Monday, October 29, 2007
Me & dears 2nd Date
then thought she was there d,... then wait as she was caught in a jam along federal... wait til 5something she only reach... then we bought ticket and headed to MidValley... then just walk arond awhile before going for dinner at Food Junction(food court la~~)...
after dinner, we walk around MidValley, then we went over to The Gardens to have a look... really look like Pavillion KL lo.... except i feel its like smaller... maybe some of the things are not open yet gua.... but 1 word: HIGH-CLASS place...
Sunday, October 28, 2007
My First date with dear
then we waited for the bus shuttle to the curve
after that we went to borders bookstore for awhile...
after that we went for lunch at Kopi Oh in cineleisure.
then walk walk awhile, then headed home.
came to my place to study awhile before dear went back at 4...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
the world is mixing
Indian + jewish= hinjews
Filipino + Holland=hollopinos
Cuba + Iceland= little ice cubes
French + Greek= freak
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
妈妈:因为蚯蚓弟弟会钻土 大地会保护他啊。
此外 我们应学会珍惜
*english sub will be added soon
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
It was his bright idea and mega vision that we have Genting Group, and more importantly Genting Resort World where we can go up for a cooling breeze.
The Star
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Cari gathering
this is the happiest Cari gathering that i have attanded so far....
maybe coz this time, i know more people before the event la... so got a closer feel than the previous 2 gatherings...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Saluma Theather Restaurant (Next to Zouk)
20 / 10 / 2007
6.00 pm

And of course, the most important thing of the night, the AWARDS...
The TOP award which is the "Top Gun & DKSH Award of Excellence".... went to LC UPM... gratz...
The most progressive Award was won by TBS
The Special Recognition Award went to MindValley...
There was also various sponsor
Platinum: DKSH
In-Kind: Loreal Malaysia, MindValley, Nestle
Award: Accenture

Coming back, we took the SMART tunnel and we ended in sg. besi, and then we just follow the road, in the end we ended up in town, just beside Stadiam Merdeka, and the court house... all the way back into the city... and out again... we had a tour of the night of KL...
Friday, October 19, 2007
Busy day...
Its the eve of AMAN which is the annual Aiesec Malaysia Award Night, and we have to do a performance, so those who are going will be preforming tomorrow night... and we had the ONLY practice today at 1pm... sing sing sing... til about almost 3 gua...
then after that some of us headed down to TBS, which is Taylor's Business School in Petaling Jaya? or was it Subang Jaya?
then we just grab a bite opposite the college... the food really cheap leh, only rm5 for a set meal.... is a piece of meat + plain rice... free Ice Lemon Tea... worth it lo...
then we headed to the place where we was there for... o ya, before that did i say, that we "lost" our way... and we found the place, because we thought we was far away from the correct place... we was actually just 1 road away from TBS, and i thought we was at Taylor's PJ... LOL... Btw, there are 3 Taylor's there.... PJ, Subang ( with INTI & Metro), and where TBS/ADP is...
the lift in TBS is like quite slow as compared to HELP's... =P
ok, we was there for the "Election" of the new Executive Board(EB) of Aiesec TBS.... it is like a interview, where the applicant will "face" a "panel" of people and he/she will have to give a speech, and a Q&A session... thats round 1 i think... round 2 and beyond? i donno what else la...
after that wasted so much time waiting for bus....
From a bus stop in Kerienci- 15 minutes
From kl sentral 30 minutes, bus stop there driver donno go where, 10 minutes
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Cell Phone vs. Bible
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it as we traveled?
Wha t if we used it almost everyday of our lives?
What if we start using it as a prividge?
This is something to make you go...hmmm...where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cellphone, we don't ever have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill!
Jesus had no servants, yet they called Him Master.
Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher.
Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer.
He had no army, yet kings feared Him.
He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.
He committed no crime, but they crucified Him.
He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.
Feel honored and priviledged to read His Word as we ponder upon what our LORD has done for us
If you believe in God and in Jesus Christ His Son, pass it on.
If not ..... Just ignore it. But be aware that In the Bible, Jesus says:
If you deny me before man, I will deny you before my Father in Heaven."
Friday, October 12, 2007
Selamat Hari Raya
as i won't be going back to my hometown, coz i don't want to "fight" for the limited number of tickets that are available in the market... and also to save cost la...
so this is my 2nd raya away from home.... yes, yes, last year i was also in Kl... it was so empty...
so to all those that has made it, congratz... and those who have cut corner during the fasting month this time round, remember that Allah noes what you have done...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Bus prob again
just now, on the bus i was coming back on, has voice guide, which means it will tell u where the next destination is, what is the route of this bus, then it will also say sit properly, the bus is taking a turn, the bus is stopping, the door is closing, please do not stand near the door... not bad though, since it "speaks" in English, mandarin, Cantonese, Malay.... GOOD for RapidKl
BUT~~~ the person's English sucks... dunno what kind of English was she speaking, even the people from china was laughing... the mandarin was ok, so is the Malay... the best was of course Cantonese la... she also use wrong English grammar la...
next is, the route of the bus is wrongly played... yes, its all recorded... it was saying this bus goes from Kl sentral to Time square.... got pass sg. wang, and so on... wat a disgrace la.... how can u play something when it is not right... don't tell me where u driving also donno ke...
next is, the thing wil say, sit properly, the bus is taking a turn... LOL
Monday, October 08, 2007
[转帖] 有种思念不叫爱情
超越了爱情和友情的感情,就是这种思念。 找一处心灵的港湾,你可以放心的去停泊。
Thursday, October 04, 2007
A new beginning
to be more exact, its been 1 year... last 4 Oct, i and Julie had a quarrel, and we have gone our own path since then...
i have on some nights, felt lonely, and wanted a companion or someone whom i could talk to...
some nights, i would go out with fren, but if I'm at home, i would normally be on9...
sometime, seeing people around you, dating and going into a relationship, you would some times wonder, am i that bad that nobody wants me? or maybe its just your "Mr./Miss Right" is not here yet... then again, how would you know it that person is your Right? there is no way to tell other than experiencing it by your own...
some times i find life is a little boring, no because it has no music, not because there is no one who cares about me... not because i can't go out either... then wat is it that is missing in life???
Maybe its Love, or the joy u gain from a relationship...
some times you just hope that it will go on forever and ever...
when u don't have one, u would wonder when it would come...
maybe even i also didn't see it coming my way,
because i'm not that nice looking, not the dream type of guy that girls would look out for, neither am i that good in my studies...
i'm also the shy type of guy, who would just sit there quietly, and don't really mix around much of people... maybe its just my personality... i prefer people coming and sitting with me... and when the conversation starts, i wouldn't want to end it... =p
on the other hand, when i'm online, i tend to talk more, as people can't see me, and i can say most things that i want... life online is much nicer than the real world out there...
i didn't noe that i would meet "you" there... maybe its just fate that brought us together...
sms-ing you every other day has become a habit of mine...
at the beginning, we were just another fren in our circle of frnes... but after 1 month, it has change a lot... not as simple as before... haha...
with how many people you could actually, just chat on and on and on...? (introvert type)
the more we chat with each other, the more afraid i'm that we are heading towards separation...
love has neither right nor wrong... some times, we just don't need to think so much, and just trust each other, and we will be able to overcome the many challenges in our life's...
i hope that we could journey together beyond the 3 months... not because i call u, 乌龟妹,
but because ur previous relationship has not been able to get pass the 3 months mark... hopefully this time, we could get pass it together.... (3 months & 乌龟妹 is from a Taiwan drama series called wei xiao Pasta, which there is a curse that the girl's relationship with any guy won't be longer than 3 months...)
although we are both still students, and we seldom get to meet each other, most of the time, just sms-ing each other to keep it going...
I believe that Fate will bring us to the future,
even if we are not together till ripe old age... at least we have been together before, and may it be a memorable memory in both of our life's....
(adapted from her blog)
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Challenging your world view
- Do you think sharks fin should be remove from the menu in Chinese restaurant, so that not to deprive the sharks from living in the sea freely? so that the number of sharks will be able to increase, and eliminate the cruel way of cutting its fin and throwing it back into the sea..
- eating of shark fin should be reduce NOW, because if we continue to eat it without control, we might nt be able to eat any more of it in years to come...
- sharks only have "fun", not more than 5 times in their whole life time(+/- 70yrs) [ariff?]
- by turning to other "fake" kind of things, like the vegetarian sharks fin which taste the same if not better than it... [adelia]
- do you think that the restaurant really give you real and pure sharks fin, they most likely have mix it with other similar things that taste and smell close to the real thing.... [ariff?]
- Legalizing abortion, so that people are able to abort their baby in legal clinics/hospital, instead of resorting to backstreet clinics, that are not "professional"? and might even kill both the mother and the unborn child? do you think legalizing it would help in reducing the number of backstreet clinics?
- abortion is not to be done in the eyes of god, and it goes against the teaching of many religions
- why have "fun", and not don't want to be responsible
- abortion is killing of an innocent life.... its cruel...
- that a person is more likely to be recruited by a firm/company if he/she graduates from university that is situated overseas...
- they still mix with "their" own type of people, go out and do stuff together, where got mix around with the locals, got also not that much
- that a person, be it male or female is more likely to be recruited by a firm/company by how they wear... eg: A & B both have the same qualification, and both are being interviewed for the same job. and A got the job, because of how she wear.
- first impression is important
- u can't judge a person just by looking at how they wear only... just like you can't judge a book by its cover
- to get a job, is the qualification and the skills, not by how they wear