Friday, December 26, 2008
Relationship and beauty
This is based on my observation, and also heard from other people. maybe some of you have read about it, notice it, or even happen to some of u.
Being in a relationship is a happy thing in life. I notice that those girls in a relationship looks prettier and "brighter" than before, i'm not saying that those that are single are not beautiful o... Physically wise, they look prettier, is it coz they wan look the best when got a bf? look prettier coz want to keep her guy? or is it the hormones release make her look prettier?
i notice that their "mountain" looks nicer, rounder, and bigger... It is not tat i always notice it, but so happen it has big changes and people can tell the difference.
In the past, i have heard female friends saying those things. Where in a relationship, they receive the Love nutrition that make them prettier, and making it bigger and more attractive.
Not too long ago, my friends mother said that her(my fren's) breast has become bigger. The shape like has change already. Then her mum asked if she had a boyfriend, coz her mummy say if got boyfriend then will become bigger, coz of the body hormones that are release.
This few days, every night also see her in my dreams. I dare not message her or look for her, as i'm scared she will disappoint me by not replying my message or just replying it in a very cold way...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Farewell quote
to share something on him. i have known him for more than 2 years now... we met by Fate or the will of God in a place called KDU CG, also known as House of Manna...
“People so seldom say I love you And then it's either too late or love goes. So when I tell you I love you, It doesn't mean I know you'll never go, Only that I wish you didn't have to.”
“Remember me and smile, for it's better to forget than remember me and cry.”
“Distance never seperates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad cuz I miss you I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.”
“Never say goodbye when you still want to try, never give up when you still feel you can't take it. Never say you don't love the person anymore when you can't let go.”
“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”
Dr. Seuss quotes (1904-1991)
Of course, i would also like to share some on Goodbye my friend..
“Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.”
“So many faces in and out of my life; some will last, some will be just now and then. Life is a series of hellos and good byes, I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again.”
“You and I will meet again, When we're least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again”
“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
重要的是如何生存,而不是如何死去 "Samuel Johnson(18th century)"
my own idea/ inspiration from the show
if beauty was a person, it would be (name)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
In life destiny to love you
quite fun lo... but i dun think such things happen in life... at least nt in my life(for now).... i dun even get anything close to that... wat a sad life i have...
i want to share with u all this... maybe u have known it already... in tat case, u can just press the X on the right top corner...
sán cóng sì dé
so what is this all about....?
it is the three obedience and four virtues that a couple have to "promise" to each other when they get married...
The three obedience
obey her father before marriage,
her husband when married,
and her sons in widowhood
The four virtues
proper speech,
modest manner,
and diligent work
男友言行要听从 Bf advice must listen
男友无知要盲从 Bf "blur blur" just forget
男友主意要服从 Bf idea must follow
男友多情要忍"得" Bf "extra love" must tahan
男友薄行要受"得" -
男友多疑要记"得" -
男友小气要就"得" Bf "small gas" is a NO
女朋友出门要跟"从" Gf go out must follow
女朋友命令要服"从" Gf command must follow
女朋友讲错要盲"从" Gf say wrongly, must act deaf
女朋友化妆要等"得" Gf put make up must wait
女朋友花钱要舍"得" Gf spend money must be generous
女朋友生气要忍"得" Gf angry must tahan
女朋友生日要记"得" Gf birthday must remember
Source: Baidu
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bad patch of life
first, i got a sms this morning saying..:
"Hey, its X. We rally apologize that the coming PC fair@KLCC, our company can't let you be part of it. bcoz our amount already out of the limit.. really sorry..." :'(
i knows it really late, but if anybody stil need people.. for either the KL or JB pc fair... please do contact me... thanks...
then when i wan go out for lunch, i notice my socks was on my slippers... 0.0
find find my shoes... eh, looks like its missing o... look again... really not there... and the gate was ajar... WTF~~~~ my shoes is STOLEN~~~~ i now cure my shoes... the brown shoes tat i brought from TS... may who ever stole it and wear it be cures... and maybe he keep falling down... =p
anyway, i wanted to throw the shoes soon, just waiting for me to buy another new pair of shoes...
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Half day out at the ParkS
after turning for nt tat long actually, we finally reach there... headed to the office to get what need to be done, and took a short scroll in the campus for awhile...
went over to TBR for brench.. makan at one of the chinese shops... had wan tan mee... but only manage 2 eat half of it... hehe...
when wanna leave, my car was block by another car behind me, horn and horn stil nobody come out... finally when my fren said v scroll awhile more here, SHE came out to move the car... not too bad looking la... of course the 1 beside me is better =p
went back the same road where we came from, and stop over at Tasik Titiwangsa... Eyes on Malaysia has been remove, now the place is just so bare... sit there for awhile, then decided to go to National monument or around tat area where there is a park also... i think is Lake Garden gua...
lepak there, took some pictures... then had to come back to PJ coz she was working in the afternoon...
after having such fun, mana stil wanna go work o... i also feeling tired, maybe coz sleep not enough...
Monday, December 08, 2008
Poppy @ 7 Dec 2008
just got back from Poppy Collection...
first time hitting the dance floor and dancing in groups with total strangers...
had a damn fun time dancing with them...
some wanted to exchange numbers, but can't hear properly, and i didn't bring my name card along... so just forget bout it... most was there with their bf... anyway, dance with few girls...
open Dawart 12 years last time @ RM 312 + 1 cover of RM40...
People involve: Jac, Henry, Sharon, Joan, Martin, Melinda and ME...
later added: on sat night, had a private party with my classmates and some seniors.. then on sunday night, some of them wanted to go dance, and so i was called... first time clubbing with this group of frens... last time got also is have a drink and chit chat only...
there was not many people at Poppy... was not cramp at all... kinda spacious lo, except for the dance floor... but had a great time dancing with total strangers... groups of guys and girls, dancing in circles... my first experience... 跳到high翻天了。。。一天比一天的high。。。
next friday, if nothing stops me, Maison here i coming after 2 years... (my classmate's birthday)
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Party @ 6 Dec 208
i'm consider tipsy ba....
we had open a total of about 5 bottles..
Chivas 12 years; JW Black label limited edition, 12 years; JW Green label 15 years; a rum; red wine Merlot; Absolute Vodka peach.
i myself drank bout 11 cups... those paper cup size of alcohol mix with cola or sprite....
4 cups of Chivas, 2/3 of black label, few green label, 1 cup mix with rum, few cups of absolute peach flavor...
in the afternoon, i had a product briefing, and it was at the highest floor of Menara TM... WOW~~~ everything seems so small... and it is like, i'm looking down on the world...
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Tagged A-Z
B - Band listening to right now: Heaven (Candlelight)
C - Career future: Where ever Fate brings me to
D - Dad’s name: Mr. Ng
E - Easiest person to talk to: If AIR was a person
F - Favorite song: Nice songs tat suit my mood
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Gummy bears
H - Hometown: Johor Bahru
I - Instruments: -NIL-
J - Job: is student a job?
K - Kids: mayb 2
L - Longest car ride ever: JB to Penang.
M - Mom’s name: Mrs. Ng
N - Number of people you slept with: I always sleep alone
O - O what? OIC...
P - Phobia[s]: Ghost, and Fail in Exam
Q - Quote: "u sure or nt..."
R - Reason to smile: $$$$
S - Song you sang last: Dao dai by Jolin
T - Time you wake up: i think was 8 something...
U - Unknown fact about me: donno what people donno
V - Vegetable you hate: carrot, onion
W - Worst habit: I can't control myself to stop thinking of Food
X - X-rays you’ve had: its been too long...
Y - Yummy food: As long as it call "food"
Z - Zodiac sign: Aries
I tag: my loyal reader or who ever wants to have a go at it...
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
i) was looking forward to meeting her again this thursday, man tau just now drop by to see her, then she said her thursday day off cancel d, change to another day and took extra day coz wan go back hometown... suddenly change of plan... so sad wei, coz donno after this stil got chance to see her or nt... just have to leave it to fate lo...
ii)PC fair recruitment looks like is not my luck.... the person told me wil finalise on Monday then contact back, but til now stil nothing... looks like i not on their list ba... stil keeping my finger cross for now... again, leave it to GOD and fate...(KL)
JB's also dun seems to be my luck too... looks like its just not many people wanting the samething...
fingers cross...
iii)the korean boss tat i work for previously also haven't got back to me yet... also keeping finger cross, he wil call me soon...
hope my luck wil be better la...
*just now went to see my classmate who is in hospital... he ask me to press the bell to call the nurse. and you know wat happen? 5 nurse came to the bed.. hahaha... but then o, my other fren press the bell, and 7 came the other day... (most of them r just student nurse la) =p
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Feeling of loneliness
my dad is away for the weekend again... and come Jan 2009, he won't be here with me anymore... is it because of that? i doubt so, or maybe it plays a small part...
maybe the feeling of loneliness comes/ hits me after a day out with fren(s)...
yesterday i went out with someone special, for almost the whole day.. all the way from morning til evening.. mainly we went to watch movieS [Bolt 3D & Twilight] and also catch up with each other... its been months since i last saw her... since end of April til almost end of Nov... had a great day out with her... Glad that she looked me up...
looking forward to meeting her again, IF possible... coz next year, she would be going away to another place to study... her course is relocating...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
26 letters representing Love
B - Believe(相信)
C - Care(關心)
D - Devoted (全心全意)
E - Enjoy(享受)
F - Freedom(自由)
G - Give(付出)
H - Heart, Honesty(心,誠實)
I - Independence(獨立)
J - Jealousy(妒忌)
K - Kiss(吻)
L - Love(愛)
M - Mature(成熟)
N - Natural(自然)
O - Observe(觀察)
P - Protect(保護)
Q - Quarter(寬恕)
R - Receive(接收)
S - Share(分享)
若你愛他/她,就必需於他/她分享他/她的喜、怒、哀、 樂,不要只顧著自己才可以嘛,這是作為一個伴侶的最簡單的責任。
T - Try(嘗試)
U - Understand(明白)
V - Vow(誓言)
W - Willingness(願意)
X - eXpression(表達)
Y - Yield(退讓)
Z - Zest(熱情)
*for those that can't read Chinese, just read those words, and think about it... i'm sure you can get the answer, and explanation.=)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
11) 最難演練的.....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
anyway, yesterday(monday) and today(tuesday) i had my presentation... it was just so-so...
just nows presentation kena critic from the lecturer kao kao lo...
my classmate was saying tat when v started presenting, it was loud and clear, but after awhile as the lecturer ask questions and comment on it, it become softer and powerless... coz all lost confidents d...
after class, i drop my groupmate home, then went to IKANO to have a look at the Padini Group Sale... discount is alot la... ranging up to 70% off, mostly is 50-70%... those that i liked didn't have my size, its either L or XL, if nt then is the "left-a-few" S.... few design also like tat... in the end, i manage 2 get a M, which is also left a few, around 2 or 3 more only... i think thats all la.. o ya, i was only looking at the office clothings, buy for my presentations and functions... Looking forward to the Year end sale... hope can get what i want then...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
joke for the day
why crocodile don't eat the pig?
1.为什么鳄鱼不吃猪 ?
because they are islam
why the crocodile don't eat the chicken?
because they ber-puasa
why crocodile knock 2 times then die?
because kok kok die (crocodile)
kok kok = knock knock
Monday, November 10, 2008
don't want go fill form, if nt consider u want
he sits down and think what he want to have... what to eat leh?
then the shop worker brings a cup of coffee, and says: RM1.20 please!
that some 1, 0.0 : i never order any drinks yet...
shop worker: u dun want coffee, then go fill form, if not consider u want...!
think for urself.. i joke on the latest EPF announcement....
Happy Birthday List
Chooi Han & Raymond Khor- 10 Nov
Anil Benedict- 11 Nov
Clara Ho- 12 Nov
Andrea Cheong- 13 Nov
Chad Gan & Alvin Chwee- 14 Nov
Kitt Yap- 15 Nov
Pooi Mun- 17 Nov
Michelle Sit- 18 Nov
Jasmine Lai- 22 Nov
Jamie Tan- 23 Nov
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
First Nuffnang cheque
A BIG BIG thanks to NUFFNANG...
it took me 9 months before my first cash out in Sept 2008...
i wil go cash it soon... YEAH~~~ finally after days of dreaming when i wil get it...
Friday, November 07, 2008
"Birthday" celebration for CH
anyway, it was Me, Jamie + her mum, and CH.... donno where 2 eat, so v ended up in WK again... LOL~~~ the food came as usual, but then forgot to take any photo since my fren's mum was there, so also shy la...
so what her present was? a Pink Bag, + a Pink rose in a brown teddy bear box...

only can see the outside, coz after putting the present, forgot to take photo.... very forgetful this days...
since the box was 31cm X31cm X31cm... and she had class after that, and when she goes back, it would be rush hour, and she has to take public transport, so she ask me to keep the box, and her old bag first.. next week when her dad fetch her after class, she will get it from me...
she is using the new bag tat i gave her, coz just now Jamie and her mum keep asking change to the new bag... then help her move over her stuff...
O ya.. its an early celebration, coz her birthday is only on Monday...
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Malaysian dream?
Americans have their dreams? what about Malaysia then? can Malaysian even dream of changes?
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
squeezey squeezey up the bus
there was not much jam on the way road, just the normal traffic since its KL/PJ... but there was massive amount of people waiting for the school bus.. and the sun has come back out and shinning so so damn hot, maybe want to shine out wat she was owned just now...
anyway, fast forward from where people was melting away, coz many of us are "snow-man/woman" since like to talk so much, like can't kena some sun... then the bus appears:>>
and people all rush up, even faster than what u see on TV, when a star appears for the red-carpet picture.... and crowd around the side of the bus... it was like so many people, and people was pushing and pushing, and i nearly fell down.. to my right is girlS, and my left has a guy... so those girls on my right, push push push, coz the school bus door was considered to their left.... and so push push, and i was going towards the left, i didn't push back to the right, thinking that i can stil be steady, many tau wat those girls eat de, or maybe i had a small lunch... i was push by them, and pushing againts the guy to my left, and he was making so much noise, so i also made noise to those girls la... i think if it was a girl pushing againts him, he wil just shut up and "enjoy" maybe like a massage...
anyway, i was thinking o, don't people who come from richer family have a more systematic way of doing things? don't they know how to Q-up.. or is it, coz u r richer than people then no need to Q-up is it.... maybe coz every1 think its Airasia boarding where IF you pay more, u can hop on first.... making things worst is the checking of student ID since few days ago... where each time u get up the bus, some1 will ask for the ID... donno what happen, suddenly like tat.... maybe they want to use their labor to the fullness..
Monday, November 03, 2008
bump into frens day again
after that went to library to sit awhile, then went to class for consultation of the assignments... then off i went for some discussion which took quite long coz there was just so many things 2 be done.. but the time was well spend...
after tat went for lunch, and then back to wisma... use the comp there for awhile, then my fren said wan go lv5 the reading room to do some work... and i also was there... actually suppose to have a meeting, but can't find them so forget bout it...
at the reading room, i bump into some of my frens, tat i haven't seen for awhile.. and surprise surprise, i saw a girl tat looked like my ex classmate from high school... and it sounded like her... but i dare nt call her(she was sitting at the next table only), coz scared is not my fren, then paiseh d... then i took the courage to ask one of the person on the same table as her... then she turn to me, (coz i asked quite loud gua...) and called out my name... confirm is her lo... its been so long since i last saw u, Melanie Ng.... so happen she also come the same uni as i'm o.... wat a small small world... how small can a world be o... all the way from jb, yet end up in the same place... anyway, not the same course la...
also saw in the reading room are my ex-roommate, sharon kong, mandy, aili, and gang... then Joanna Ti, and Zi Jie... all was sitting around my table...
i think tats all gua... tired tired day....
so much things 2 be done...
Sunday, November 02, 2008
2 nov 2008
while waiting, met a guy from Philipines tat was also waiting for the same bus...
then v chit chatted....
from what v was doing currently, to things back in his home country, cost of living, of course not forgetting the transportation....
he then asked me something tat i dun think i would like to mention here...
anyway, he asked me bout clubs as well... and with clubs comes those things...
*donno wat 2 say la... so for conclusion, i think he is Bi-... coz he said he did both He & She b4... since Philipines is a much open minded country than here... (quoting him only)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
10 Promises to My Dog
1. My life likely to last ten years. Any separation from you will be painful for me.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
3. Place your trust in me--it s crucial to my well-being.
4. Don t be angry for me for long and don t lock me up as punishment. You have your work,your entertainment and your firends. I have only you.
5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don t understand your words. I understand your voice when it s speaking to me.
6. Be aware that however you treat me. I ll never forget it.
7. Remerber before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand, but that I choose not to bite you.
8. Before you scold me for being uncooperative,please ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I m not getting the right food, or I ve been run in the sun too long or my heart is getting old and weak.
9. Take care of me when I get old. You too, will grow old.
10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say I can t bear to watch it or let it happen in my absent. Everything is easily for me if you are there. Remember, I love you.
it is something similar to this...
She wants a dog, then she gets a dog.. The mum make her do the promises..then happy start, til she gets busy 7 years later.. & things start 2 change after she gets a bf.. Often neglecting it..
After awhile she notice tat she had treat it badly lately & apologize.. The death of it was the saddest part of all.. Many was tearing already..
Early years, very happy, play wit it everyday..
When it is old, she shut it out.. & got bz, then 4gt bout it.. It accompany though her life.. Always there 4 her..
So sad when he was about 2 die, & she said tat she was bz, can't rush back..
He hurt his finger, then the dog heal by making him play it again..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Day of 26 Oct
first i set off just before 12 for my lunch... then headed down to KL, sg wang to meet up with frens...
after finding a parking, and walking over, started singing bout 1.30 til 4... then chat chat chat, ended up in AC in subang before heading to Pyramid for steamboat BBQ at 6.30.. but had some misunderstanding, so v split up and ended up in Nandos... then walk awhile, drove back, ask my fren want go out or nt, coz just nw he was very unhappy over something, then i asked him call me back if he want to go somewhere.. after awhile, another fren called me, and said lets meet up with him.... so went over... and my day ends there.. coz reach home is deepavali d...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Block my car
i asked the guard to clamp tat car, but he said they left no clamps, coz a few cars have been clamp d...
waited until 1 something, then saw my fren going back, so chit chat with him... and i said my car kena blocked, he terus say, scratch the car la... if nt just crash it and come out... he asked where i park, i said behind, then he also said he park the most behind also... i was thinking, if its the 2 car tat is blocking the forward path, then i can go out d... then i asked wat car? he said the H brand lo..(2 blocking, 1 is P brand, 1 is H brand) then i said, good lo, u go out, then i also can go home d... Happy happy... reach my car, he saw it, "where got people park like tat de o, number also never leave, too much la... B****or B*x X"
he throw the bottle againts the car lightly lagi... hahaha... i wanted to make the alarm sound de....
anyway, just left a courtious note for tat car owner...
i was thinking, dunno is it a retribution coz i argue until very heated this morning in class with my group mate. then my fren wrote the paper, and it flew away as soon as he finish it... LOL
God has his way.... why not GOD, U GIVE ME TAT CAR LA.... i'm sure can drive it better than tat person, and if i park like tat, wil leave a note(which i always do now, if i feel i wil block people)....
O ya... before going, i shall announce the Glamorous car plates...
NBX8228-satria neo
and the other car tat park alongside my frens car
kembara WLJ 2883
(my fren said he park first, before the kembara came and block the path out)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
6 bloody Assignments + 3 scary Presentation
the break down and its due date wil be written, and can be seen til i hand up all of it...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Studying at MCD
they was studying of the girl, who has a little bit look of my fren, can't even concentrate gua, coz every few minutes, she will turn to the tv and see the football match... why choose a sat night where there is a match, and so noisy to study at MCD... study at home better ba... coz all also had earphone on... maybe study together will make u study ba...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
DESCO ball + Poppy Garden
just got back from clubbing at Poppy Garden
DECSO annual ball @ Flamingo by the lake... the food and atosphere is just ok ok only... the fun part is always after tat... which was clubbing down in kl..
the last time i went with a big group was after the Foundation ball @ Maison...
so i ended up in Poppy, which was the place tat i had always wanted to go... went there after Quotto @ Avenue K was packed with people and it was already almost 1.20am....
so headed over to Poppy Garden which another big group was there...
open at least 4/5 bottles of Dewarts 12...
dance dance dance and more dance... most of us drink til quite high, then automatic dance de... only not tat many girls lo....
good experience lo... damn alot of people.... pack till full full.... i did puke a little, coz ate too much at the prom + now drink...
after tat went to mamak to cool down a little @Jln Yap Kwan Seng
@ 5.05am, just came out from a cold shower.. damn refreshing now, but head stil a bit pain, coz drink quite abit gua... and its been a long time since i last went... & my housemate just got back from Beach club...
Just some of the photos... can't post so many, if nt post sure load very slow
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
給懂 〝珍惜〞的人
因為當他離去時 …一切都來不及了 ……!
2. 遇到可相信的朋友時… 要好好和他相處下去……
因為在人的一生中 …可遇到知己真的不易 … !
3. 遇到人生中的貴人時… 要記得 好好感激 …
因為他是你人生的轉折點 …!
4. 遇到曾經愛過的人… 記得微笑向他感激…
因為他是讓你更懂愛的人 …!
5. 遇到曾經恨過的人時… 要微笑向他打招呼 …
因為他讓你更加堅強 …!
6. 遇到曾經背叛你的人時… 要跟他好好聊一聊 …
因為若不是他 ……今天你不會懂這世界 … !
7. 遇到曾經偷偷喜歡的人時… 要祝他幸福唷 …!
因為你喜歡他時 …不是希望他幸福快樂嗎?
8. 遇到匆匆離開你人生的人時… 要謝謝他走過你的人生 …
因為他是你精采回憶的一部分 …!
9. 遇到曾經和你有誤會的人時… 要趁現在解清誤會 …
因為你可能只有這一次機會解釋清楚 …!
10. 遇到現在和相伴一生的人… 要百分百感謝他愛你 …
因為你們現在都得到幸福和真愛 …
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
6110 "hospital" bill
masuk "hospital" at 4 something, then the guy said wil check it and see what prob... then 6 something before i came home, coz went to MPH to lepak awhile see see books lo...(for my assignments la, see can get any idea or nt) then i just pop by to see how things is progressing, and he said it is done, can "discharge" liao... so happy...
they upgraded the firmware to 5.11 from 4.x... and this "hospital" bill made me poorer by rm50... :'(
anyway, while in the shop, just had a look at those phone around me... falled in love with the E71... hahaha.... any1 wanna buy it for me....
saw the N96 also... dun so like, stil prefer N95 lo... but if got people giv, i wil also use la... coz its suppose to be better than N95...
Monday, October 13, 2008
if u like some1, no matter how u look at her, she is also beautiful.
even when she is digging her nose~
会是什么呢!别说你很想知道 我也很想知道啊!
呵呵····我也不知道在她眼里我是什么!或许什么都不是 或许她也看我像西施~~人要乐观点
有些人错过了 就一辈子也无法回头了!
情人啊 ,俩人互相看啊``
i got this answer from varies sources...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
i'm just more to the quiet side thats alll... when i "mix" together, u wil just wonder when i wil even shut up again... =p
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.i dun see people by their looks.. those pretty r normally not wat i want...
if i' attractive then why am i stil single then? coz nobody dare to be with me ma~~~
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.i just jump right into a relationship, but when i decide to do so, it will be very fast...
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.well siad i guess.. but i dun mind trying out with people tat loves me... who noes i might love them more than they love me in the near future... hehe...
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.just try my best ba...
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.GOAL: earn the most money in the shortest time... don't every1 wants tat.. other than those "elite" people...
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from to measure success???
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.LOL~~ image building is important, and i'm who i'm... not who i wanna be... coz i believe every1 is unique..
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.matured? dare not say lo...
i can giv advice if asked to, but i seek advice from people also... infact consistantly...
hit on target again----> my heart
Friday, October 10, 2008
ur mum is always wiser
tat time, i just finish my SPM and hunting for Uni/college... all over the place, including Singapore and Australia.
so along the many conversation tat v had... i said i thought of going to Singapore SIM/MDIS, or other uni college in Singapore. of course i had been dying to go to australia for my tertiary education la.... and one of the line tat i remember clearly til today is "if i send u go Singapore, i might as well send u directly to australia, coz both the exchange rate is almost the same(tat time was 2.2/2.3 vs 2.65) not very huge different unlike aus and UK or even euro where it was 4+), just that australia is an additional air ticket there, which i need to fork out twice a year(return).
after 2 year and 7 mths in KL, i am still here... and the exchange rate has been running... the gap of exchange rate between singapore dollar and australian dollar are much closer, and singapore dollar is now higher than australian dollar... therefore, if i had gone to singapore to study,it might have cost more than what i thought... (pissss, my aunt in singapore had asked me to stay with her, if i studied there, and i think i would have grad by now, coz dip ma...)
Thursday, October 09, 2008
6 hours of non stop singing
we started our session from 3pm all the way til 9pm....
started out with 8 of us, and later 3 more join us after their work.
i think v sang at least 100 songs, the list of songs on waiting list was always full til the very last song...
just to list them:
-77 sister
-xiao nv sheng~michelle
-mei meng
i noe some of u have sing even longer, but this is the longest i ever sang outside my own house, and in the same small room...
Monday, October 06, 2008
i feel tat 2day like i nt so "lucky" lo.. my sore throat started last wed, til now stil haven't got better, in fact it became worst, my throat is just so pain.... pain til i very lazy want to talk... and morning coz pain, so i just pop a penadol before class, and i felt so sleepy after tat..
in the afternoon, my phone suddenly broke down, and it really can't even start-up... the screen just say start-up failed... just feel like crying man... worst of it is all my calender entry is inside... i hope i dun miss anything la...
and at the night market(pasar malam), i was Q-in up to buy something, and when i turn, i saw my last ex, at a store nearby... i dun think she saw me, but it was definately her, coz i won't mistaken her for some1 else... and some more the person is a close fren of hers, so i lagi sure its her... i didn't call her, nor sms her... she dun even need to noe gua... she got the freedom to go, i also can go my own way then... i dun think she wan me in her life also ma...
i think tats my day til now... hope my throat will feel better after this....
*i have quiz whoch carry no marks 2moro, and haven't seen much of it yet..
Friday, September 26, 2008
Bar code numbering
i saw this somewhere, and it say that a bar code other than for stocking checking and controlling, pricing, it also can tell u where the product was produce.
the front few numbers represent the country where the product was produce.
for example: if produce in Singapore it starts with 888; malaysia is 955; main land china is 690-692; America and Canada is 00-13. and the list goes on... u can have a look HERE. the list and site is in Chinese wordings.
A malaysia bar code:
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Free condoms
first time i go asia cafe for lunch... and it was so so so damn pack with students from those uni college...
anyway, saw the Gossip08 booth over there, and also one of their partner, Durex..
over lunch, my fren said she saw this dress which was made out of condoms... and YA.. it looks pretty nice, and should be nice to wear, since its cooling, and should be comfortable, since u won't use something tat is not comfortable when u do eham eham... LOL
after lunch, just went and have a look, not like i haven't seen it b4 la... and yeah, they was givin out things as welll, including CONDOMS... they was the red colour durex, in a big bowl right in the middle of the table... well, i DIDN'T take any OK....
1. coz my fren, a girl was with me...
2. i DUN use it yet la...
3. since i dun use it yet, and it has expiry, so why not let those who use it take more of it =p
ok ok, i just took some of the things, which was paper product, and technically, the person gave it to me... my fren didn't take any, maybe coz she shy gua....
o ya... the condoms was individually packed, like those of what the girls use monthly samples....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Piss off by people
so i just said, dun wan eat liao... and walked off. they was already finishing their food, and there was like no place for me to sit, so i dun wan "table crash" lo.... her fren did offer to pull a chair for me... O ya... i so flaming coz she didn't even say sorry or anything... like nothing happen...
after tat, went to the bank to get money to pay for my fees... then went to pay the money, the lady at the counter was like, "wait a~~~ not enough people working.." and i waited there for a good 3-5 minutes if its nt more than tat..... the good thing is at least she acknowledge tat i'm there la... wan pay them money also need wait so long....
after those things, i met my frens who was doing their discussion around there, then they ask me join them sit lo, since i was alone, so go tapao McD and sit there eat, while they discuss... til my next class at 2pm...
i think when u dun pay so much attention to a single person, maybe GOD will let u meet those people whom u haven't seen for quite sometime...
saw people whom i haven't met for quite awhile including, Hor Ying(whom i met on a bus last time, and didn't seen her after tat few times), Jing Yan(my ex housemate), Melissa(from HELP CG), and my bunch of frens from Foundation(Jas, KM, PL, Gorgan, EW, Sarah+++++) i think tats all ba...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Need you? Love you?
i need you, because i love u.
which is it?
and wat each mean to you?
* i noe many blogger also have post similar post on their own blogs... i just happen to see it somewhere else,other than on blogs...
Friday, September 19, 2008
How did OK came along?
just now i heard on radio that OK came along to be use in our everyday life from battles... in ancient times, after a war, when their is no casuaties or any of their people killed, they will leave a board with 0(zero) Killed... and after awhile it became OK, like what we use everyday...
do u guys or gals heard of any other stories from how it came along to be used today?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
new pick up line for girls
then shocking i turn around, and saw a girl.... (lately coz i in new classes, so meet many new people and new faces, and haven't been able to match the face to the class yet, unless i talk 2 them few times...)
and this girl is an unfamiliar face leh... so i look like 0.0
then she was like so shy that i could see her face turn red.... and looking to her side, seeing her frens sitting at the study table there.... so blur, coz she actually got the wrong person...
then her frens(2 guys), just keep teasing her, "so desperate to look for new fren 0...", "wan noe people then just go talk 2 him la" blah blah blah...
and she got so embarrass that she she went away, and never came bc... maybe too shy liao.. wait i leave then only she wil walk back ba...
after she walked away, one of them said, "after all she is stil a girl la" sure will shy wan...
all this while, all of us was just laughing non stop... of course, i was laughing facing the computer screen la....
btw, the guy and me had different hair colour, wearing different colour of t-shirt some more... and he was just sitting at the desk behind me(my back is facing his side)...
moral of this story is
always look at the surrounding and see if ur fren is stil there or nt...
make sure its ur fren before calling, when in doubt, do take a peek first...
Friday, September 12, 2008
New hair cut + colour
well, went to Cut my hair, + decided to give it a new colour... want a new look gua...
anyway, after cut and washing, first time got 2 hair dryer blowing my hair together, 1 on the left, 1 on the right... maybe not many customer, so 2 person can dry my hair together lo... after that, i only saw another girl which has slightly longer than shoulder length hair, had her hair blown dry by 2 person also... cutting out other things, had the colour that i choose, i think is medium copper something... but its not copper red like the last time.... coz i see their copper red, like very red o... if nt i might look like chilli padi... =p
then the hair was under heater, i think tats why its called, coz it was so hot... after that wash it off and applied treatment... then my head was steamed... like in the microwave... haha....
in total, i had my hair washed 3 times... tats alot within 2 hours...
what u all think?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
why did the chicken cross the road?
For the greater good.
Karl Marx:
It was a historical inevitability.
Because of an excess of light pink gooey stuff in its pancreas.
Jacques Derrida:
Any number of contending discourses may be discovered within the act of the chicken crossing the road, and each interpretation is equally valid as the authorial intent can never be discerned, because structuralism is DEAD, DAMMIT, DEAD!
Thomas de Torquemada:
Give me ten minutes with the chicken and I'll find out.
Timothy Leary:
Because that's the only kind of trip the Establishment would let it take.
Carl Jung:
The confluence of events in the cultural gestalt necessitated that individual chickens cross roads at this historical juncture, and therefore synchronicitously brought such occurrences into being.
Jean-Paul Sartre:
In order to act in good faith and be true to itself, the chicken found it necessary to cross the road.
Albert Einstein: Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
To actualize its potential.
If you ask this question, you deny your own chicken- nature.
Emily Dickinson:
Because it could not stop for death.
For fun.
Ralph Waldo Emerson:
It didn't cross the road; it transcended it.
Johann von Goethe:
The eternal hen-principle made it do it.
Ernest Hemingway:
To die. In the rain.
Werner Heisenberg:
We are not sure which side of the road the chicken was on, but it was moving very fast.
David Hume:
Out of custom and habit.
Jack Nicholson:
'Cause it (censored) wanted to. That's the (censored) reason.
Pyrrho the Skeptic:
What road?
Ronald Reagan:
I forget.
The Sphinx:
You tell me.
Mr. T:
If you saw me coming you'd cross the road too!
Henry David Thoreau:
To live deliberately ... and suck all the marrow out of life.
Mark Twain:
The news of its crossing has been greatly exaggerated.
Molly Yard:
It was a hen!
Zeno of Elea:
To prove it could never reach the other side.
To have turned back were as tedious as to go o'er.
To get a better view.
BaDaWy: coz it want to go home and sleep
Ah Mat Is Ma L: coz its a squatter... going back to its own place
Na jeep: coz i going to bomb it with my C4
Ma Ha Tail: chicken mudah lupa
Ling gam: it looks like a chicken, sounds like a chicken, but i not sure if its a chicken
An Wah: because it wants to cross over
What other people would say, or wat would u say?
do feel free to leave ur views...
abandon yourself
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
10 Sept post- Japanese
so people started to ask each other who it was... and it happen 2 be a girl... LOL... but not those kind of girls that u r thinking la... i feel she look more like Chinese...
anyway, why when people see a person who is from JAPAN, their eyes will go big big, like never seen a Japanese b4, especially if its a girl...
Those happen during my last class for the day... 2pm til almost 4pm 's class...
anyway, during lunch time:
Meet my former classmates from foundation, miss km, jas, ee wei, sarah & gang outside wisma, as i was going some place where my fren is already there for lunch... they was wearing something that they never wear b4... a mixture of Lala, with those super high stockings. skirts, high heels(coz my this fren nv wear this 2, very very rarely seldom). it is really very seldom they will wear like tat... i thought the world had change all of a sudden, so slowly, coz its been awhile since i last saw them... i went to different course after Foundation, while ended in April 2007. they said they decided to wear something "out-standing" and different from their normal things today...
as i was crossing the road, i then saw another 2 frens from foundation as well crossing the road... so i chit chat and walk with them, since v was heading to the same place... then another 3 person from my previous course, walked in the opposite direction, then they said i talking to girl dun wan choi them o... so i stop and talk awhile with them lo... then after my lunch, met another fren tat i seldom meet in college...
What a fruitful day... met so many people from my previous classes...
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
money no enough 2
i will just write wat ever comes into my mind in no order follow the movie... there was laughters, followed by tears, and sadness...
starting with how people say that Singapore will sure not be able to make it, wat more prospere...
then they complaint of all the ERP along the roads... (every successful man, must really have a woman with him, its true)
i feel that a mothers love is the greatest of all, nothing can beat it... and that in times of desperation, we can do anything, and will do anything to save the person v love most, including giving up our life. then thinking of yan yan who did whatever she can to help her husband... (woman's r nt busybody, they just wan to help out whatever they can, and always have the best interest for us..) after coming out of the movie, my fren said, when i become an accountant, would i be like yan yan or not. commit CBT... or be tempted by money that is offered to me to do up the accounts that is untrue. hoping that all those studying accounting and auditing around me, dun do that, and be strong.. do wat is right only...
remember the old lady, my house got some1 like the old mother in the movie... repeat everything over and over.. and keep forgetting things... would v be like them in the movie, or will v just throw them aside... will v be able to care for them?
and remember, family always comes first, especially those who are the closest to us, our sons or daughters, then our parents maybe, depending on how u put it...
it shows from how they started out, then made it big, invested so much on it, and lost everything... my fren was saying, is they lost everything in the movie, how sad it would be... and truely, Jack Neo really maid it so...
i really can't bear to see the scene where they move her here and there... and let her sleep outside/inside the toilet... will i clear up the "mess" that they made, by peeing on the bed... how would i react to it after that... really make people think a lot..
I love the songs inside the movie... if anyone has it, do pass them to me... thanks... just leave a comment or someway, and i wil contact u.. thanks a lot in advance...
Monday, September 08, 2008
NO Exams~~~~
all the subjects are 1 Individual work, and a group work+presentation...
bad thing is, i must be in good groups, with people who knows wat 2 do lo... and make sure that nobody screws or fuc*ed the work.... which mean that i must choose people carefully ba... pay more attention to the assignments and make sure it pass "QC"lo... i'm having 3 classes, with 3 different group of people ba... which mean that i would be doing assignment with 3 different group of people... which has its pros and cons lo....
Saturday, September 06, 2008
愛的宣言 Love declaration
It does not envy, it does not boast,
It is not proud, it is not rude.
It is not self seeking, it is not easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trust,
always hopes, always preserves.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
i am going to somewhere far far away
My own heaven where i can try to get away from the frustrating, trouble-always, worries and more worries, world... i was force to give this all up, and let another person come into it...
like in every beginning, the promise was sweet, and said that is would only be short and temporary, and very soon, u will have ur own private space back... but currently, it has not made any progress... and it is dragging on, like nothing happen before this...
How can i stil have my own private, peaceful space, where i can hide my own secrets in... (everybody has their own deep secrets that they wants nobody to noe... don't u say u have non of those!)
can i stil have that kind of spaces, now that some1 has come into it, and sharing the same amount of space? i need some private space & moments, and some privacy of my own, before i chock to death in no time...
the next best thing to do is to get away from all the worries and trouble, to a place far far away, where life there is care-free and i need not depend on anyone... nobody keeps bothering me, and having to give in to people always...
Monday, September 01, 2008
Ice Skating- 1 Sept 2008
this is the best and of course the longest i ever skated... i fell ONCE, yes only 1 time la... its pain OK... fell, and slide on the ice, which was watery and almost forming a pool of water...
a girl crash into me, while i was stading at the side(inside) of the rink. she hold on to me, then a fren( Viva_[something]) ask me go hug her, then she can be more stable ma... ^.^lll
of course i didn't la... me shy shy :rf: and later i crash into a girl who was skating beside me. she tried to pass from the left to the right(i was on the right side of her), and i knock her and lost my balance, she then just stopped and keep apolagising to me, when she was not to be blamed.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Penis Not long enough
Wanting to embarass her, the boss said "Penis".
She entered the password as per his instructions and almost died laughing at the computer's prompt.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Test drive new Honda Jazz
After looking at the display model, and trying out the new things, I decided to ask if the test drive car is available, and saw that is was just park outside, so I and the SA hop into the new Blue color Jazz, JEJ 2. It is the V spec car with the rm3000 optional accessory, except the fog lamp. Starting the car, I notice that the engine noise can hardly be heard, and the cabin is very spacious.
Changing the gear into D… off the car goes with me steering it. The turning was pretty easy when the turning circle for it was only 4.9M.
Once on the road, I gently press the paddle and there is gone…. On the dashboard telling u all the normal information like your current speed, RPM, the fuel tank, engine temp, and additional to it is the digital meter telling u how far (km/L) that u can go while driving at this speed and the way u are driving now, and below it is another thing that tells u the average fuel usage (also in km/L) of the car.
With the control panel on the steering wheel, and the paddle shift just behind it, (spec V), it is very easy to control as your hands won’t have to leave it to change things anymore. The paddle shift comes into nice and good use while in S mode…
- on the left and + on the right that allows u to change gear like we are driving in Formula One. But just let the car gears be controlled like formula one car, and not its pattern of driving and its speed on
Pick up is powerful and its response is quick, as it is powered by SOHC 4 cylinder 16 Valve i-VTEC, 120PS at 6600rpm; 145 Nm at 4800rpm.
Sitting and driving at the driver seat gives u a good and wide view of the front and back. The pillar A (front) has been move forward by 122mm, to give a wider view of the surroundings and also more internal room.
Depend on the color that u want, in this case, I ask bout the blue, and the SA said should be able to be on the road in 1 month
The optional accessory that is priced at rm3000, is quite worth it as u get many more things like the fog lamp, that is said to cost bout rm700 if purchase separately.
If I was to buy it would be Spec V + Optional accessory (rm110k+ rm3K)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Olympic Games
Minister: What are the events that u thinks our country can try and win some gold medals in?
Athletics: Badminton, Cycling, Shooting, Swimming, Boating, Hockey….
Minister: Those are the usual sports that we are still unable to get the gold medals. Is there any other sport that can be added to the games, and will sure get us the gold medals?
The minister was still looking worried…
Then someone said: I think maybe if we added something like riding a motor and snatching something, our country will sure win the gold medal, we might even do a clean sweep of it….
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Lin Dan is so Happy
Why make man before woman
Well, maybe this short story will tell u why....
One day a little boy who has just gone to school, ask his dad:
『Daddy, why did GOD make man before making woman?』
『Maybe he didn't want to have a woman talking non stop beside his ears when he was making man, that's why he made man before making woman!』
Disclaimer: It is only suppose to be taken as a joke.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
Once in a thousand years
A day that hardly come by
去年也在故居写了一篇 070707
Last year there was 070707
以为今天的 080808 会有特别的记载
Hope today 080808 will hold special memories
But i think there is nothing much
Just wanna Cheers~~~ to all my friendships
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
World Youth Day 2008 @ SYD Experience
Airbus A380
SYD International Airport
Kilaben Bay
Nelson Bay
Salamander Bay
Central Station
St. James
Circular Quay
Olympic Park
Opening Mass
Papal Arrival
Station of the Cross
St. Mary's Cathedral
$5 Rice with 1 dish
& Many many more
Might be release in parts
Friday, July 18, 2008
Last time marriage is Forever and ever; now is see how long can last.
Before marriage is see accurately ; After marriage.
Monday, July 14, 2008
ONE LIFE revolution- My Experience
You've ONE LIFE Do Something
My Name was John. And i was born in malaysia.
It all begin with me in my house. I was from a poor family in a village. My father had to go to other place to work for our living. and my mother had to bring us up by herself, alone. Although i was still young and small, i knows that mum misses him alot.
One day, mum receives a call saying that dad had an accident at the work place, and unfortunately, has passes away. at the same time, mum was also very ill. she was so weak that she can't even get up from the bed. everybody was staying away from her as she was very ill.
as mum and us make cakes and cookies for a living, i had to take over everything including all the house chores.
soon after that, John's brother met with an accident on the way back from school. he was knock down by a car. and when we rush to the hospital, it was TOO LATE, he had passes away. the doctor then asked that the whole family do a HIV/AIDS testing. (sorry, my mind was reading story, so i did not pay attention to the voice narration.)
(While in the waiting room waiting to do the test, i could hear loud heartbeats from the earphone, and my heart was also beating so fast, that as if i was really going to do the testing.) (imagine if i was to do the real testing, i would freak out ba...)
So there i was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital waiting to do the testing. When it was my turn, i walk up to get check. And unfortunately, i was tested POSITIVE. [in the story ONLY]
Then in the earphone, sad music was playing. Nobody wants to be tested positive. Audio said:"You can be brought out by someone who test negative, and they must bring u by the hand." The guy beside me tested negative. but he didn't bring me out... :'( the stigma of HIV/AIDS. after sitting awhile, i walk out to the next room and story ends.
John & his mother tested positive and is now receiving treatment. (Names have been change)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
I'm leaving on a Jet Plane
Im ready to go
Im standin here in my room
waiting for my fren to come fetch me
Soon i would be off to the Fine City: Singapore
and off i go to AussieLand
for the World Youth Day
So, hug me and pray for me
Tell me that youll pray for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
22 July Ill be back again
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
ONE LIFE Revoluton
near Jaya 33
One Life Revolution (OLR) is a unique walk-through experiential exhibit. Visitors put themselves in the shoes of three children who have endured extraordinary hardships because of HIV/AIDS and trafficking. It is an interactive, personal audio-visual journey that lasts approximately 20 minutes.
I just went for it. Didn't want to miss it yet again... its really good...
Good work to World Vision Malaysia, Malaysian Care, MAC
*I wil post my experience and my thoughts after this show ends. as i dun want to spoil ur experience there.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Pill to become young again
one day, over a meal, his mother told him that a new doctor has recently moved to this town, and that he gave them a pill that would make them young again to eat. it is said that 1 pill a day, would slowly make them young again.
as Tom was busy with his work, he didn't have the time to visit his parents, so after many years, he visited them again. when he reach the airport, he tried to look out for them. but looking around he didn't see anyone he know that was suppose to pick him up.
then he notice a young girl waving at him, but he don't know her, so he continued looking around. then the young girl, carrying a baby in her hand, walk up to him and said: "I'm ur mother la..."
he got a shocked and took a few steps back. the the young girl said:"remember few years back i told u that a doctor gave us pill that could make us young again?", "the pill worked, and that is why i'm a young girl again."
Then Tom said:"then how about the baby then?""is it my younger brother?"
then the young girl said:"no la, it is ur father."
Tom:"how is it possible?""why isn't he a child like u r?"
young girl:"he want to become young faster, HE TOOK 2 PILLS ADAY"
Friday, July 04, 2008
3 legged chicken
Man:"Hello, how can i help u?"
Guy:"well, i saw a chicken 3 legs running into the bun beside ur house, does it belong to u?"
Man:"ya, the 3 legged chicken belongs to me"
Guy:"why the chicken has 3 legs?"
Man:"it has 3 legs, coz myself, my wife, and my son loves to eat drumstick, but a normal chicken only has 2 legs, so i manipulated the chicken to has another leg."
Guy:"well, then how does the chicken taste like?"
Man:"I have never eaten it before. IT RUNS TOO FAST TO BE CATCH."
Thursday, July 03, 2008
badawi [baa-daa-wee] (noun)
the word,
badawi [baa-daa-wee] (noun):
To start something full of promise but end in disappointment, failure and/or disaster.
Example: ' i'm trusting you to preform this task well; don't do a badawi,ok?'
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Seoul Garden BBQ+steamboat
1 JULY 2008
Half a year of 2008 has pass, now is second half
2 quarter of 2008 has pass, now is the third quarter of 2008
What has u done for the past half year?
What has u achieve?
What is the happiest moments of this period?
What is the saddest moment of this period?
No matter what it was, lets look forward to the future. make good use of it. use it wisely. dun regret anything in the past, make the future a beautiful one...