (in my) Next Post
CP =» Chat Post(a chat message)
CRBT =» Crying Real Big Tears
CSG =» Chuckle Snicker Grin
CYA =» See You (Seeya)
CYAL8R =» See You Later (Seeyalata)
DLTBBB =» Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
EG =» Evil Grin
EMSG =» Email Message
FC =» Fingers Crossed
FTBOMH =» From The Bottom Of My Heart
FYI =» For Your Information
FWIW =» For What It's Worth
GAL =» Get A Life
GF =» Girlfriend
GFN =» Gone For Now
GMBA =» Giggling My Butt Off
GMTA =» Great Minds Think Alike
GTSY =» Glad To See You
H&K =» Hug and Kiss
HABU =» Have A Better 'Un
HAGN =» Have A Good Night
HAGU =» Have A Good 'Un
HHIS =» Hanging Head in Shame
HUB =» Head Up Butt
IAE =» In Any Event
IC =» I See
IGP =» I Gotta Pee
IMNSHO =» In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO =» In My Opinion
IMCO =» In My Considered Opinion
IMHO =» In My Humble Opinion
IOW =» In Other Words
IRL =» In Real Life
IWALU =» I Will Always Love You
JMO =» Just My Opinion
JTLYK =» Just To Let You Know
KIT =» Keep In Touch
KOC =» Kiss On Cheek
KOL =» Kiss On Lips
L8R =» Later
L8R G8R =» Later 'Gater
LHM =» Lord Help Me
LHO =» Laughing Head Off
LHU =» Lord Help Us
LMAO =» Laughing My A$$ Off
LMSO =» Laughing My Socks Off
LOL =» Laugh Out Loud
LSHMBB =» Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
LSHMBH =» Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts
LSHTTARDML =» Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg
LTNS =» Long Time No See
LTS =» Laughing To Self
LUWAMH =» Love You With All My Heart
LY =» Love Ya
MTF =» More To Follow
NRN =» No Reply Necessary
NADT =» Not A Darn Thing
OIC =» Oh, I See
OL =» Old Lady (significant other)
OM =» Old Man (significant other)
OTOH =» On The Other Hand
OTTOMH =» Off The Top of My Head
PDS =» Please Don't Shoot
PITA =» Pain In The A$$
PM =» Private Message
PMFJI =» Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMP =» Peed My Pants
POAHF =» Put On A Happy Face
QSL =» Reply
QSO =» Conversation
QT =» Cutie
ROFL =» Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLAPMP =» ROFL And Peeing My Pants
ROFLUTSROFL =» Unable to Speak
RTFM =» Read The F****** Manual!
SETE =» Smiling Ear To Ear
SHID =» Slaps Head In Disgust
SNERT =» Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager
SO =» Significant Other
SOT =» Short Of Time
SOTMG =» Short Of Time Must Go
SWAK =» Sealed With A Kiss
SWAS =» Scientific Wild A$$ Guess
SWL =» Screaming with Laughter
SYS =» See You Soon
TA =» Thanks Again
TGIF =» Thank God It's Friday
TCOY =» Take Care Of Yourself
TILII =» Tell It Like It Is
TNT =» Till Next Time
TOY =» Thinking Of You
TTFN =» Ta Ta For Now
TTYL =» Talk To You Later
WAS =» Wild A$$ Guess
WB =» Welcome Back
WTH =» What/Who The Heck (or sub an 'F' for the 'H')
YBS =» You'll Be Sorry
YG =» Young Gentleman
YL =» Young Lady
YM =» Young Man
for more look it up at : HERE
Sunday, October 25, 2009
MotoGP @ SEpang 2009
left my area around 7.30, had breakfast and headed there...
on the road, just after the PJ Toll, the bike convoy was on the road, escorted by police... so everyone had to go slow, and follow their pace.. and it was a 50-70km/h drive to SIC.... it was nice, but not as great as what i thought it to be...
met up with my friend who had already arrive there... and sitted at that place since 10am all the way to 5pm... watch the 250cc & MotoGP warm-up, then on to the actual races... just before the MotoGP race started at 3pm, it rain, but stop just around 3. after the safety cars(BMW X6 & M6) had gone many rounds, the race was on and heated up... just when it started to rain, water all leak down to our lower deck... OMG~~~ its called the "Grandstand".... rubbish~~~~ it seems like there was no roof above us at all, cos water just came down, and flooded the floor... we had to stand on the chairs... =.= lousy building... wonder how they give out the contract... we know when it was build, during whose era, and who is the Boss of that place...
beside the leak, the Big screen also went blank during the exciting part of the race... lousy people who don't check and re-check before the event... some more there is international media there... shame only..
i was also wondering why they never ask our local bike people a.k.a Mat Rampit to perform there... sure very interesting, and also bring malaysia to greater heights, and glory... sharing our knowledge on how to ride bikes...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
KL Tower BASE jump 2009
so fine, i said i wanna go see it live...
Afternoon, we took left house bout 2.30 and reach there at around 3pm... kinda fast, coz not much jam, mostly smooth till almost reaching there...
then it was quite hard 2 find a parking, coz only 1 lane left, and its for up and down... fortunately, someone came out, and so i had a parking spot...
walk up to the tower, coz the entrance was block by police... reach the tower, saw people jumping down already, coz it begin in the morning...
ask the information counter, and we was brought to another counter, and had a separate VIP enterance where we can go up via a side door. O yeah, it was VIP Pass to the VIP Open deck... its the open air deck, even higher floor than the restaurant. seldom open to public, since the name is already VIP...
we reach the deck, and it is TH05. M&E floor. got "check-in", put on the full body harness. and got out to the deck... it was a super nice view of KL city... in terms of height, i think we are at level 7x-8x of the KLCC... The roof of the pod is at 335 m (1,099 ft), says Wiki. we was standing at the open air, not the observation deck where there is glass...
after awhile outdoor, it started to rain, and so all was call in for safety reason. after around 30-45 minutes, we was back outdoor... and started to watch live jumping... WOW~~~ people from all around the globe... there is a total of 80 odd participants...
other than nice view and excitement, other is photo speaks thousand words....
Friday, October 23, 2009
Full House
The plates are so big, and the food deco is cute...
a very relaxing feeling when at the place...
From the outside, it looks very inviting. JUst like a playhouse, but for adults to chit-chat and blow water with friends.
i won't say so much... just enjoy some photo of the place...
Many people has posted on this place.
So, Happy 1st Birthday Full House..
and another Full House @ Sunway would be opening in Dec 2009.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sms Break up
Malaysia rank No.2 among so many countries... WOW~~~ People rather face the phone screen and say "lets break up" or similar lines, than say it in person...
Thinking back on my own life. This has happen a number of times... why can't break up when see each other... Dare not to face it??? or just scared of it...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Deposit and withdrawer
Different banks may have different ways of their procedure, but roughly the same.
1. Passbook withdrawals, assuming you open an account with a branch in Kuala Lumpur, and you go to Perak and make withdrawal with the same passbook. it is possible, and the verification process is the same.
2. The verification process: Passbook + ID + and same signature as per passbook.
Generally speaking, the signature can be forged, even if IC is stolen, the identity cards has photographs on it. The staff would normally look at the IC photo but how many times have u withdraw and the staff don't really check the photo with the person in front of them?
Of course, there are other cases, where the IC photo is replace - but this is the practice of criminal groups which is planned crime.
3. As for the withdrawals in current accounts, but also and general account withdrawals, any branch can.
4. Large amounts of withdrawals / deposits. Unless you always have large withdrawals / deposits, the staff would not ask you. If you seldom have large withdraw / deposit then suddenly withdrawals / deposits in a large number, the staff / bank manager is bound to ask you the reason. This is to prevent money laundering.
Have u been ask before by the bank staff on what is your motive of withdrawing such big amount? or deposit of big amount of money?
well, u would be thinking, "what has anything got to do with you", "None of your business leh", "your house in front of the sea o, care so much?"
but then whether withdrawal or deposits, the bank have a responsibility to ask the reasons
"verify, by reliable means, the identity, representative capacity, domicile, legal capacity, occupation or business purpose of any person, as well as other identifying information on that person,..."
so next time dun say people kapo liao.... why so 8/38... coz there is a directive from the above ma...
Monday, October 19, 2009
沒有一百分的另一半 只有五十分的兩個人
付出真心 才會得到真心 卻也可能傷得徹底
保持距離 就能保護自己 卻也註定永遠寂寞
通常願意留下來跟你爭吵的人 才是真正愛你的人
有時候 不是對方不在乎你 而是你把對方看得太重
冷漠 有時候並不是無情 只是一種避免被傷害的工具
如果我們之間有 1000 步的距離 你只要跨出第1步
我就會朝你的方向走其餘的 999 步
為你的難過而快樂的 是敵人
為你的快樂而快樂的 是朋友
為你的難過而難過的 就是那些 該放進心裡的人
就算是 believe 中間也藏了一個 lie
真正的好朋友 並不是在一起就有聊不完的話題
而是在一起 就算不說話 也不會感到尷尬
朋友就是被你看透了 還能喜歡你的人
Saturday, October 17, 2009
2nd Cari NSC(New Saga Club) TT
just sharing some photo that we took last night of the CAR gathering...
(photo not taken by me, but by another member.)
there is individual shot of the cars, but not uploading due to "individual" car plate number.
Friday, October 16, 2009
"古巨基@愛得太遲 - 音樂電影"
Z女失恋了,不再相信爱情。变成了100%OL, ZERO love。
Sunday, October 11, 2009
First Yoga Lesson
Morning, my fren sms me, asking me wanna go for the 4pm class or not...
take it as a "see the place" and trial lesson...
It was a "beginner" class...
Starting was not too bad, but then when start to stretch the muscle, start to feel pain everywhere, the hips, shoulder, my neck, and slight back pain.
I might be going for another lesson next weekend, (if i haven't register for classes yet)
But if i have registered for class, then my Yoga lessons will officially start...
at first i was considering a few places... have seen some of them.
now no need think so much. i will just join this place then, since i have fren who is going there. and is a regular, being there almost every few days if not everyday.
Just happen yesterday, meantion going for class, then i just ask what class? then said was Yoga class... so we chatted a little more, and so happen it is one of the place that i'm considering.
Morning said got free lesson, ask me go join.
i feel the place is simple, and relaxing... nice place...
Friday, October 02, 2009
just in memory
just now while coming home, passby Uptown and saw my cousin loading stuff into his car... i heard from my parents that he bought new car d... wow~~~ Honda City, MBR.... not bad lo... doing well, wonder when he wanna get married... LOL~~~
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wonderful weekend
First up was the nice sunny lovely sat morning, which make things look so good... Around 11.30am on sat, gathered with the rest for our outing to Skytrex, Bukit Cahaya, Shah Alam, Selangor. we took up the 1PM slot for BIG THRILL. It was totally fun, challenging, and "insane" LOL~~ after gearing up, we went for a practice round, before we start the REAL thing... first was to climb the 13/14M high "ladder"... then its continuous til the final flying fox. Thrill and fun, begins right at the ground.
It was very tiring, pretty scary.. i did some "short-cut"... at one of the challenge, i fell off it, "of course, i was hanging in the air" kinda fun la... but dun go try it purposely... the guy there said:"dunno how could you have fell, no1 has fallen before" ;'(
anyway, when i dun wan go, i just Firefox across, oppsss, should be flying fox =p
Each platform can only have 3 person at any one time. At some point, there was few platform, with full occupant, and we just 1 go, 1 come, til the end of the game... There was this one time, where i thought front platform was empty, and so i flying fox over, half way saw that there was 2 person... so plus me just nice... then since it was "blind spot", so we shouted across to where i came from, so that nobody wil come over... there was this once, where some1 just flying fox over when there was 3 person in the platform, so i quickily "fly" out to the next... in fact 4 person, not a problem, coz all is super light weight... "but follow rules set out, safety first."
After all was done with it, we left for home and other place where we had to go next... As for me, i had 3 beauty in my car =$
after dropping them off, to where they wanna go (home, frens house), i went back to shower and rest, before the next "stop"
Mooncake festival @ SS2 by Lovely Disable Home.
Next sat is already mooncake festival... see how fast time flies... First they started puasa-ing, and it was over in a blink of the eye, and Raya came... next up will be Mid-autumn festival already...
quite alot of people was there last time to celebrate it with the differently-abled people... just had some fun, took a walk around with the lanterns, and played some games... After the event, EACH person had a mooncake to bring home...
After helping to drop people from UKM off at the LRT station.. i went back to sleep... LOL~~~
Today, i "studied" and learn on how to do my Business Plan/Proposal for this semester. Still seeking idea on what to do... but we stil donno how would it look like yet....
In the afternoon, i saw some1 wearing ACCA t-shirt, so i ask if she was from Sunway. Then my fren said:"next u going to say, U look familiar right?" =.=lll everybody laugh lo...
Me:"no la, that is already an old pick-up line. i ask coz Sunway is more famous for ACCA ma"
She:"so u already did your research la"
Me:"that time after form5, have to research where got what, what is good and recommended ma"
She:"but then u won't do ACCA, coz u gave up on accounting, i already did research on you"
(i wonder what is my market value leh :$)
Me:"ya o... u already noe bout me la...."
just now in the car, on the way back after dinner, 988 was playing "约定by周惠", or by english translation means "promise", it was a Cantonese version, which i have never heard it. This song plays a slight significance in my life.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
National Library Malaysia (PNM)
It can't be said as very huge, but there is quite a lot of books i guess... coz didn't go looking around, but just went right to the top where the journals, articles, Magazines are.
Spend couple of hours there til stomach was making some noise, begging me to go fill it up.
Before leaving, went to photo copy some of the research publications for reference.
They use the pre-paid card system where you pay RM12 for the card (RM10 for 155pages + RM2 for deposit)... also, you can photocopy per page @RM0.10 for those below 20 pages... i stil have a lot of unused printing left in the card... shall pay that place a visit again soon... Parking wise, i'm pretty happy with it, since got alot parking, not hard to find a spot at all... if alot of people flock there, then it is going to be a problem...
Before reaching the National Library, we stopped at Balai Seni Lukis Negara, which should be the National Art Gallery.... that place is nice and neat, but not much to see... how i ended up there? well, coz scared over-shoot the place, so turn in first, and it turn out to be further down, since there, then went in to have a peek...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
True love is acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.
'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!
Friday, September 11, 2009
TNB Online
Since they didn't pay the electricity charges last month, the next day TNB staff came to chase for it! TNB Staff: Miss, you are late by a month, quickly settle it, if not i very hard to do my work!
His wife was very surprised: I am a month late, TNB know? ? ? ! ! ! !
TNB staff: Aiya, Miss, now IT era, and I just look at online check what all know already, there is no secret la!
His wife cries out of control: What? online can check too? ? ! ! !
TNB staff was worried to see the woman as if delirious, he was afraid, and quickily said: In fact, you are only a month later, some people are late for 6 months, all right, you and your husband discuss, and then go to Kedai TNB settle ba. After that run quickly!
Her husband heard his wife's complain, si bei angry, the next day took leave to go Kedai TNB seeking explanation.
Her husband entered and shouted at the front of the TNB counter: What is wrong with you head? Eat finish nothing better to do ah? My wife a month late, u also go internet sing kai po ah! ! ! Your wife never later before ah? Is it want me send a lawyer letter to sue you ah? ? ? ! ! ! !
Then the TNB-site staff try to calm the mad husband: Mister, relax, relax, to settle is very easy, as long as you give the money will do.
Husband is even angry: Nia bei, still want lim bei give you the money? ? ? ! ! ! No, Go to hell! ! !
TNB staff can only say: this is the case, we have to cut off you. . . . .
Husband stare, said: cut off me? ? ? I'll use what ah? ? ? ? ? ! ! ! !
TNB staff is very stylish to say: Mister, you only can use candles after that. .
*the above is meant as a joke,
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
B&L Softlens 59
Other than the pair of contacts, there is also the solution, and a travel pouch.
There is also a Photoshoot of before and after :$ :$
I donno when i would try it out... should be soon...
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Morning "rush hour"
i dare not play with him, coz driving new car... this bloody SOB is an african driving a Wira, those super modified... i wonder if they know how to Q or not...
& he GOT the last parking ticket... coz when i wanted to take ticket, press only, nothing came out, but the barrier was up.. so just drive pass, no need ticket lo... hahaha.... no need later think where i put the ticket d... after that it was smooth traffic for all, coz just drive through... LOL~~~
& today some1 told me, the parking need only pay til 4PM, coz those people wil check til that time... i always put until around 5... haizzzz...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Chinese Valentine
From Google China- For lovers
Husband : Nothing.
Wife : 'Nothing...? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour.'
Husband : 'I was looking for the expiry date.'
Wife : 'Do you want dinner?'
Husband : 'Sure! What are my choices?'
Wife : 'Yes or no.'
Wife: 'You always carry my photo in your wallet. Why?'
Hubby: 'When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.'
Wife: 'You see how miraculous and powerful I am for you!'
Hubby: 'Yes! I see your picture and ask myself what other problem can there be greater than this one?'
Stress Reliever Girl: 'When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden.'
Boy: 'It's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have any worries or troubles.'
Girl: 'Well that's because we aren't married yet.'
Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever .
The guy replies: 'Thanks for the early warning.'
A wife asked her husband: 'What do you like most in me, my pretty face or my sexy body?'
He looked at her from head to toe and replied: 'I like your sense of humor.'
Monday, August 24, 2009
23 Aug 2009
The promo was very hard to do, unless they want or intending to sign up, then can close the deal, if not there will be no responds at all.. i was like an extra there, while people are all busy doing their own thing, i'm just standing there coz there is nothing that i can help with...
until almost closing, there was ONE couple who came in with the intention of signing up... in the end manage to close it... hope can get commission on that...
There are alot of pretty girls, all wearing face mask, so can't see their true beauty, but can still know that they are really pretty... hope H1N1 will end soon, then can see everyone's beauty again....
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Work @ Calling Part 2
Me: Can i speak to so&so...
Her: He don't have
sensing that she might be more comfortable in mandarin, so i change language to suit her.
Me: Since he is not in, then do he have a secretary?
Her: I'm lo... (damn shy voice) Anything?
Me: Blah blah blah~~~~
Her: I not sure o...
Me: then i fax it to you...
Her: ok, my number is blah blah blah..
Then ask her name... LOL~~
Call B
Her: How did you get our phone number?
Me: =) Business contact everywhere also got ma... Business ma~~
Her: LOL~~ right right, laughing with smiles, with my answer...
Me: haha LOL
Today was not very happy in the office, coz some calls r just pissing me off....
i feel this people should not be given the chance to pick calls, for they don't speak diplomatically, and their answer are just unfriendly... their boss should give them some training on how to speak over the phone, and answer cases...
Scenario 1:
No idea at all, If no responds means that we are not interested. no need call and ask us.
Scenario 2:
Donno got receive or not. NO see. All mail will be pass to the boss.
Scenario 3:
Line engaged.
Me: i will call back in awhile.
Her: She got meeting at 3pm, cannot disturb her.
Scenario 4:
I think got. We have so many mails everyday, where got notice all of them. We have a lot of projects to do also, who cares bout all this surveys that is being carried out. No time for all this. Boss is very busy.
when ask for Boss secretary, she said:"she don't know anything. don't need ask her"
then who handles the mail, she said:"me la, i pass everything to the boss"
when ask if can pass to the secretary even if she don't know anything, she just won't pass the line.
Later the person who assign me the task, ask why never speak to secretary but only to an employee, i kena "scolding" lo...
At least answer people nicely ma, of course i know you all may have alot of mails, but why answer people like this o...
Finish work today, i pass back my timesheet for the week, then admin ask me:" tomorrow not working? or stop till here"
i just said:"after this, if got any other thing you want me work, then just call me" FULL STOP.
Bye =)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Day @ Work, call all-day
I wonder why big bosses sec r normally those very young voice girls... hmmm.... today called a few, all also like that... should be SYT gua. but not sweet lo...
How come some companies pick their phone in mandarin o... then if people donno, will think they called to china la... not only she pick the phone in chinese, but also talk damn soft and polite... until i almost can't hear her...
One of personals in a consultancy firm in north Johor, ask me to send the fax to whom maybe concern when i ask put Attn: to whom... if follow what he say, i sure kena my boss scold de... where can send like that, must have a person's name ma...
Donno is fate or what, i called a few companies today, also people just left their sit, or always also just happen answer call... one example is 1 that i called 3 times. 1st time he just went to toilet, 2nd time it just drop line, cut off... 3rd time, the person knows who i'm then ask:"r u so-and-so, wait a minute", my voice so easy to remember o.. He very polite and patient, sounds young, should be 20-ish..
Then some people ask, We must do this survey, is it compulsary? i said" no no, just encourage to participate la... coz not all get, u r are lucky to be pick" =P
Managing director pick the call hisself... later i see, only know he is a lawyer, should be doing pretty well gua, coz office in Bangsar.
Prefect english person:" Hello, this is the CEO office, how may i help you?" sound like ang-mo lo... i also try to use "better" english coz mine so lousy, so paiseh...
Just some memories to jot down in my blog...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Day out 13 Aug
- Sing K at Redbox Lowyat Plaza
- Walk walk Lot 10
- Walk walk Pavilion- Dinner, shop a little...
- Back home...
Friday, August 07, 2009
A-Z of Make up names
Acqua Di Parma
Agent Provocateur
Alan Cumming
Alfred Dunhill
Alfred Sung
Alison Raffaele
Amazing Cosmetics
Anthony Logistics For Men
Arrogance Mix
B. Kamins Chemist
Badgley Mischka
Bare Escentuals
Beauty Buffet
Benefit Cosmetics
Betsey Johnson
Bremenn Research Labs
Britney Spears
Calvin Klein
Carlos Santana
Carol's Daughter
Carolina Herrera
CITY Cosmetics
Comme des Garcons
Comptoir Sud Pacifique
Danielle Steel
DDF-Doctor's Dermatologic Formula
Demeter Fragrance Library
Dessert Beauty
Diane von Furstenberg Beauty
Dolce & Gabbana
Donna Karan
Dr. Brandt Skincare
Dr. Hauschka Skin Care
Eau De Vie
EI Solutions
Emanuel Ungaro
Ermenegildo Zegna
Fake Bake
Salvatore Ferragamo
Frederic Fekkai
Fresh Scents by Terri
Fusion Beauty
Giorgio Armani
Girlactik Beauty
Global Goddess
Hanae Mori
Hard Candy
Hilary Duff
Hugo Boss
Imju Fiberwig
Issey Miyake
Jack Black
Jean Paul Gaultier
John Varvatos
Jonathan Product
Juice Beauty
Juicy Couture
Kenneth Cole
Kimora Lee Simmons
Korres Natural Products
Lab Series For Men
La Maison de la Vanille
Laura Geller
Laura Mercier
Laurence Dumont
LOLA Cosmetics
Lolita Lempicka
Lulu Beauty
Lulu Guinness
Make Up For Ever
Marc Jacobs
Masaki Matsushima
MD Formulations
MD Skincare
Michael Kors
Nanette Lepore
Napoleon Perdis
Narciso Rodriguez
Ole Henriksen
Oscar Blandi
Paco Rabanne
Paris Hilton
Paul & Joe
Paula Dorf
N.V. Perricone M.D.
Peter Thomas Roth
PH Advantage
Pinkie Swear
Pop Beauty
Ralph Lauren
Rene Furterer
Robert Piguet
Rosebud Perfume Co.
Rx for Brown Skin
Sean John
Sephora Girls
Sephora Piiink
Shu Uemura
Skyn Iceland
St. Tropez Tanning Essentials
Stacked Style
Stella McCartney
Care by Stella McCartney
Sue Devitt
Sugar Cosmetics
Ted Gibson
Tend Skin
Terax Hair Care
Thierry Mugler
Tocca Beauty
Tom Ford
Too Faced
Urban Decay
Vera Wang
Vincent Longo
Yves Saint Laurent
Z. Bigatti
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Day out @ 5 Aug
My fren woke up, and come from the city coz she is putting up at Tune Hotel, KL... and wanted to come to 1-Utama for shopping spree...
met her at 1-U around 1PM, then went for lunch... after that was all the way shopping, one shop after another.... she spend bout RM80+ at Padini, me too.... but then she bought more things than me... before this, she bought things in another shop d.. so now is 3(2+1) bags... then she pass a booth selling wooden shoes... she wanted to buy both pair coz she donno which to choose... in the end she decided to get the more "casual" pair... then went into Parkson where i wanted to find a pair of office leather shoes... those sales girls r damn #%&!@#.... which pair i want also no size, and they don't even offer to help at all... some more all so free, chatting there.... since don't like, then went else where to get the shoes... she saw rings, and then after walking round 1-U(coz i said look around first), she went back to buy it... O ya, we also went to Watson to get some stuff... then to Guardian... then to Face shop -> Etude house... i love the things in Etude house, can touch up and care for so many things...
we had like 5 big bags on hands(both of them)... then around 7pm, only left the place, where i'm now blogging before i go shower up, and out i go again(BUT not shopping)...
Monday, August 03, 2009
这样吵架 会让他更爱你!
千万不要觉得厘清这些问题很愚蠢,许多人的吵架出现纠缠不清的情况就是在这一个问题上。试想,如果对方说:“我希望你有时间就陪我”,而你说: “我真的不可能每天都陪你。如果一个星期有三天陪你,你可以接受吗?”你看,这不就是真正开始在沟通了吗?当你这么说时,对方可能就了解到自己的要求不合理,而会愿意提出一个较合理可行的要求。这种协商的方式比起在她一开始抱怨不被关心,你就勃然大怒、互相大吼好多了吧?

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Repost: 我无法把它握在手中,只有妥协和放弃

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Cosmetic names
Good Response Sdn Bhd- Dear Darling (WOW!! such a lovely line that people would like to hear)
product name: Cheeky lips... (LOL)
i love this companies, i think they complement each other...
Suria Meriang Sdn Bhd- Bite your lips ("BITE YOUR LIPS - RASPBERRY. SURIA MERIANG SDN. BHD. "& Esplanade Avenue Sdn Bhd- Bitten Lips... you ask me how to ask the sales girl when i want buy the product leh... surely get a slap first... =(
Cinema make-up marketing Sdn Bhd- WOW!! for cinema ONLY... why not people start a "Clubbing make-up retail Sdn Bhd" sure got good business...
How about: Disco Angel Lips on stage, by Esprit De Corporation (M) S/B
Girls just want lipstick- Hope, Peace... (haha...)
SOLEI Beauty S/B- being pretty, beauty is so tiring de o... all thanks to the enviroment... the cruel reality of this world around us...
of course, when use make-up need powderful right~~ so you have names like High Gloss(Questeam), High Impact(Alternative looks, Johor), and Hollywood shine(Dragon Moon Holdings)... is it use it then can shire like the stars in Hollywood... in that case, better look out for paparazi shooting photo's from a distance... remember to close your curtains, windows, door tightly leh... and remember to cover few more layers of blanket(remember some1 's pic was taken when she was sleeping and put online)
GCH retail's product of Hugs and kisses... i wonder if kiss the girl who use it, can feel those hugs or not leh... LOL~~~
Prestige Products- I Loewe You Strawberry Lips...
Clarin- Kisses of an angel by Thierry Mugler... i also want the kisses from angel leh... :$
New Skin- Lollipop lipstick... (Got POISON, don't eat it..)
and "Underwear for lips" (i got a shock, thought eyes playing games on me....
**those are just some of it... and Names might not be as of shelf name, its just when they send for registration with the "National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau (Biro Pengawalan Farmaseutikal Kebangsaan - BPFK)"
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Love and relationship is built based on DECISION and not mare feelings.. because feeling can be as short as few seconds.. It is a life-long decision, not an impulse feeling...
Salt and pepper are 2 different things, made up of different things(eg: Spices), but are often see together, and is a traditionally paired set of condiments found on dining tables where European-style food is eaten. The pairing of salt and pepper as table condiments dates to seventeenth-century French cuisine, which considered pepper the only spice (as distinct from herbs such as fines herbes) which did not overpower the true taste of food. They are typically found in a set as salt and pepper, often a matched set. They are meant to be together.
You can't give others what you don't have. IF you don't love yourself, or has no love yourself, how are you to give LOVE to others...
After married you would have to continue learning about your other half just like you learn about her before dating, while in a courtship... if when got married is like study till Diploma, then after married you would have to continue studying the other person just like Diploma, Degree, Master's and PhD, all the way untill you get your PhD... even after that, there is stil alot to be learned... learning is a life long process, it never stops...
Wiki: Fireproof(Film)
Love Dare
Thursday, July 23, 2009
5C, 5B, 5H
the new
BMW or Benz(宝马或马赛地汽车),
then why NOT?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
第五名 狮子座 扮猪吃老虎
第四名 金牛座 容易跟年纪大的人交往
第三名 天秤座 自然而然吸引男生帮助
第二名 天蝎座 美艳冷酷的外型吸引男生
第一名 双鱼座 柔情似水会装可怜
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
*copied from people
Monday, July 13, 2009
Work @ 13 July 2009
around 8 something, my supervisor's phone keep ringing... her sister has arrive to pick her up... then she ask her sister to off enjine and wait awhile... terus kena scolding already~~ =.=
then her sister keep calling, keep calling... after few times, she didn't want to pick up, then the phone keep coming in not stop, til she reject it twice, then stop for awhile... OMG~~~ tornado is coming already lo..~~~
then the other 2 ask her to go back first, tomorrow only continue with it...
one of them said, the sister face super black already....
o ya, coz i guess who pick her ma... then heard the voice, i said, your mother is it? then she say, sound like it o... HAHAHA... =)
if she hear that sure kill you la~~~ its my sister....
hope she donno lo... =p
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Melaka Visit & A Famosa Trip
After showering, resting awhile, v went out 4 a night drive.. I took over the wheel 4 the night, since i'm more familiar wit the roads, & can juz decide since v juz wan look around.. The satay celuk shop that i thought of going was nt open, so juz turn into another place, bt can't find it, so went 2 melaka raya.
since we had no destination in mind, so juz drive around, then thought of going 2 jonker walk again.. Bt most has close, except a few r stil open.. Gt a few items like hand twisted keychain, ear ring.. Scroll along the river side walk.. It was damn smelly la.. Donno the cleaning project didn't work or wat lo..
After tat, turn round town sightseeing.. and unfortunately met a roadblock in front of the red buildings, christ church.. Join op by police & jpj.. Also gt rela.. Then pass parlawan mall, saw mcd, so stopped 2 get some food.. The place was packed wit ppl.. Back to hotel 2 get some rest @ 2.00am..
Day 2
Woke up around 8, then faster wash up & check out, then went 4 dim sum breakfast, which always have alot of ppl eating or q-ing..
Critic is tat the food is nt very nice, bt alot ppl like to eat there coz mayb lots of ppl means good food, also coz its been there 4 a long time, everyone is used 2 the taste..
After breakfast, i was given the key 2 bring them to our destination, A Famosa, Simpang Ampat.. The journey was smooth, very easy & nice 2 drive, thanks 2 some parts tat i noe, & also pointers from my fren, most importantly the signboard.. Once at the junction 2 A Famosa, it was a short drive in, & from the enterence, u would see all the nice bungalows & condo's first b4 u reach the animal safari & waterworld, which is side-by-side.. V got the combo park ticket which include a lunch.. Took some photo's at the enterence of animal safari, then watch the elephane show, took some pic wit it after the show, then off 2 the safari trem(truck).. The ride was bout 25 minutes or so.. It would show a lot of animals.. After tat was all the animal exploration by foot, & bird show.. Went 4 the lunch which is included.. Then took a short boat ride 2 monkey island nearby.. Then went 4 the wild wild west show.. After tat, v headed 2 waterworld.. It was all water & fun.. The sky & weather was perfect all day long.. Was at the wave pool 4 awhile, then went 2 play the family slide.. Where a few ppl sit in a big float, & down the slide in a rollercoaster way.. Met & join 4 other girl from batu pahat 4 the ride, twice.. It was damn fun coz of the weight, & sound effect.. during one of the round, one of the girl lost her grip, and fly up... it was damn exciting... all also scream kao kao~~ it was quite heavy, so can go very high...
After tat went 2 play the inner tube slide.. I think i played tat 2 round.. Nt very challenging.. After tat juz sit in the single float & juz let it float & move 1 round, then bc 2 the wave pool.. Where v had some fun, before going 2 shower up
After showering, i ask bout my camera.. & got a shock, coz my fren said its nt wit her o.. OMG~~~ no kidding.. So find here & there, think think think.. Then it was found in the shop where my fren bought something there.. Luckily the shop girls was very good & honest.. They pass it bc 2 us.. Thank God.. Praise him.. I was damn worried.. The girl told my fren, don't b sad d, no ned argue.. Everything is fine nw.. (like a couple, coz most ppl wil think me & her is a couple)
After the shock, i drove all the way bc from Melaka 2 kl.. Haha.. Nice drive except some small thing like ppl taking up the lane when they wan 2 drive slowly.. There was a jam from Seremban 2 after planter's haven..
Left A Famosa Resort @6.20pm
Reach sg besi toll@7.45pm
after that straight to Kepong Maluri for dinner...
and reach home @ close to 11... all tired after the trip...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
a "special" day at work
shared so light moments which won't happen during office hours...
some jokes, and also things like Maslow's hierarchy of needs... the most basis is SEX, sex sex... Hahaha... when would you hear this coming from the mouth of a MD... which he say after office hour, he is just like one of the guys...
the basic need of human being is LOVE... sex (if misuse) don't contain love at all...
Thursday, July 09, 2009
First trip to SSM (ROC)
My first time to Registra of Companies Malaysia... at "The Mall" near PWTC and wisma Putra...
It was also the first time i'm working, in "office", but not the office that i'm working in, but doing work in a government office...
it might be a "nice" place, but the place is huge and messy... donno how to get to the high high up place's pun... keep losing my way...
technically, u could say working in a shopping mall, coz it is located in a shoping mall's office block, whcih is on top of it... LOL... sounds confusing?
so yeah, took a taxi all the way from office there... the taxi was called by the office...
abit confusing coz they have so many departments, and levels... manage to find level 13, but then which counter to start with?? all the way to the back, and i approach one of the counter, she said now no need form, (WOW, good good... ), just pay and start finding the info... mana tau, wrong counter.. so go the other counter, and the little slip, A.K.A "the form" Borang A1... so fill fill, then took number, and waited awhile.. then after got another slip with the PIN, go find a comp to use... at first i sat a a corner comp, but then feel so cooling, mana tau it was right under the air-con, so after awhile it became cold... first time use the system, die die also must finish what i doing ma... if not later data lost or anything, i ma die lo... so finish the first paper, (i had like 7 papers, did in few "batch") then change to the next comp, which is better... after finish, then collected the printing, and went for lunch..
First time come The Mall, donno where to eat... been to that area several times, but with friends for functions, and lunch or wat la... so saw got food to eat, abut pricy but wat to do, its like 2 something d.. so eat lo... after that? Go home? Of course not~~~
Went back to level 13, again lost my way finding the lift to go up there... =.=
went up there, since nobody, so i filled in more of the Borang A1 to change for the PIN slip... the lady ask me, "Tadi punya dah habis?"(Just now all the slip done aleady?), i said Of course not la... got so many of it, first time use, not familiar, i see nobody, so faster do few more slips first lo...(all in malay)... then she said"wa~how many hundards?" i said, not that many la... bout 30-40 companies lo.. she said, then u haven't taken lunch o... poorthing.. i just Smiled... LOL...
at first morning go, see around, all more matured people there, except those "runners" that specially do those work for people... afternoon leh, hehehe.... finally someone younger came to do some work there o... so happen i was standing beside her, and then i look few more time, coz she looked just like my friend, Sherry Tan.. yes yes, Anthony's wife... the height also bout the same... after that should be not lo... if not she will call me gua... but then i don't think she need to go such places to do search... That girl, look so innocent, see also noe is like me, first time go there... i was Q-ing up to make payment, so then she took out her phone, and called the company/ friend, ask how to do o... where get the form, and those things lo.. she seems so nervous liao lo... i wanted to give her the form, but then when i was done and going to the comp, she had left... after that, while i was doing my work at the corner of the room, she came bc, and manage to get the form, and started her work... i was done with some, and went to collect my printing again... still got need to find, so i went to the comp beside her.... do my work, then she suddenly said, "excuse me, can i ask you, how do i go back to the previous screen?" in a super prefect english, i feel la... so i stand up, and lean over the small table, and took her mouse, and teach her lo... then she said, she was done, and had some to print.. I wil ask for her number?? LOL~~ i dare not lo... so i said, take the slip with the PIN and go to the counter and pay for it... collect the print out at the next counter.... Continue with my work... i though end d, won't see her liao...
i finish with wat i had to do, and go make payment for the printing again, then SHE was in front of me in Q, with more slip of the Borang A1... i think she not enough money gua... she didn't expect it to be so much, coz she was telling her fren over the phone just now, Each company is RM10 leh... should be go ATM press money first lo.. i had known how much it would approximately cost.. so i had like RM750 with me(company's money la)...
O ya, one of the question that i asked her b4 she leave was "are you an accountant?" she said No, with a super sweet smile lo... =) i wonder what would she do, if there was no-one sitted beside her? call back the office and ask?
just something from today... i won't meet(bump into) her again... not possible la... even so, we might not even know we met b4...
so back to office, by taxi?? NOpe, i took the train back... haha... cost saving? maybe gua...
back to office, so much things to do, like sort out those search, updating files... counting expenses... etc etc etc... and it rained, that was left office late too...
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Newly designed seat belt
Results show that accidents can be reduced by as much as 45% when the belt is properly installed.
Correct installation is illustrated below:
Loading. 10 %
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Loading....... 60 %
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Loading......... 90%
Loading.......... Done
Just a joke, no offense, K..
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
First Half of 2009
2009 1st Half favorite movie: i didn't get to watch many. i think is Night at the Museum 2
2009 1st Half the lousiest movie: no idea
2009 1st Half favorite album: should be Lee Hom- Heartbeat
2009 1st Half worst album: NIL
2009 1st Half opposite sex that make your heart beat super-fast: donno wo, i think didn't make much friends yet.
2009 1st Half the happiest thing that happen: should be my tripS: Tmn Negara(Jan), Ipoh(Feb), Genting(April), Lang Tengah(May), Siem Reap(June)
2009 1st Half the unhappiest thing that happen:too many gua, try not to recall it.
2009 1st Half news that left a deep impression:thing that shock the nation.
2009 1st Half the "deep shit" that you did:should be got gua...
2009 1st Half what you spend most on:my trips...
2009 1st Half what shocked you:should be in my past post
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Isetan, G2000, Parkson
lunch was abit disappointing, because the staff at the shop just don't understand what we wanted.. we ask for extra sauce, and they brought the bill when we was only half way through the meal. haiZZZ...
my fren finally have decided on his washing machine, and would be delivered next week....
church was pretty good today, alot of people was there for mass, but not many youth, since tonight is Battle of the bands (catholic version)...